Tabasco sauce in a 1.89L bottle, the price seem good.
Thanks to mcpower for the original 20% off Catch @ eBay deal, and remember to use cashback.
Tabasco sauce in a 1.89L bottle, the price seem good.
Thanks to mcpower for the original 20% off Catch @ eBay deal, and remember to use cashback.
Great, now the comments section will be peppered with puns
now the comments section will be peppered
link to the sauce, or it didn't happen…
Say what? Nearly 2L of spicy sauce. Thats a lifetime supply.
Lifetime of ring sting
We may yet reach the edge of space
not sure I want… to click that..
tabasco? spicy? hardly…
There's one on every planet…
I've heard it described as a vinegar flavour rather than a hot sauce. Whatever it is, it makes things taste wicked good. Especially eggs.
The whole "one drop" thing is a lie. I'd probably use a tablespoon or two on a single dish, and I'm not really even a hot sauce guy.
a lifetime or one very drunk bet
…scull, scull, scull
Seems like it would be easier and fresher to just buy a lot of them when they are half price at the supermarket.
$8 / 150 mL normal price.
This COTD bulk buy is $4.54 / 150 mL equivalent.
So you'd be right, except it never really goes cheaper than $7.
Its not about cheaper though, its about easier and fresher.
The best before date is one thing, but opening it and using it over a year, its not going to be as fresh.
In that case it's even cheaper and easier to make to your desired tolerance
This could be a good deal for people who run camp grounds, or community centres with kitchens, rich people who have lots of parties, etc.
Yeah it goes funny after a while. Turns watery and yellow.
Im so excited I might capsicum
How does this compare to Sriracha?
Tastes like spicy vinegar next to a good Sriracha
Sriracha is much better in my opinion. I find Tabasco a bit watery and the flavour a bit pungent rather than spicy. Sriracha has a good balance of flavour and spicyness.
Cool username
How well does this stuff keep?
It will keep forever, but will lose taste and spice over time. Unless you're straight up drinking it, I can't really see any advantage in buying a huge bottle.
The small bottle lasts forever. I would get tired at having such a big bottle hang around for ever.
(FWIW I have the same issue with a lot of bulk packed stuff at Costco).
From personal experience, this stuff keeps for bloody ages past best before.Many months, even a few years but I don't think I've gone past maybe 3-4 months.
It can last a few years before the taste starts to change.
Never personally seen it go off or change in taste or colour, using it personally and working many years as a chef.
Talk about using it fresh… Unless it's a couple of years old, you really won't notice the difference over the space of multiple months.
My opened bottle stays in the fridge and it doesn't taste any different to the day it first opened.
Keep it in a dark, cool spot in your pantry if you have no fridge space.
I bought a few of the big bottles at Costo when they had them in a discount table near the door and I'm onto my last one.
I use it a couple of times a week, so I'll grab this deal.
Never seen it on half price at the supermarket either. Not at this price per ml anyway.
Hot story, bro!
There's Tabasco in military field rations.. they have a 10+ year shelf life
i tried this hot sauce not long ago and never liked it.
currently using "shit the bed" chilli sauce
aussie made and tastes awesome
currently using "shit the bed" chilli sauce
I'm using "immolate your bowels" chilli sauce.
Itchy bum anyone
Im a Franks hot sauce convert these days, much better and cheaper than Tabasco. I bought a gallon/4L of franks for $40 few years ago.
Cheaper (and more convenient size) at Costco.
$8.59 for 350ml
$24.50/L vs $30.26/L for this
anyone had 2x delivered on accident? it came in an unopened box of 2x 1.89L
hot deal?