This was posted 7 years 4 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Debit Mastercard: Free One Month Pass to Xbox Game Pass - Unlimited Access to over 100 Games


Get the full Xbox Game Pass experience free for a month

Put a pot of coffee on, we’re going to be here a while. Nestle into your favourite groove on the couch with a free Xbox Game Pass experience for an entire month (valued at $9.95). That’s four solid weeks of unlimited access to over 100 great games on Xbox One, or roughly 600 hours of pwning n00bs.

Download the games you’ve always wanted to play or revisit favourites that you’ve missed like Halo 5: Guardians, Payday 2, and DiRT Rally. What a time to be alive.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Cool thanks! I'm loving these new deals/promos with mastercard about time we got something like those amex offers.

    • +2

      don't even need a CC.
      Most people with have some form of Debit Card 50/50 split being between visa and mastercard.

      • Yeah surely majority of people have a debt mastercard and w/e visa is doing.

  • So do we get to keep those games for ever or just for four weeks?

    • +1

      four weeks to play. you can continue your subscription afterwards for a fee.

      • Cool, thanks.

        • +1

          Think of this as the "Netflix" of Xbox One games. Except you download them as opposed to streaming.

      • -1

        Some of the games are huge, it'll take me a month to even download something to enjoy!

  • +10

    Use multiple email addresses and you can stack them.
    Make sure you use incognito mode in your browser and close it after each code.

    • +1

      wowzers! thanks =D

    • +3

      To add onto that, the emails dont necessarily have to be valid ones. I used random letters followed by since the code is shown on the page immediately after.

      Hopefully this doesn't go down the groove music route.

    • +1

      wow ! haha ty! its game pass lifetime sub lmao, awesome! :D

  • So only debit mastercard not normal mastercard

  • -1

    Can anyone message me a bin number, I would love to take advantage of this, but don't have a mastercard debit.

    • +3

      "message me a bin number,I would love to take advantage" thats a worry :|

      • +4

        bin number wont do anything.
        you can even use the mastercard test bin number.

        • Yep, you're right, just used the first 1 on google.

    • just get one from the Macquarie Bank, mine arrived within a few days of applying online

      best thing is, no international fees for overseas purchases (works fine a regular credit card for paypal or regular payment)

      disclosure: I don't work for the Macquarie Bank (I wish I do though :))

  • +7

    Can anyone message me their MasterCard details including pin number and security code, I would love to take advantage of this, but don't have a mastercard debit or an Xbox Scorpio.

    • +1

      google. MasterCard number and just use first 6 digits.

      • +1

        Gotta love google image search :)

    • +1

      Haha, I just meant the first 6 digits, then I just found some on google. Also, I have one on preorder, sorry for offending everyone :(

    • I need this for "research purposes"

  • Can you stack them? If I get 4 different codes. It means I get 4 months free?

  • +1

    bloody brilliant, cheers OP, took 1 minute to enter info and get the code, yosha!

  • +6

    From previous MasterCard Deal: valid bins: 516361, 519244 and 528013

  • +3

    lol so far subscribed up until 08/04/2019

  • +2

    Explains this OzB classifieds post.

  • +3

    You can use any fake email address and it works.

  • +1

    Have 5 codes so far….

    Within 10 minutes I had a years worth of codes…. Bored now.

    • Very busy entering entering entering :p

      Is it only for Xbox One? I don't ever have Xbox One.

      • +2

        Yes, only for Xbox One. Applicable to Windows 10 if the game is a Play Anywhere title.

  • +7

    Watch me not end up playing anything with this anyway.

    Thanks OP!

    • +1

      but.. but it has ROUNDABOUT !

    • +1

      It has Guacamelee :)

      • +2

        Already platinum'd the PS3 version, 100%'d again on Vita for the fun of it, and plat'd the PS4 version when that became a thing. I've had my fill of the game.

        Mind you I got home like ten minutes ago and told the Xbox to download Guac and Dead Island.

        You have no excuse not to play Guac now, everyone.

  • +2

    looks like the cap is 3 years just like groove music.

    • +1

      Already entered 36 times?

      • Yup haha it's super easy on pc just lots of copying and pasting, you can use anything as an email.

  • Nestle

  • How is a game pass different to xbox live?

    • You can play any games.

    • +1

      Subscription service for games.

    • +2

      100 games to play until the subscription period fades, also added games every month. Think of it as netflix for games however you need to download the games not stream them.

      • That sounds pretty sweet. Thanks guys!

  • +3

    Just a caution on this - MS can (and do) suspend Xbox accounts for 'marketplace fraud' which means you lose access to play ALL games in your digital library, online or offline. Disk games are still OK. Plenty of cases on reddit.

    I'm not saying that stacking multiple codes with fake emails and test BINs will be seen as fraud - I just don't want to see people save $11/month only to lose access to their digital library which may be valued in the $1000's.

    • yeah ive been thinking that too

      i might just keep the codes and not enter them all at once, but rather every month or so

    • May be enter them month by month?

    • Make a fake account.

      I put the codes on one of my old accounts with no purchases just to be safe.

      • Do you still need live for the pass or is it only if you want to go online?

    • Who's to say you just bought 36 codes from an ebay seller because they were cheap?

      • You can get banned for that though.. I've seen cases where people bought codes off G2A and years later got banned for the above reason.

  • what's to stop someone getting 10,000 and then selling them on ebay?

    • +2


      So nothing, go for it dude. If you do, PM me a link to your store for a giggle.

  • Is it not working anymore? incognoito windows won't give a new one to enter.

    • still working here, u need to close window and reopen

      • Yeah found that I have an incognoito page in the background.

  • (profanity) me, the stack is great.

    I've got a year out of it now, serious thanks OP.

    I'm gonna stop now. If the thing is still 100% going when I get home in a couple hours, I might get some more, but I ain't gonna be a dick and stockpile until 2037.

    Thanks man, this is (profanity) dope.

  • -2

    Ok, so if you want a full guide on how to get the max amount of subscription, do this.

    1) Go to this 10 minute mail site: and copy email (Get a new email everytime you use one)
    2) Open this deal page in incognito
    3) Paste email into the field
    4) Use code 521729, tick boxes
    5) Claim code, paste it into a text file.
    6) Close incognito window
    7) Repeat 36 times
    8) Redeem all the codes at:
    9) You should be renewed until 30/9/2020
    10) Enjoy

    • +2

      dont even need a legitimate email addy..

      • Nope, literally any email will do, just not the same one.

    • Don't even need step 1, just make up any email address.

  • I'm renewed until 30/9/2020. Thanks OP!

  • +1

    People should not really be greedy :(
    Only take what you entitled too.

    Thats all :)

    • Well, I and the ten or so friends I know who would gladly put their numbers in for me, have only taken that much as of yet.

    • -2

      That's not the Ozbargain way! Free is Free!

      • i fully understand, but it will get to the point where they will can it all and then no one gets anything.
        Lets hope the dont can it for people that havn't had the chance to grad one.

        Oh well People will do what the want right.
        Well i got a code :)

        • It's funny because I can't enter my legit details because the website won't accept them.
          I'm having to circumvent it just for it to work for me.

        • @Morphine:
          now that really sucks :(

    • People should not really be <del>greedy</del> stoopid :(

      Edit: stupid syntax .V.

  • Next thing to do is to get a Xbox One XDDD

    • -1

      Sell some codes on eBay to pay for one.

  • one of my codes already had been used LOL.. wtf? i wonder if it does that when 2 ppl enter the same email address? like [email protected] ?

  • +1

    My actual mastercard BIN doesn't work. Nice one.

    Looks like I'm going to have to fake it to make it.

  • -1

    When can we stop XDD

  • +1

    Well got 3 years. Thanks OP.

  • +2

    We can’t find the page you were looking for. Either something went wrong or the page doesn’t exist."

    • OZ-B'd again LOL

  • +4

    Now has an "Oh-Oh Spagetti-o" screen. I think it's been Ozbargained.

    • XDD

    • My hands are sweaty

  • +1

    It has been Oz bargained!!

  • it's stopped working for me page is now blank

    • +1

      . >.<

  • just let's hope they don't cancel the codes like what happened with Groove Music.
    covered myself for some months ;) Thanks op.

    I don't know if its better to redeem all the codes now or wait until each expire of each month

    • They just shut down Groove instead!

      • yeah, let's hope they don't shut down Xbox game pass! haha

    • I'm also trying to decide between redeem all now or wait until the end of each month

      • I think I will wait a bit before I use the. Already used 3 of them.

  • +1

    The power of Ozbargain is immeasurable.

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