This was posted 7 years 5 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xiaomi Mi Smart Wi-Fi Remote Control Multi-Functional Gateway AU$25.06/US$19.69 @ GearBest


Following pacsman post on Xiaomi Smart Wireless Switch/Button earlier (, you need to have xiaomi gateway. I somehow asked GearBest StoreRep in another thread and GearBest StoreRep has very kindly provided the coupon for the gateway.

Original Xiaomi Mi Smart WiFi Remote Control Multi-functional Gateway - XIAOMI MULTIFUNCTIONAL GATEWAY WHITE
price: AU$25.06/US$19.69
coupon:Minny1011 expired
PS:Limited to first 100 stock ,1 times per account,AU,NZ only! - possibly less than 100 stock now

new coupon: Minny1027
thanks to iTzTeFish here

Update (8/11):

new coupon: oysbank
thanks to jayzee and Gearbest rep, 300 more available

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closed Comments

  • +2

    do you think you can get me a code for the Xiaomi sensor

  • +1

    Thanks bro!

  • probably will pick up another… can only connect 30 devices to the gateway
    once i add all the light switches, that will easily take me over

  • +13

    this is all getting too complicated

    • +1

      next minute, you'll need to buy a Xiaomi GateKeeper…….

  • Thanks OP, was waiting for this one, they are AUD 35 on Ebay.

  • +1

    Would be 99 when you posted this as I orignally asked for and got the code for this:

    • +1

      thanks Minny… that's probably why the code is Minny1011 ^_^

      I think you should be the one getting the credit for this post.

      @Moderator, is it possible to transfer the post to Minny??

  • Damn temping but I'm hanging out for the kit

  • Anyone have these working with google home?

    Thinking of doing zigbee switches -> mi gateway -> google home.

    • Would need to be zigbee switches -> mi gateway -> Homeassistant/Domoticz/OpenHAB

      Think of google home as more of a side componant

    • +2

      Instead of using Mi Gateway
      The better approach is:
      Zigbee / Z-Wave devices -> Samsung smartthings Hub -> Google Home

      Samsung Smartthings now "unofficially" support most Mi Smarthome gadgets (eg. door sensor, motion sensor etc.)

  • Reckon it would be cheaper buying these smarthome security components individually in deals or wait for a deal on the whole security kit?

    • I just get the components I need, as opposed to the kit
      Kit is good so you can try out all the difference pieces

      • +3

        This( one has all the components I want. I would love to get it a $45-50 AUD

        • Yes please. Can someone with those epic bargain negotiation skills tee this up?

  • Anyone know if this is the "upgrade" version?

    • This is the v2. It is smaller than v1 and has a in-build speaker
      However, currently the in-build speaker can only play radio stations in China

      • +6

        It plays quite nicely here in Australia. But only stations from China ;-)

        • LOL. Yes you are absolutely right! :)

        • Is there a Chinese state propaganda channel that's broadcast in English ?

      • with home assistant.. I believe you can trigger the built-in speaker to play standard or custom ringtones

      • this worked for me

      • Looks like you can get radio to work, but its a bit of an effort.

  • This gateway is good but the only issue is
    it can only be used with MiHome China Server

    However, for Yeelights to work with IFTTT
    They need to hook up with Singapore server

    Since both servers don't talk to each other
    you can only choose one or the other

    • You can use it with the Singapore server now. Apparently not as feature rich as China server though.

      It's showing up in my list of devices I can add, just haven't gotten round to adding it and testing.

      • That's good news

        I just open my Mi Home app now but still can't see the Mi Gateway under "All Devices" section
        May try to add it manually tonight and see

        • Are you on the latest? Try clearing the app cache. It took a few attempts at switching servers and clearing app cache/data for it to show up, along with a whole lot of other products..still with Chinese names though.

          Edit Here's what the new list looks like:

          I'm on Android. App v4.2.5.

        • @TheContact: or use mi home app for gateway set on China then the yeelight app and set to Singapore.

        • @TheContact: I have successfully add the Gateway to Singapore server via Android latest version
          However, when I click on the device icon, it cannot initialize
          It can only detect that the device is currently online or offline

          Probably still need to wait Xiao Mi to fix this up

  • +5

    op. any chance of a deal on the complete set?

    • Would be amazing to get a code for this set

  • I have a few yeelights but nfi what this thing is meant tp do and the links seem pretty lacking of info?

    • +1

      This is pretty much nothing to do "directily" with Yeelights
      It is to communicate with the Mi gadgets that are using Zigbee such as
      * Door/Window Sensor
      * Temperature/Humidity Sensor
      * Smart Plug (Zigbee version)
      * Motion Sensor

      However, By using Mi Home app and other Xiao Mi Gadgets
      You can set automation rules
      eg. When Motion is detected, turn on Yeelights

  • Xiaomi everywhere !!!


    • haha… I just started when there are xiaomi deals lately… especially being left out for the USB light and fans :P

  • Can I add both codes to cart at same time (for sensors and gateway) or need to do two seperate orders?

    • +1

      you need to do separate orders… it's only one code per order.

  • Does this replace using the Xiaomi mobile app on your phone? Doesn't the Singapore server control whether my lights go on or off? What is the role of the Gateway? I thought Xiaomi devices used a Cloud service instead of a hub.
    Sorry, I'm just confused.

    • My very limited understanding is that the Xiaomi devices talk to the Gateway and the Gateway talks to the App.

  • +1

    Damn just went through the checkout and when I went to pay, the price went up. Now says code expired…

    • Pretty dodgy when they raise prices like that

  • Hi, Does anyone know if the xiaomi smarthome system can conenct more than one gateway? will this confuse the system? I want to use more than one speaker to sound the alarm since i would like to have a siren placed outside the house as well. I couldnt find just a siren for this. So im wondering if i can use another Gateway.

    • +1

      Howdy Discovolante. You can use more than one and you can link up the alarm for both.

      I currently have 2 gateways that sound the alarm and a siren.

      The siren I created using the on/off xiaomi power point and a usb socket and a siren:…

      I picked the above since it was $2.80 and couldn't find a cheap direct to a/c siren. So since the siren comes with an Audio jack I cut off the end and wired it together with an spare usb cable.

      Works flawlessly and is incredibly loud.

  • Expired already???

  • Its been ozbargained already

  • I refrained - currently using LIFX lights, logitech harmony and considering either an Amazon Echo or Google thingy.

    How would this one integrate (if there's another deal)?

    It's a nightlight too - heh.

    Just starting to wonder how many 'systems' is safe to let have access to my home network!

    • You can't intergrate with Google or Alexa out of the box as you need to run via China Servers.
      Best thing you can do is run your own server anyway on a Rasp pi.
      This allows:
      Intergration of different eco systems.
      Not relying on someone elses server / internet connection.
      and is more secure for your data - you wont be punching holes in your firewall for a million different services.

      • Thanks - I've got a couple of raspberry pi's at home. One already busy, but the Pi Zero is not presently in use!

      • +1

        I'm interested in doing this as a project and learning a bit of coding along the way.
        Is there a particular raspberry pi model suggested for it? It was easier to choose when there were less options.

  • Be aware of Gear Best dodgy coupon system. got the missus to buy one and charged Credit card $40.20… Order in account of Gear Best says $34.35. When she put coupon in it said $25.06

    Order cancelled.. hopefully refund on the way or at least difference… Convenient their live support offline too.

    • paypal is your friend

    • I would always use paypal to purchase things if site accepts it.

  • +1

    Missed. This is quick. More to come?

  • hope some more codes are released

  • Do you need one of these to control the Xiaomi: Yeelight Smart Light Strip??

    • +1

      Nope it can work without the gateway. My understanding is the gateway is primarily for ZigBee Xiaomi products (that don't directly connect to WiFi) and also to extend the functionality of existing Xiaomi WiFi products (such as the Yeelights) with automation tasks. So for example, you can buy one of Xiaomi's Door Sensors and set up a task where whenever the door opens, the Yeelight must turn on. And for that to work you need the gateway. Without the gateway, you can still control the Yeelight via the app as it connects via WiFi. Hope that makes sense :)

      • Cool thanks!! Ordered a Yeelight a few weeks ago and still waiting on delivery and was wonding if i also need this.

  • +2

    brr - was just about to purchase this. Can I have more code???


  • yep i missed it, would fancy another one or two.

  • No idea what I just bought or why?! I also bought some of the Xiaomi smart buttons. Can I somehow use these together to control my WeMo bulbs and/or control my Arlo system? The whole smart home concept seems to be a confusion of different protocols that don't play well together. I'm told the answer is to buy a Samsung Smart things hub or similar which will solve all these issues. Can anyone provide any guidance? Anyone aware of a good website that explains all of this?

  • I obviously need to change jobs so I can order stuff online at work or simply give up work and go full ozbargain.

  • +5

    Minny1027 - new code thanks to rep

    • Boom. Can confirm it works. Thank you based rep.

    • Thanks mate!

  • Anyone game to sell Home security 5-in-1 for =fifty dollars(*pieces)??

  • Thanks have ordered this gateway. Now just after those sensors: door; window; human; humidity.

    Could use a few human motion detectors for a yeelight strip and bulbs also on their way.

  • +2

    YES! Finishing work after midnight finally pays off. I usually get home and see that all the codes were used by the time I get home. hah!

    Cannot wait to set up the Yeelights with the sensors, so that the lights come on and go off when the kids move around.
    Came home tonight to lights on in 1 hallway and 5 rooms FFS!

  • +2

    Does these xiaomi products work on private network as opposed to the internet? Has anyone tried that? I am keen to try out home automation items but wouldn't prefer connecting them over the internet.

  • +1

    Damn! My internet kept dropping after accepting the code. Now it's up again and it's saying that the code has expired.

  • Got one, thanks. Code worked for me.

  • Thanks rep, new code worked. Got one.

  • Code has expired, it seems.

    • +1

      Use the new code.

      • Done, 3rd code/time lucky, thanks.

  • +2

    Awesome, Finally got one of these !
    Please support this deal with some sensors, plugs and other accessories so i can use it haha

  • Anyone know how to get in touch with gearbest rep? I keep getting refunded for purchases on gearbest for no reason. I have b tried several times to open a ticket and never get a reason. I seem to manage 1 initial purchase on a new gearbest account and they ship that, but after that they just refund every purchase without reason and the account is worthless after them :( really frustrated… :(

  • Hey All,

    Does this come with an external power adapter/cable or does it directly plug in? Just trying to figure out if I will end up losing yet another socket (all my in-walls are double).

    • From memory you will loose both in a double as it is pretty wide. Does not need an adapter

  • Thanks OP. Got one using new coupon.

  • Damn, just missed out

  • Back in stock, thanks to jayzee for heads up.

  • So my brand new Gateway will not show up in the Android MiHome App as a device. Ive tried to reset it countless times, but to no avail. Also in the app If I try to add a device manually nothing shows up in the scanning menu and in the "Add device Manually" No devices are listed at all even if I try to search.

    I can see the lumi-gateway-v3 wifi network in my setttings so I know its on.
    Any help?

    • Try Mainland China server

      • It is mainland china server.
        It seems I can get it setup on my old iPhone 4 but the second I move to my nexus 5X All the devices dissapear

        • Turns out the newset version of the app Which is needed to conenct, is not avaiable on AUS Google Play, you need to download it from APKMirror

  • Is this the best price right now?

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