I need some help from the guys because I stink. What's the best body wash you've used for removing body odour?
I sweat a lot but find I have to use multiple applications (often of more than one body wash) every time I shower, just to get rid of the body odour.
I've had the same experience with Axe (Africa), Dove, Original Source (Mint & Tea Tree) - all not effective without multiple repeats uses in the one shower.
Thanks for any recommendations.
Update: Thanks all for your advice. I've added a poll find out what other's use in the shower because a lot of you have said you use soap rather than body wash (which was surprising to me). Cheers!
Guys, what do you use in the shower to remove body odour?
I had same problem as you.
Use normal soap and make sure you wash your armpits really well.
Then apply anti- perspirant roll on in armpits to totally remove the odour. You can also use deodorant spray and/or perfume in addition if you want to mask the odour smell if you are still worried after applying roll on.
Other things - wash clothes regularly, shower regularly, general hygiene.