This may be part of Sony's Technology & Entertainment Sellout at JB, or it could just be the new price, either way it's currently the cheapest you will find!
Sony PlayStation 4 Pro Console $469 @ JB Hi-FI

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It has been at this price for a while now - I am waiting for a package deal of PS4 Pro + something at this price
Yea, hopefully they will offer some ps4 pro combo deals in nov.
EB Games has the white PS4 Pro and Destiny 2 for $559.
Bought one yesterday. Tried to see if they had anymore NBA bundles left but in finished on Tuesday. Guy said the price was supposed to go back up on the stand alone pro yesterday but JB have extended the 469 price for two more weeks. Probably Sony pushing them to sell consoles and avoid people pre ordering XBX.
Really want to see some deals on slim version, pro does worthy this price to me. Any idea when jb would have some promotions on slim?
A PS4 Pro bundle @ this or lower with Uncharted or TLOU would be top notch.
Or Horizon ZD complete bundle.
This too. Dagnamit, I’ve got an XB1 but PS4 has more SP titles and I’m rarely if ever online for MP. But, having had F4, the additional mods on XB1 were cool so I don’t regret getting an XB1, and they both have their own merits so I’m not looking to start a debate. Still, PS4 seems to have more exclusive A+ SP titles but as much as I’d love to get a PS4 Pro, is it worth it over the standard? It’s certainly more powerful, more guts to the thing and VR looks fantastic but it’s justifying the cost in my own mind.
@Jawanzar: I have the regular PS4, and I'm enjoying it a lot and I mainly play the exclusive SP games. I want to upgrade to the PS4 Pro with a 1TB SSD installed. I've justified it to myself as follows, by dividing the costs over 4 years, the weekly costs aren't that much, $2.50 for me to upgrade to Pro with SSD. That gives me better visuals and reduced loading times, including when I fire up Netflix, which my family uses it for more than I game.
Since the PS4 Pro should be relevant for 4 years, divide the additional cost between PS4 and PS4 Pro and see how much it is per week to have better visuals in gaming… then justify a SSD also.
Well the xbox one x's fun value correlates very closely to it's processing power, so it's going to be the most fun console in the history of the planet. PS4 Pro is about 70% less raw fun.
Yeah I upgraded from the original awhile back it's been a great decision, since my original console sounded like it was about to take off every time I played. It's also a great deal because people are still trying to sell second hand originals for $200-$240, slims for $300 and the Pros for basically cost price. It's ashame it doesn't come with some games (for resale even) but most second hand packages are bulked up with very old games that are either purely for online and no one is on the servers or they just suck in general and eb will sell it to you for $5-$10 (I'm looking at you watchdogs 1, NBA 2K14, FIFA 14, and Infamous)
Also don't forget with PS Plus you get a bunch of free games every month that are sometimes the ones people try to bundle. I think last month had Just Cause 3 a game that is fun for a few hours but I cbf paying $38.00- $49.00 at eb games for due to its age.
Does it play 4K blu-ray movies?
None of the PS4 consoles support 4K Blu Ray. In the gaming scene only Xbox One S and Xbox One X support 4K Blu Ray playback
Thanks, that's disappointing, looks like we keep our old PS4 and next console will be the Xbox x I guess, haven't had an Xbox since the original one.
@ChillBro: Really? That might be worth getting one, I was about to order an Xbox One X. Cheers for the heads up.
I’ve stopped buying movies about the time Video Libraries all but disappeared. I’m surprised there still an interest in physical movies. Either way, it must be shrinking year on year right?
yeah, but its hard to stream 4k movies that havent been compressed to hell isnt it.
and most people still have poor internet speeds.
Any 4K streaming I have looked at isnt as good as what I have seen on 4K disks, I think.
@PVA: Apple TV 4K does an amazing job. However the bandwidth used playing a 4K movie is just so much.Apple keeps how big the movie is a secret.
You probably just don’t watch movies then.
@auna: thanks, are any of those HDR?
a proper UHD HDR movie will be 40-50 gig or so, I am assuming steaming ones are a lot less because they are compressed.@PVA: Almost all are also Dolby Vision HDR or that other one I forget. The new iPhone X will download a HDR 1080p version of the movie and be able to display it.
Yeah, there's a few android phone already able to do that.I didn't think there were many 4K HDR shows for streaming, that's what I was told for Netflix, plenty 4K but not 4K HDR.
Also don't forget with PS Plus you get a bunch of free games every month
And that makes them free?
Well you would have to pay for online anyways so it's a nice bonus in my opinion, and I also prefer the servers being maintained and working. You don't have to play online either but I enjoy playing with my friends and there are a lot of great multiplayer games to choose from.
But maybe just enjoy something that is included for once instead of nitpicking it and saying it isn't 'free'… hey you don't even have to add these games to the library you can just let the month pass and they will just keep coming with new content. Honestly what a system you get the console, get to play online with well maintained servers, and if you want… if you want just maybe, maybe you can hit the download button and enjoy a game you might have wanted for awhile or try something didn't think you would ever buy…
Yeah I'm being condescending but far out I just try to write out a helpful message to others who may or may not be in the market in upgrading or purchasing their first Playstation 4. I personally like peer reviews that actually have some useful information because the general marketing spiel I can find on any major retailer seeing the product.Because is a retailer going to tell you for a ps4 you should/shouldnt
- Don't buy the first model as it is loud
- Don't buy old games bundled as the servers are mostly empty for online
- The older games get released on PS Plus for FREE
- The older games are on the digital store and are a great price at sale time
- You need 1TB of storage as it fills up fast (most games are 40-60gb)
- The newer consoles have the new controllers (better batteries)
- The Pro Model is faster than the original and the slim
- The PS4 pro has an optical out the PS4 Slim does not
- The new coloured controllers (red, blue etc) are all one colour the old ones are black/(red, blue, etc)
- Buy plastic thumb stick covers from ebay to protect your joystick rubber
I even explained the second hand market and what people are generally asking. Thanks for the zero input though your comment will have helped many in choosing what to purchase in the future.
Because is a retailer going to tell you for a ps4 you should/shouldnt
Why would they? Mostly everything you listed is purely subjective and certainly doesn't apply to first-console buyers.
@Lorindor: (profanity) a majority of you Ozbargainers are of a special breed. Of course my opinion is subjective but some are also fact.
Don't buy the first model… is good advice because some of them are very old now and can't be quiet loud.
A lot of older games have less players playing. Ever look how many people are playing TitanFall One on the Xbox One?
1Tb… the console has a max storage whether you like it or not.. you can buy 500gb, 1TB or upgrade to whatever the software will currently allow; or the newest feature being having a external drive. So either you get the 1TB which is needed or you can spend extra money later for a new internal 2.5" hard drive or if you want it that bit quicker you can shell out for a SSD or SSD-HD but then you are probably spending too much.
The older games do get released for free as I have sold a bunch of mine since they became available with the PS Plus membership so why keep two copies or even a physical copy I don't even play anymore.
Having a membership to PS does have weekly and monthly specials on old games which I have purchased in the past for around the $7 -$12 mark.
Don't buy old game bundled… great advice because second hand sellers know they are trash games and want to give you a "great deal". The only time it can be a great deal is if you pick up games for $5 and then use them with say a trade in with EB Games to receive $30 off a new game such as what I did with Crash Bandicoot and Destiny 2.
Using plastic thumb grip on the controller is great advice because if they wear they rip and then you either have to order new sticks and take the controller apart or they just rip and become slippery.
The new controllers are better because from what I read online since people were having trouble with the battery life. (but there are a lot of units and I don't see people reporting about working controllers).
The Pro Console is faster than the original as the hardware has been updated.. do you think an iphone 5 is the same as the 6 or 7?
I explained the difference between the old and new coloured controllers as to deter people from buying the older model as that can mean a worse battery life. Once again this is a fact.
The Pro physically has the optical output and the Slim does not.. which is important if you have a home theatre system.
So really not many of my statements were that subjective.
(profanity) a majority of you Ozbargainers are of a special breed. Of course my opinion is subjective but some are also fact.
Excuse you, there's no need to get snarky because someone on the internet doesn't agree with you, it would be interesting to see how you would react in a real life situation.
You didn't really need to list your facts a second time to explain them, because I read and understood them perfectly fine the first time, but while most of your points listed are common sense and/or can be found out after very little research, I'll comment on a few:
Don't buy the first model… is good advice because some of them are very old now and can't be quiet loud.
This is irrelevant, the first model of the PlayStation 4 was released nearly four years ago, so those can only be found second hand.
1Tb… the console has a max storage whether you like it or not.. you can buy 500gb, 1TB or upgrade to whatever the software will currently allow; or the newest feature being having a external drive. So either you get the 1TB which is needed or you can spend extra money later for a new internal 2.5" hard drive or if you want it that bit quicker you can shell out for a SSD or SSD-HD but then you are probably spending too much.
A 1TB console isn't needed, much like a 7-seater car isn't needed by everyone that would like to drive from point A to point B, I have a Pro console but only play a few games at any one time, therefore I would really only require a 500GB drive.
Don't buy old game bundled… great advice because second hand sellers know they are trash games and want to give you a "great deal".
I hate to tell you but I've done exactly that on multiple PlayStation bundles over the past two years and have successfully sold all old games on Gumtree, so no they are not as worthless as you make them out to be.
I explained the difference between the old and new coloured controllers as to deter people from buying the older model as that can mean a worse battery life. Once again this is a fact.
I have the newest controller available and the battery is rubbish, so I'd hate to know how much worse the original controller's battery life is.
which is important if you have a home theatre system.
Not really, my home theatre is connected via optical to my television, therefore everything plugged in via HDMI to the TV is automatically redirected via the soundbar.
I think Big W had it at the same price the other day. Almost tempted to upgrade from my release model but some games bundled in with it would be extra sweet.
Yeah I upgraded my original the other day. It's almost a no brainer with the 2nd hand market prices of ps4s.
I bought my pro for about $450 through and ozbargain deal that came with GTA V (already had a copy) then sold my original PS4 and 5 old games, i.e old Madden's and FIFA's plus GTA V for $280, literally sold within 20mins of being on gumtree.
So cost me $170 to upgrade to the Pro plus I got a brand new controller out of it (sold the original with a flogged out old controller).
Nice! Out of pocket if I upgrade for this deal would be about $100ish because of Flybuys points being converted in to jb vouchers. I'm not sure if I'll keep or sell my ps4 because it has some issues and the controller no longer has a pad on one of the sticks lol
Guys, check the classified section of the forums here, there's quite a few reliable people that sell JB Hi-Fi e-gift cards at around 6% discount.
Are you one of them?
No, I've never sold them, only ever bought them from other Ozbargain members. Checks my post and comment history.
But obviously people like you are assuming I am trying to sell them and down voting me for making a sincere suggestion to try and save people a few extra dollars. Judging by your post count, you wouldn't actually know anything about trying to save people money.
sorry but i need a first tier game included at that price for it to get close to even resembling a bargain.. its been this price with a game and the shitty remote 2-3months back.
pro console should be $399 RRP… standard should be $299. they're taking the piss with these bundles and limited models.
@Lorindor: It's subjective. I've not found anything I would consider to be a bargain in a while, but others experiences will differ.
A lot of the posts that make the deals page e.g. Coles & Woolies discounts are just things I can find in their weekly catalogue. They're bargains but they're not bargains if you get my meaning.
A lot of the posts that make the deals page e.g. Coles & Woolies discounts are just things I can find in their weekly catalogue. They're bargains but they're not bargains if you get my meaning.
This is my point exactly, don't get me wrong I love this site, but I don't visit this site to get a bargain, I do it to get the best possible price on anything I'm currently shopping for.
10% off is maybe a sale but doesnt mean its a bargain
those nes consoles selling for rrp is not a bargain, maybe hard to get ages ago, but still rrp is not a bargain.
free shipping is a bonus, but not a bargain.
Why would Sony price the Pro at $399 when it's direct competition, Xbox One X, will launch at $649? It'd be great for consumers, but makes no sense from a business perspective.
Its competing against Xbox One S, the Xbox One X is in different league.
Nope its not and nope it´s not.
Oh really? What's the regular PS4's direct competition then?
The Pro is somehow not competing directly against the Xbox One X or Xbox one S. It wants to sit in between the X and the S.
Also, unless there will be a clear advantage in terms or graphics and KI, the Xbox One X will also not be situated in a completely different league than the PRO.
Most publishers will not take the effort of having special Xbox one X versions of their games. As you can see already with the PRO, the real world differences are minimal between games from for PS4 vs. Pro. As it was never Sonys idea to split the community. Even though they tend to do that anyway by introducing two consoles within the same life-cyle.
There is a high chance that the same will happen for the Xbox one X (no real difference for most games). Unless it is a clear single platform game, but exclusives have been rare for Microsoft.
The X is already getting more support than the Pro, and the X isn't even out yet. There are more than 100 X enhanced games. Developers are clearly showing more interest in investing time and money in the X.
The Pro's power boost is really only enough for a resolution or frame rate bump, whereas the X has the power to offer more than just that (e.g. high resolution textures).
its not really comparable - the question is why pay this much for a half assed upgrade?
Well I agree, but in technical terms, by looking at the technology it can be considered as a full upgrade. But Microsoft should have rather opened more own game studios, financed more game projects and assisted more producers with the aim of having more exclusives than creating a sort of "me-too" product.
Maybe a new competitor to Sony and Microsoft (and Nintendo) would be great?
Get the XBOX one X. It is most powerful console launch at the moment
Meh, rather go with the one with the games I want to play. If all I cared about was power and graphics I'd just upgrade the PC.
Power isn't everything. The One X will be a great piece of hardware but you're still playing the same games, albeit ones a little shinier if you have a display to take advantage of it.
I would much rather Microsoft investing their money is some more games studios to put out exclusive titles like they used to. Now they're still releasing the same goddamn games they have since they started - Gears of War, Halo, Forza. (Yes there are more, but not enough!!)
If you want power and Microsoft "exclusives" - get a good PC.
so its bluray player is useless then?
No of course not - it is also available on the xbox one s too (ultra hd bluray player). Sony said they skipped on ultra hd because they believe we live in a streaming world - which will one day be true if we had real speed in Australia.
The X is a great bit of hardware, but will power (and UHD bluray) be enough to claw back marketshare from the PS4 before Sony releases the PS5 in 2020? (Guesswork) Who knows?
Considering how diverse Microsoft is and how much money they have to throw around, I don't see how they couldn't do both. The biggest killer for the Xbox is the lack of first party titles to really set it apart.
Forget the Halo, Gears, Forza series and so on. They really do need some new IP. Sony never has an issue with pumping out quality titles through their own studios so how is it that Microsoft is lagging so far behind?
How will people play Horizon Zero Dawn, the latest Uncharted or the upcoming Spider-Man?
And The Last of Us 2. It will be a wonderful game.
With the recent catch ebay 20% off, the ps4 bundle with horizon zero dawn on catch ebay is actually a better deal. I'm surprised nobody noticed this yet.
Apologies, I just noticed the one on catch ebay is not the pro version.
Caught that $200 JB gift card for the Telstra port a few weeks back, this is what I'm eyeing it on, will wait to see if a bundle does come out though.
RE the ONE X. I've got a pre-order for that in as well cause I generally roll with both - not a PC gamer at all. People are right when they say Microsoft doesn't have any real great exclusives (love Forza tho), but I'll take the enhanced performance for multi-plats, and stick exclusives on Pro.
Price match at big w and then use cash rewards to buy a wish card at 5% off would be the go, save you an extra $25 almost
Or you could buy JB Hi-Fi gift cards with the same 5% off WW wish gift cards and get it for ~$445.
What exclusives is everybody getting a Sony for?
The ones that I really wanted to play was maybe Planetside 2, crash bandicoot and maybe FF7 if it lives up to the hype as for some reason Xbox don't have that yet Planetside 2 that is.. mainly I am guessing because it is owned by SOE and all..
Would be nice though if they merged all the platforms and made it truly cross platform.
I wanna return my ftw3 1080ti and buy this one 1080ti is useless
I'll wait for PS5, I hope it's not too far away. PS4 Pro was too incremental an increase in performance, and honestly is what the PS4 should have been to begin with. I'm disappointed with how this gen of consoles was handled by Sony and Microsoft, they should have been more powerful to begin with, even if it would have bumped prices originally, at least we wouldn't have had to deal with all of this "Pro" rubbish.
It's always that challenge though as they start a new cycle - a jump from the previous gen, solid tech that will last 6 years and at a price that isn't impossible to sell. A console will never jump to the same level as PC - the hardware would mean the console would have to start at about $1200 and that's just not feasible.
The price has been there for a while