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5% off @ Bulk Nutrients


Was looking through the BN ambassador's social media accounts looking for a discount code and found one that still works.

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Bulk Nutrients
Bulk Nutrients

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  • off you mean?

  • So which protein brand is OzBargain favourite? Is it Bulk Nutrients or Optimum Nutrition?

    • +6

      MyProtein gets my vote. Example: Micellar Casein. $59 for 2kg at Bulk Nutrients. $47 for 2.5kg at MyProtein.

      • +2

        I was a long time customer of MyProtein due to their great prices which they definitely win at. The past few months I've switched for Bulk Nutrients for the flavor (MUCH better than MP), shipping (usually next day if you live in Australia) and disclosure.

        The big winner for me with Bulk Nutrients is the fact they disclose the amino acid profile of the protein. Good quality protein will have high levels (above 2.5g) of leucine per serve. Some companies will include high levels of the cheap amino acids such as Glutamine and Creatine and brag about the protein amount when in reality, it's crap.

        I've tried contacting MyProtein for the amino acid profile but they weren't able to provide. I'm not doubting their products, they're good, but it's nice knowing my futurewhey contains over 3 grams of leucine per serving.

    • MyProtein, after trying BN, ON, Rule1, Max's etc. MyProtein is by far the best bang for your buck. It isn't the best brand of protein by any means, but it definitely is the cheapest for what you get.

      • Just curious, what makes it not the best brand of protein?

        Personally I've only used bulk nutrients so I don't have anything to compare with. I'm always looking to optimise so would switch if there's something better.

        • +1

          So there is protein content per 100g, of which MyProtein scores relatively low, but is also relatively true to the nutrition value advertised.

          There is also taste, macro split, mixing consistency.

          Macro split is generally the next point of contention as some protein powders have a higher fat or carbohydrate content. Isolates yield a higher protein, lower fat/carb macro split. Some weight gainers or proteins are FULL of carbs and fats.

          Myprotein doesn't win any of these measures, but is definitely the best for the price.

        • @Unseatingcargo1:

          Makes sense. The reason I went to Bulk Nutrients in the first place was because of all the stuff you mentioned.

          27g out of the 30g scoop is protein, and very little carbs. Whereas the generic stuff I saw at chemist warehouse, you would need to take double the amount to get the same amount of protein, and it had high carbs.

        • Depends on the amino acid profile, not necessarily the quantity of the protein.

    • +4

      I really like Bulk Nutrients. It's made in Tasmania, and is Australian owned and made from a majority of Australian ingredients. They also have a good range of recipes. They also have very good prices (comparing the Bulk Nutrients WPI to the MyProtein WPI, Bulk Nutrients is still cheaper and also has cheaper postage).

      • +3

        actually not "made" - see bulknutrients.com.au web site under each product description

        • "Bulk Nutrients Micellar Casein is completely undenatured, sourced from Australian or New Zealand grass fed cows and dried using ultra filtration."
        • Whey Protein Isolate - "Over the last 6 months supply for our NZ WPI has been increasingly unsteady… Providing a consistent product is very important to us so we are now transitioning to cold filtered, grass fed WPIs from Ireland and the US."
        • Whey Protein Isolate - "Milk from grass fed, hormone free New Zealand cows. To maintain the purity of our natural whey protein isolate we ensure it is sourced from grass fed, hormone free cows and is GMO free. "
        • Whey Protein Concentrate - "We source our Australian Whey Protein Concentrate from Warnambool Cheese and Butter, it is produced from grass fed cows, has a great taste and mixes well."


        Good point from the above site "Generally, the most woeful results (with proteins as low as 40% pure when they are labelled as 90%+) occur from cheaper Australian based companies – looking at eBay here, with multiple culprits" - that is some companies use cheap 'filler' in their protein powder so you may never know what you are buying and you can't trust the label on the packet.

        • Some good info there, thanks for that! I didn't know that they were sourcing their WPI ingredients from elsewhere now (New Zealand is pretty close to us so I don't mind that).

          I guess 'made' is a very vague term - they're all 'made' in Australia, but a lot the ingredients are made elsewhere. If you get two ingredients made elsewhere and then mixed in Australia - I suppose that's considered 'made in Australia'

        • First I've heard WPI coming from Ireland, hope it's not laced with Whiskey :D

    • Venom protein are also great budget supplements too.

    • +5

      Gotta be BN in my books with price, reliability and taste, also helped bust the huge filler protein powder scandal couple years back with that shady af company NoBullSupplements.
      Paid for my testing costs and others and showed how shady that other aus company was.

      • +1

        Damn I initially went with Bulk Nutrients because they were the cheapest I could find in terms of protein per gram of powder. Plus very high protein per serve.

        But this makes me respect them. Have you got a link to the story? I would really like to find out more about it.

        • +2

          There was a thread on ausbb a while back with a lot of informal testing kits which had a lot negative results showing that NBS had not been providing the minimum protein quantity they advertised.
          But ausbb mods had no backbone and a letter from NBS lawyer nuked the thread. Which was a shame since we started getting more formal test results from NMI; mine included which showed conclusive results and actual percentage of protein in their products.
          Here’s an ozb discussion.

        • @KBZ:

          Thanks for the links man. That is shocking stuff. Not only did they cost people money but could have affected their health.

          I'm definitely sticking with Bulk Nutrients then.

      • Yeah I got done by NBS back in the day, right before a comp also, I blame them for my conditioning flaws!..

    • +1

      Been a big fan of Bulk Nutrients for several years. Great tasting flavours consistently, very competitive prices, but most importantly they are very upfront. Not sure if it's still ongoing but they offered free lab-testing of protein samples you sent in to see how much protein content you were actually getting.

  • Anyone know what whey protein would be good to take? There is whey isolate and hyper hyrolase which is quite more expensive. Is it worth spending the extra money on hype hyrolase?

    • probably not, wpi and wpc is fine

      • Delete

    • -1

      Also wpc is always best bang for your buck. Account for the slightly more carbs and fat than wpi and its the best option for everyone that isnt lactose intolerant. Wpi is more refined for a higher price, better for those with lactose intolerance but if your just scared of that miniscule extra of fat and carbs maybe another part of your diet should be looked at. Most people pay for excess of protein they dont need or use.

      • +1

        Thankyou for the input guys, went with WPI in the end as I want more protein content with as little fat as possible.

  • +2

    If you don't know what to get, grab Matrix+

    We'll priced and covers all your bases.

    • And if you don't know what flavour to choose, get chocolate.

      Can't Go Wrong.

      • I go vanilla with water for the gym, still creamy.

        I actually put it on weetbix and then use 50:50 milk:water and it tastes great. Keeps the estrogen down.

      • Protein powder chocolate tastes like someone's dirty rectum.

        Vanilla with water is the way to go.

        • +1

          You've eaten a dirty rectum before?

        • -1


          Was waiting for someone to say that. So much originality.

        • +1


          Well, I could sure see your originality when you say something tasting like shit.

  • Cheers! Been looking into this for past few weeks

  • Damn it… bought 10kgs last week after spending some time looking for coupon codes with no success :'(

    • +1

      same, seems like op has better coupunfoo than us.

  • +1

    Can someone in the know about all this stuff give me honest advice on the nutritional panel regarding BN's Earth Protein? It all looks good to me but i'd like a second opinion if possible before pulling the trigger.

  • If anyone wants some cheap(er) Bulk Nutrients ‘Muscle Food 101’, ‘Micellar Casein’, or ‘Protein Matrix’ then PM me - long story short = I bought in bulk and then got a long term injury so have excess unopened products.

    • cant pm cause new account, what flavour musclefood do you have? sorry to hear about the injury

      • 1 * 2.5kg choc Muscle Food 101
        1 * 2.5kg cookies and cream Muscle Food 101

  • I wish BN made proteins that weren't anywhere near as sweet.
    For those of us who've cut refined sugar out of our diet, drinking BN proteins is sometimes difficult.

    • Which ones are sweet?

      The ones I looked at seems to be pretty low carbs and high protein. The Soy Protein is 27g protein out of 30g.

      • I've tried their WPI, WPCs vanilla, banana, strawberry, choc-honeycomb and chocolate. Only the chocolate I find moderately palatable. I chuck them in smoothies to help mask the taste.

    • Get the raw one. It just tastes like milk.

  • If you aren't sure if you'll like it, grab one of the sampler or travel packs.

    Grabbed the sampler with my first order, and quickly found out I don't like the pea/rice earth protein mix. Better than buying 1KG and not liking it.

    Future Whey is great if you don't like the traditional protein shake tastes. Cola and lemonade options. It's a fair bit more expensive though.

    https://www.bulknutrients.com.au/bulk-nutrients-lab-testing-… <— This is why I like BN. Their prices are reasonable and the quality is as advertised.

  • +1

    Bulk Nutrients are the bomb 💣

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