HTC Vive - $899.10 delivered for anyone interested.
HTC VIVE from Microsoft eBay Store - $899.10 Delivered

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The question remains, Rift vs Vive?
I'm hedging on purchasing because the Rift now includes the touch controllers and plays both platforms easily with Re-vive.
Can someone list the pros and cons for each headset or maybe give some additional insight into why we should pick on over the other?How's the quality compare with the PSVR? I thought that was pixely as hell.
Order the pimax instead. They have an "8k" model releasing in February providing the kickstarter goes as planned. Features 2 4k screens so its not real 8k but its still leaps and bounds ahead in terms of resolution. There has been many demos that have been very positive and have said its much clearer than both the vive and the rift.
I will probably sell my vive and grab this.
How in the world does VR leapfrog from CRT quality to 8k!?
It's physically enormous.
I've read that its not as great as its hyped up to be, suffers screen door, lag and the resolution isn't as good as it sounds as the field of view is larger or something… I wouldnt be holding out on that, could still be 2 years until you get it in your hands even if it does deliver what they promise…
I think I read that too back in early days. I think recent prototypes and demos have been more praising. The dev also said that the lag was a bug that would be resolved but we shall see.
Either your source material or your interpretation of it is incorrect.
1.Pimax have multiple models, BE,4k existing and 5k, 8k, 8k X via kickstarter. All models have less screen door effect (SDE) than rift or vive.
2.Lag existed in the previous 4k model due to the LCD.. (but not BE model as it is oled). The 5k,8k, 8k X kickstarter models were updated with a custom LCD panel that has hardly any lag compared to their older models.
Older models:(note..BE and 4k don't have an in built tracking method) has 110 degree field of view
Pimax BE - 1440p native
Pimax 4k - 1440p upscaled to single 4k screenKickstarter models: (kickstarter models support tracking and has 200 degree field of view)
Pimax 5k - 2x 1440p native
Pimax 8k - 2x 1440p signals upscaled to 2x 4k screens
Pimax 8kX -2x4k native (geforce 1080ti is considered minimum and might be underpowered to drive this)..Consider that the vive and rift have Lower! resolutions than any of the above..and only has 110 degree field of view.
If they deliver as promised then it should be in your hands around May or June 2018..
They are still in their prototype stages and their version 3 prototype will be next week and as of the version 2 prototype reviews have been very promising..
Also if they hit the 3 million pledge will include eye tracking.. I'm a backer and I think it is well worth it. Vive is already old technology and HTC are looking to sell off their VR business which does not bode well for its future. PS i have access to rift, vive, fove, psvr, and Pimax BE
I'd still be waiting until after the release before getting on board with it. I have a Vive and I think it's fantastic and easily worth $900.
@Aneurism: Yeah I haven't looked into the Pimax for a while, just some initial stuff a while back so may have improved.
Even so I wouldn't hold your breath on that release date. I back tonnes of Kickstarter projects and I don't think any of them have been delivered on time, and the ones that get delayed the most are usually tech projects and sometimes they are delivered over a year late, I think the bigger brands will have released new versions of their VR headsets before the Pimax gets released.
I hope it is successful and awesome, I would definitely buy one if so, I just have my doubts about seeing it mid next year.
Pimax are on their prototype 3 which they are demonstrating. They are only kickstarting this for developer publicity and promotion.. So I believe they can get the 5k and 8k out in reasonable time. I think there might be delays in the 8kX though as there hasn't been a demo of it. I've backed about 20 kickstarters so my expectations are tempered.
I hope it is successful and awesome, I would definitely buy one if so, I just have my >doubts about seeing it mid next year.
It won't be available commercially until a few months after kickstarter backers get theirs. So if it goes to plan,. it probably won't be available at retail til 3rd quarter next year.
@Aneurism: I hope you'e right! Ive backed projects with "working prototypes" before and that doesn't guarantee a schedule release at all… I've even backed projects with "working prototypes" who ended up failing to deliver completely…
If bets were on I would be betting on a early/mid 2019 public release on the Pimax.
@Aneurism: I'm considering an oculus now, or one of these later.. I've been burnt on kickstarter projects before, so I'm not terribly keen to sit around hoping for something to happen.
Obviously your choice, so fair enough. Kickstarter always should come with a risk disclaimer and concerns are always valid.
Personally, I think they can get this product out within reasonable time because they have already working prototypes of the 5k and 8k..(and light house base..but still need to do the revised knuckles version2 controller).
They have experience based on their past BE and 4k models..and for me I trust that they can get this done in a reasonable time frame.
Personally I hate the binocular look and feel of restrictive 110 fov, and low legibility (yes it is possible to supersample which helps)..but there is also SDE..which is why I think Pimax.
I have rift and even though i'm not much of a gamer I say go for the pimax if you can afford it. Current gen HMDs have limited resolution and FOV that I find very umm.. immersion breaking
- They have an "8k" model releasing in February providing the kickstarter goes as planned
Being aware that this is ozbargain I figure it's best to mention that the
full packaged 8k is $799USD+$40USDshipping $839 USD = ~1085AUD and subject to duties which might freak out some people here.The Full 5k model is in it's early bird stage at $649USD+$40USDshipping = $689USD ($892)….
If I had to I only had $900 bucks to spend and had to choose between the pimax 5k or vive , i'd take the 5k full package. Although if I had more I'd go the 8k.. Personally I backed the 8kX because I have a 1080Ti but i'm not even sure that will be enough to run it.
True, i was trying to find out more about the 8KX model but not much info seemed to be available. Also running a 1080ti so I also would lean towards that had it still be available to back.
Yeah I'm an earlier backer of 8kX as I'm pretty sure it will fit my needs. For the most part I want to use it for virtual desktop and big screen. Ideally if i can use it with flight, racing or space sims that would be great too..1080ti definitely will work perfectly fine with the 8k model though.
Woah! Slow down there pimax fans!
As gamers, you should know better than to get too excited over a pre-order! Let alone a hardware one… on kickstarter…
It's still months and months before we'll know if pimax is a rift-killer, or a thousand-dollar No Man's Sky.
I've read a review online too, but there's a biiiiiig difference between a proven product from Valve/HTC or Oculus with users and a prototype with a few informal reviews on the internet.
Exactly what I was thinking lol
Vive, I can't imagine VR without roomscale. The Oculus's room scale is very much built for 180* and not 360*.
With Pimax if you don't need roomscale you can just use 1 base and that will be enough.
I don't have much faith in that project, can't recommend it.
That's fine, out of curiosity are you basing this out of your own experience and have you used a Pimax 4k or BE ?I have daily access to vive, rift, fove, psvr and other vr stuff. My experience is that they are underwhelming and that the VR landscape needs to shift a lot more. To me Rift is like the Palm Pilots of this generation of VR and Vive the Nokia..
I bought both. Although, I don't have the touch controllers.
Overall, I find the Vive to be much, much better. It's a much more immersive experience. The field of view on the Rift isn't as good and it's noticeable, but I do like the Rift headset better, it's easier to put on and adjust. The Rift tracking isn't that great when standing, maybe it's better with the second sensor?
Not to mention that not buying a Rift means not supporting Facebook :)
From what I understand the touch controllers are generally considered superior to the Vive's controllers.
I'd say either is probably fine with the balance tipped slightly to the Rift mainly on price.
Some of these are my subjective opinion that others might disagree with but
Pro of Rift:
-Slightly superior Headset with built in headphones
-Touch controllers more ergonomic
-Oculus Store and SteamVR supported
Con of Rift:
-Constellation tracking requires USB bandwidth, and USB hardware may give frustrating compatibility issues.
-360 or roomscale tracking requires purchase of 3rd or 4th tracking cameras, making setup a bit more complicatedPro of Vive:
-Lighthouse tracking does not require usb bandwidth and only 2 units to set up roomscale
-Maximum roomscale size larger than rift
Con of Vive:
-Cost including extra if you want deluxe audio strapI'd suggest that a Pimax 5k or more expensive 8k would be a better purchase at that price range.
Pro of Pimax 5k
-It just beats rift and vive spec wise and has 200 degree fov and higher resolution.
-It comes with newer lighthouse v2 bases and controllers (if pledging for the full package)
-Reviews are goodCon
-It is a kickstarter and due 1st quarter next year.
- Materials superfically won't feel as good quality..
- It has usb c connections..(if your computer doesn't have it then you'll need to find an add in card)- correction i think in it's current iteration it uses usb3 connections.. Although I do hope they switch to usbc for extra bandwidth and power.
Rift requires 3 sensors to be awesome, I have it and love it but with two, some hand movements lose tracking, which is annoying.
Room scale vive still better but both units are pretty good
so if you not into much room scale then get the rift
I got the vive because I like room scale, tempted to get a second for spare partsI have a rift and using it in a 5*3 room with 2 sensors working fine all depends on how you set up the sensors if your going larger room scale would say the vive but if you can wait it out there are plenty of new Vr,s coming out from samsung,primax,acer,microsoft and a few more.
Except MS are putting a massive Australia tax on the Windows MR sets :)
$449 usd ones are $799 aud in the Australian MS store.
As a comparison, the new Xbox is $499 usd in the US and $649 aud in Australia.This is really annoying as there inbuilt tracking and better resolution are what I was after.
Vive = lighthouse tracking = worlds best and open platform. Already another two headsets using lighthouse about to hit marke from different manufacturers . Lg hmd and pimax hmd.
Rift = constellation tracking = closed platform = no upgrade options. Even oculus dumping it and not using it on new headsets, Go or Santa Cruz
Pimax will be using the newer v2 lighthouse version base.
I had a thought a few months ago about how to increase FOV of VR goggles without needing massive screens. If you were able to use an inverted dome shaped display for each eye whereby the lens actually protruded inside the dome itself (think of a ball going into a cup shape), perhaps you could then use some funky lens correction algorithm to greatly increase the FOV over traditional flat screen tech and make it all look undistorted.
Basically each screen would envelop the lenses to some degree.
Anyone ever heard of tech like that in VR?
Not sure but if it was viable and price effective then I would have thought it would be available. I believe they keep costs down by leveraging off existing panels that are in general circulation.
Oh yeah, it would have to be a custom screen, basically a circular half hemisphere screen with concave shape that the lens fits into. If you were a company like Occulus or HTC or Sony though I'm sure they could get the numbers if it was a killer feature.
My question is really whether anyone has already thought of the idea, but that would be hard to tell as most talk would be behind closed doors.
Not only would it have to be custom, the biggest factor will be the ppd (ppi/degree). I imagine a decent one would be outside of most peoples budget.
@Aneurism: Very true, I had thought that would also be an issue with present screen tech.
Edit: Back in 2015 Samsung were working on 2250 PPI screens.…
I upvoted this deal but if you buy a Vive now then there is a risk that in a few months time you will be wishing you had waited for the Pimax 8K, it has a chance of being a Vive-killer. The current prototype sounds pretty good -,3…
Get a new phone with Daydream compatibility, it is the cheapest and most convenient way into VR.
I need to get a higher paying job.
Apparently you need a spare room for the vibe.
That rich, aye? Wow, should have finished my University degree. I knew I would regret it one day and that day has come.
Finally pulled the trigger on this..
Will update when I receive,
I have been waiting for the other Devs headsets for ages, but just couldn't wait any longer. I have no doubts that they'll be better than the vive and probably slightly cheaper.
If it comes down to it and I'm not happy with the vive, I'll sell it off and accept my losses and buy whatever is the new best headset.I've been reading about the pimax 8k, hate how they call it 8k when it is in fact two 2k (2560x1440) screens 'scaled' up to 4k each.
Would still no doubt look better than vive and oculus, but would require a beefier GPU.I'll be running a GTX 970 and i7 4790 with my vive.
Fair enough reason. Hope you have fun with it :)
The following were youtube comments of Pimax 5k and 8k testers that used a prototype that did not have manual IPD adjustment yet.(prototype version2)
VRS welcome reception 24/10/2017 Test session francisco demo reviewer 8k - Prototype Version 3 video was recently uploaded by them showing that it now has manual ipd focal adjustments. In theory, this should mean demo testers will be soon be able to fine tune the hmd to their ipd..which should eliminate the bluriness that some previous testers might have seen as they weren't able to adjust ipd previously.This newest prototype will be demonstrated from 26th Oct in NY more reviews should spill over onto the net. My guess is that they will be even more positive.
Good deal, if I am not mistaken I think all new vive buyers receive fallout 4 VR free in December.