I need some help from the guys because I stink. What's the best body wash you've used for removing body odour?
I sweat a lot but find I have to use multiple applications (often of more than one body wash) every time I shower, just to get rid of the body odour.
I've had the same experience with Axe (Africa), Dove, Original Source (Mint & Tea Tree) - all not effective without multiple repeats uses in the one shower.
Thanks for any recommendations.
Update: Thanks all for your advice. I've added a poll find out what other's use in the shower because a lot of you have said you use soap rather than body wash (which was surprising to me). Cheers!
Guys, what do you use in the shower to remove body odour?
You are better off finding the root cause before committing to anything, could be as simple as you arent hydrating enough, dehydration can cause severe body odor. Maybe see your GP, they can advise you or refer you to a specialist.