Thanks daver (see his comment) for new code twang1026, much better price!
Limted to first 300 stock ,2 times per account,AU,NZ only!
Back down to the best price I've seen so far. Coupon can be used 100 times, one use per account. AU, NZ only.
Thanks daver (see his comment) for new code twang1026, much better price!
Limted to first 300 stock ,2 times per account,AU,NZ only!
Back down to the best price I've seen so far. Coupon can be used 100 times, one use per account. AU, NZ only.
Can this be used with Google Home? mainly just to ask GH the temperature etc
Not without a lot of time and effort, a Raspberry Pi and the Xiaomi zigbee base station unit.
In case you are that enthusiastic, I think you could do it following these rough steps:
I'm up to step 5 of this process, but finding the instructions difficult to follow.
ordered one to do just this. Haven't hooked into google assistant voice yet though, been setting up duckdns.
If you do find some doco (or create your own) be sure to post back. I'm at step 5 so keen to get this going.
This is a good price for these sensors!
You can check out:
Official docs for Home Assistant:
This thread of discussion (start from the end):…
I've been looking over those but haven't got it working yet.
Can't help you with the aqara since it'll be at least a month before I get it but I just got google assistant working with home assistant, I am using
Step 1.
Step 2. Test that you can access your hass via internet eg.
Step 3.
Lots of steps but pretty simple.
Read that 2nd link from 2be8 too because not all services are supported or something, lights and switches will work. I'm havent fully set it up yet, just tested voice control of power switch which self populated and worked perfectly.
time + effort = me giving up lol
It's not too hard. Home Assistant has an image that you write straight to the sdcard. Most of this could be done in under an hour.
@elitistphoenix: Setup in under an hour, but editing the configuration.yaml and automations and getting new things to work can take many hours. I speak from experience, but then again may be im just a bit thick
@eug: and also counting everytime you press the space bar to make sure there isnt a sneaky extra one that has broken the whole thing
@jackwoz: Couldn't agree more. I'm still working my way through the config, skipped a bit and jumped straight into voice control though. That's all I wanted HASS for really since I have a few devices that aren't available on google assistant/home yet.
@zorrt: I want to sent HA up for the amazon echo but im not quite brave enough yet, but its on my to do list, when i have a spare 20 hours
@Rutger: I use notepad++ but i always think that nice simple change i made in the automations surely should be right…..nope
@jackwoz: I believe emulated hue still works for the echo. Look it up in components on how to activate
@zorrt: I didnt know that existed. However, for my lights i have mostly LIFX that work with the echo anyway. I generally want to get the echo working for notifications etc. Eg. 'The garage door has been left open'. Im currently using lannouncer, but i would prefer a different method.
Not without a lot of time and effort, a Raspberry Pi …
stop there. If you have the Pi, just add a $3 sensor module, e.g.…
But that wouldn't address whether this can be used with Google Assistant.
Yes, the DHT11 would do the job fine, and it is supported by Home Assistant so you could still rig it up for Google Assistant.
plus it's not wireless, there's generally no point sensing the temperature at the location of your pi
Wonder if it would be easier with OpenHab and Alexa?
I haven't used OpenHab, but Home Assistant supports Alexa as well (
Honestly, I suspect that Alexa would be pretty similar in terms of effort between Home Assistant and OpenHab, but I expect that Alexa is easier to set up that Google Assistant/Actions based on the documentation I've read so far.
I got it working and yes it was a bit painful as I did it before they added the ssl and duckdns stuff.
Have you enabled SSL with a valid self-published certificate?
Checked that traffic does get through?
Use a phone on 3/4g on your duckdns ip, with port 8123 specified. If not then you have to enable virtual server or whatever in your router settings and send all port 8123 traffic to your Pi's internal IP (can't remember if udp or tcp, send both). Using the pi's internal IP will now it's not secure btw.
Using a device linked to the account you signed into Google Actions?
On the Actions on Google site simulator page clicked phone/Google home then started the test?
Remembered to start it on the device with "talk to <app>"?
I can't even remember what problem it fixed, maybe SSL, but in configuration.yaml under http add the port
eg base_url:
I've got SSL, dyndns etc all set up. Traffic is getting through. Mainly it's just me finding my way around the google developers interface, and time. :)
Got it working. In between last time (a week ago, maybe?) and this time, I think the documentation was somewhat updated.
Heres a recent blogpost that I read on home assistant subreddit. Hopefully it helps you or others :)…
Thats a great tutorial, i wish i had seen this when i started
My phone can do the exact same thing. Not sure how accurate my phone is, or this though.
your phone doesn't have relative humidity only broadcast.
I this use to keep my humidity constant, it's been working so far :)
I have these in evey room of the house. I’m going to connect these to an OpenHab2 server, then use these to get an accurate average temperature. Then I’ll feed that information into my ducted Daikin system to cool or heat the house accurately.
They also measure barometric pressure, I’m installing one outside to put these on my house also.
At the rate I'm buying them, I'll soon have one in every room in the house too.
I've already got Xiaomi RGB globes throughout.
Just remember 15 zigbee devices max per gateway. Unsure if a hardware of software limit or not.
Thanks. I did not know that.
I also didn’t know that. Can we run 2 Xiaomi gateways?
@Burnertoasty: With Home Assistant yes.
Unsure about other software.
It is just zigbee devices not wifi ones like the yeelights.
If you decide to switch to HA then good news is someone has already started a project to integrate with your aircon. If that's not the right one for yours then IFTTT is always an option (though I prefer my stuff to be able to work without a working internet connection).…
@Rutger: Yeah, I've seen that, but it doesn't look like a lot of progress has been made. From my understanding Openhab2 and HA are pretty much identical in functionality, but OH2 has more supported devices, and a much better GUI. That's important to me, as I'll run a tablet in the kitchen to compliment my Alexas.
@Burnertoasty: Once you've set up groups in Home Assistant, I'm not sure that the gui is very different between OpenHab2 and Home Assistant. Having said that, in order to set up groups in HA you need to wrangle with yaml, so maybe that's a big difference.
which gateway (or kit) should I buy to work with this?
Any kit with the Xiaomi Gateway
The Xiaomi Smart Home Multifunctional Gateway ( is the centrepiece because it provides the bridge from Wifi to Zigbee.
I personally became addicted to filling my house with Xiaomi units by buying this: - got it for about AU$62 from a deal on here.
Just one warning though - different units can have very different behaviours - e.g. I have two door sensors - one's the 'Original Xiaomi Smart Door and Windows Sensor' and the other is the 'Xiaomi Aqara Window Door Sensor'. One triggers the alarm, the other does not. I can set both up to send me notifications, but the behaviour is just subtly different.
Likewise, there is the old and the aqara temperature sensor (this is the newer aqara). The Aqara one has pressure, the older one doesn't, but the older one shows up temperature and humidity separately in the app listing of devices, whereas you have to expand the Aqara one to get all the values.
If I were not basically pulling all the data into home-assistant, I would find it very annoying.
Went to order and said expired, then realised the code is old and I have already used :(
I got the code from the rep last night, I didn't realise it was the same code he'd used before. But I managed to place an order - and I had ordered one in September too, presumably with the same code. Maybe they sold the 100 units?
For those newbies like me, if you decided to purchase this device, make sure you have the Xiaomi Gateway to connect to.
I already got it delivered from previous deal, but I can't set it up like Xiaomi Light using the MiHome App.
So I need to "hunt" the gateway … unless…
there are smart people here who can provide an alternative solutions ^_^ (Thanks in advance).
You definitely need the gateway. There is no way round it. I suspect the Xiaomi lights you have use WIFI, in which case they are stand alone devices. The other Xiaomi sensors (like this one) etc dont use WIFI they use Zigbee which is a different animal altogether. Zigbee is very power efficient compared to wifi which you need, as all these sensors are powered off small batteries. You need the gateway to 'translate' the zigbee instructions to your WIFI.
The gateways a pretty cheap and open up a whole new world of cheap sensors.
No necessarily a gateway so yes there is a way around it.
A Zigbee USB stick can do it for example if you want to connect into Home Assistant or OpenHAB or similar.
You are correct, but for a newbie i see no reason why you wouldnt just get the xiaomi one
Thanks jackwoz…
could you provide link to "cheap" gateway?
If you just want the gateway only:
But i would recommend getting a kit:
Please note: I didnt hunt for the cheapest price
Expired? Makes the price go up for me…
Can we have another code please???? :)
NOW $2 cheaper, thanks to new code from rep:
Xiaomi Aqara Temperature Humidity Sensor - MILK WHITE…
PS:Limted to first 300 stock ,2 times per account,AU,NZ only!
Ordered a couple, code is current. OP or a mod if you can update the thread^.
Thanks, got two!
Thanks, I updated the post and gave you credit. Also ordered some more. Soon I'll have one for every room in the house plus the garage ;-)
Just curious but why do you need all those? And one for the garage??
I love my statistics ;-)
On a more serious note: eventually I want my house to be smart enough that it regulates the temperature with minimal use of electricity, mostly by opening and closing blinds and windows.
It is amazing though how much information a temperature sensor reveals, especially the one in the garage: you can tell when someone left the house (on a sunny day the garage is warmer than outside, so temperature will drop when the garage door is opened), or came home (the residual heat from the car engine will raise the temperature in the garage).
Amazing! Picked up two. Thank you.
Just a heads up , I just tried this code and it worked for me :)
Worked just now for me too. Love this xiaomi smart home stuff!
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