What professions do you want people to post regarding Ask Me Anything?
Add them here, hopefully someone will start a thread :)
What professions do you want people to post regarding Ask Me Anything?
Add them here, hopefully someone will start a thread :)
Yes - then they can tell us why they leave a "delivery missed" slip instead of knocking on the f%king door. Spoiler alert: it's because they don't give a shit.
Cause they get paid per delivery, so having to knock, get the parcel out sign etc takes longer than dropping a card
I know you're not defending them, so this isn't aimed at you, but god forbid they do the job they're paid per delivery to do.
@tomsco: I am not a courier but my brother delivers sometimes. They get paid quite low per parcel… around $1, no matter the size/weight of the parcel. And now they also have some procedures, as they have gotten robbed or attacked while delivering, such as locking doors everytime you step out of the vehicle.
There are also some people who take notoriously long to open their doors. He was telling me about how one time, he knocked on the door and the little dog starts barking. Lady inside 'talks' to the dog, telling doggy to stop being rude etc, without opening the door. So after a minute, he just carded it. She still hadn't opened the door by the time he drove off lol.
if anyone gets a really good and patient courier, appreciate them!
And fair enough in that example. My dig was more aimed at the ones that don't even try. I know they shouldn't all be tarnished with the same brush.
They get paid quite low per parcel… around $1
See how is that even sustainable. To make $20/h you have to deliver one every 3 minutes. Sure there may be some places with multiple parcels and some close by, but out in the burbs I just don't think that would be possible. If anything it would just encourage dangerous driving to try and cut down the in between time.
Plus aren't most couriers contractors? So you need to add the loss of leave entitlements, insurance, vehicle wear and tear.
@tomsco: agreed, it is barely sustainable. 20 an hour would be a pretty good run, people need to factor in these little things that really build up to eat the time, such as turning on and off engine, putting in addresses into gps, finding lunch or even worse, finding a public toilet when nature calls. They have to work in all weather conditions (imagine sitting in a soppy wet seat all day, or sweating buckets in heatwave).
Yes there are some baddies who don't give a toss and just drive by, but there are also a lot who have to make a living and work past their hours to finish deliveries, just trying to add some perspective :) that's why when I get a good courier and the email from auspost asking for feedback I will praise the good ones as good feedback is received less than the ones who go out of their way to complain.
And there's always jobs going for couriers, but once most of them hear the pay and work involved, they rather stay on the dole (literally their words), so there are more foreign workers employed.
@kza2610: hahaha, very funny, there are people who talks to dogs, soon we have another who talks to donkeys.
My aus post parcel delivery guy is better than all the big name private enterprises.
I let him know every time he drops a parcel off to me as well!
The one where I used to live didn't come down our 15 meter driveway. Straight up card at the letterbox. I complained at the LPO and they said 'yeah he gets heaps of complaints'
@kza2610: It's more like $15ph. Neighbour used to work for a courier. At first the pay for like $2 per parcel but now it's $1 for something like up to 25kg. The pay was cut by new management. They also used to be a franchise, but the company has taken them all.
Been having this a lot lately… Jokes on them when I slam the door open like "WADDUP BRUH WHERE'S MY PARCEL".
I work delivery larger items at the moment for a white goods company. Used to work for toll fast and other companies doing smaller stuff. The big stuff is good because your kind of capped at max 28 installs a day during sale periods. Still long hours but better reward for actually providing an installation service as opposed to drop off only.
With Tollfast/small drop off items they would give you 60 address to deliver to including commercial with 250Km to cover. Its a real grinder with very little in your pocket after expenses. Commercial really sucks as you have to wait your turn to unload.
The problem is what the consumer is willing to pay for delivery and volume needed to make a wage. Really drivers need to be capped to maintain a level of service. If your getting a few bucks a drop with no volumes nobody will work for you. If you raise your delivery prices nobody will use you. Even if you raised the prices i doubt the big companies would throw the drivers a bone.
Very high turn over rate in the parcel delivery industry. They promise you the world then chuck you into the meat grinder to burn out. Easy to blame the driver but its very rare to find an individual with the intellect and stamina to complete an impossible run with great service yet is dumb enough to settle for peanuts.
The guys doing the work get very little of what you paid for freight.
This. I want to know why I get an email saying "your delivery is on it's way and will arrive tomorrow" and yet it has never once happened.
I would like to know whats going on with the sorting facility and how it looks so bad on the outside for some of my orders
One guy picks it up, it gets sent to the depot to be transferred to another guy who does your area.
naah go watch question time for that.
I'd much rather ask ama : Prostitute
Donald Trump.
I am so sick of the bikie and eneloop gravy train everyone is on…
Let's get a bikie on here and ask them if they indeed, like many believe, will step in and save the day…
Let's not forget they even though these bikies may help at the start, dont let them in your house or you'll be the victim of the next home invasion.
I can only add one + so here's some more:
And the high yield investments gravy train ;)
Im sick of saying hello.
Id rather just get a bikie to punch people in the face
+1,000,000 for OzB bikies!
The bikies/eneloop/high yield car references are what make ozbargain. Do you go on holidays to a tropical location and complain about the heat.
and don't forget Broden!
Most of the ones I've known have a dayjob which is separate.
More a hobby which helps you get employed in certain companies.
Westpac investors
I second this, I want more advice on high yield investments
Id prefer to hear from Westpac Analysts TBH.
I'm out of the loop on this. Can someone explain?
LOL Now I really want to know what he ended up buying and if he still thinks it was a good investment.
Massage parlour owner, the legit ones that is.
…and the RnT ones too.
How to spot them would be handy to know.
How to spot them would be handy to know.
I see what you did there.
You'd be able to judge by the location and workers.
It's almost guaranteed when it's in an industrial area. Or where the girls are so young that there's no way they'd be able to be able to be experts in massage.
If your massage is on a massage seat in the main shop window, then I'd think not!
PS - I swear my mate told me these things.
On a main road with seedy signage so everyone knows you go there.
Why do they all have stars on the front, and a curtain?
Grass grower. Id be interested to know what its like to watch grass grow for a job.
Enjoying my 6 figure salary bitch
you're not meant to include the cents….
It is odd that people do not believe millenials can be in the top tax bracket.
Born in the digital/IT age, access to good free education and booming, low entry tech industries.
@eggmaster: People believe it, especially considering some "millenials" are into their 30s now. Sometimes humour is the best response to someone bragging.
Usually people who brag about money a) don't actually make it, or b) have literally nothing else going on and money is the centre of their universe.
@eggmaster: And you are exhibiting how immature you are by saying that money does buy happiness.
But then again every single one of your posts in this thread exhibits your immaturity. Bragging on an anonymous forum, referencing 'Free Education'' (P.S. it isn't)
Wish you all the best in your life on you six figure salary. It sounds radical to be you.
For some reason I am not as jealous as you believe I should be of your life.
Money isnt the center of my universe
brags about his salary to random strangers for no apparent reason
think your name should be EGOmaster
Guessing not many people are enjoying your company.
You are being sarcastic right? Haha
Protein powder influencer. University of Melbourne Eurovision studies major graduate. Whatever profession that leads to.
University of Melbourne Eurovision studies major graduate.
Dept. of Immigration grad position
I think that's a bit short-sighted, with a quality degree like that there would be opportunities across government. Human Services would be particularly keen on a graduate with that level of skill.
a professional
Is that you Hardly Normal?
Pigeon shooter at the airport
what a stupid suggestion! Pigeons can't type.
Is that really a thing? :(
Do you see any pigeons at the airport?
I don't fly much, so I can't say I've noticed many myself :P
There's someone pretty active on here who falls in this category.
Can't remember the user name…… but she mentioned it once in a "Job Pay Age" forum post
You forgot to add porn star.
Child services worker, policeman, insurance assessor, tax agent, escort, foreign labor and immigration agents that assist it, real estate agents..
Basically any profession that is privy to people being abused or perpetrating abuse, where nothing is done because 'everyone knows about it'
I'm an Electrician.
Some clients feel violated when they receive the invoice. Close enough?
How shocking
You must feel electrifying when you see the shock in their face!
@ravonda: I think he’s wired! But he could probably crimp a little here and crimp a little there to save them some money.
Depends. Got any stories to tell? Any shady customers who wanted lighting installed in a basement that had iron shackles on the wall? Grow houses looking for the 'pay $50 and get free power' special deal?
My electrician friend told me he had a customer ask him to do that last one as an addon. He declined, and just did the job originally requested. Because he was working under the house, they mentioned they had buried a substantial sum of money, and then forgot about where it was. They said he could keep half of it if he found it. Dumbass spent 5 hours digging for it before he gave up XD
use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse.
"the judge abused his power by imposing the fines"
synonyms: misuse, misapply, misemploy, mishandle; More
treat with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly.
"riders who abuse their horses should be prosecuted"
synonyms: mistreat, maltreat, ill-treat, treat badly, ill-use, misuse; More
the improper use of something.
"alcohol abuse"
synonyms: misuse, misapplication, misemployment, mishandling; More
cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal.
"a black eye and other signs of physical abuse"
synonyms: mistreatment, maltreatment, ill treatment, ill use, misuse; More
I suppose it is possible to stretch the definition however one likes.
Stay at home mum
You mean social media marketing officer?
*social media influencer.
An exterminator or animal catcher would be pretty interesting. Worst infestations, biggest snake caught, that kinda thing!
Milkmen, specifically from around 30 years ago ….I have some tough questions I need to clear up
Ex-Auburn Mayor
Ex-Auspost CEO
The devil.
How do I apply?
Wow, an edgelord. Haven't seen you guys in a while!
for a confidential discussion with a trustworthy officer.
Just thought of another one.
I want to speak to the developer of the Macca's App.
You didn't hear? Harambe's dead…
'Cashed-up-bogan' miner.
Recently redundant, struggling, former cashed up bogan miner.
So are you both struggling and cashed up?
I see it all too often in my BIL. Buys $60k car because his mates have better cars. Buys $60k boat because his mates have better boats. Buys better wake gear, builds huge house in cheap suburb. Books expensive wedding and honeymoon to outdo his sibling.
Yet he's the one who asked for his inheritance early, asked parents for exorbitant amounts of money to fund said fancy wedding and constantly gets them to clean his house etc and support their expensive lifestyle.
You can have all the cash in the world and still struggle if your ego is bigger than your income
Male nurse
When i was young (both my grandmothers were nurses) i thought it was "mail nurse"
Courier - Aust Post employees or other.