Come across this free audible book and figured it is time for me to contribute to the community.
The book is highly rated and currently listed as the best seller in Australian market.
$0 Audible Book - The Butterfly Effect with Jon Ronson

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Free book about porn and technology - who can resist?
Also currently free:
Unheard: The Story of Anna Winslow: An Audible Original Drama…The Home Front: Life in America During World War II…Direct download anyone?
I don't want to leave address and credit card details with them for a free digital book.
Found it, File size: 93.51 MBcare to share the url?
I did before, but it's not allowed here, but duckduckgo search with "Butterfly Effect with Jon Ronson" (without quotes) should reveal a link with in it. Hope u getlucky?
Worked. Thank you.
I listened to first 7 minutes. I think rubbish!
I want to add (not against porn), that the word "porn" is spoken so many times in the first 8 minutes, possibly an average of once every 20 seconds, that it seemed more like a "porn" propaganda recording than conceptual discussion about newtonian physical reality or basic homogeny.
Unless they've changed it, as the Butterfly Effect is a podcast there's a weird arrangement whereby you can only listen to half an hour per week unless you're a kindleunlimited member.
Podcast will be out in November on iTunes etc. I didn't discover this till I was half an hour in a few weeks ago. But thanks OP, you weren't to know (and maybe - hopefully - the restriction has gone now?)The other 2 books should be fine though.
Thanks for the heads up. I did not know anything about this limit. It does say it is free for limited time so I imagine it is the same as the paid version.
I tired fast-forward the book for more than 30 mins and it still plays, it might be counting the actual time that we are listening though.Butterfly Effect is showing as a 3h27m book for me
The site is asking me for a credit card although amount is $0.00
It accepted the QFF card which I dont use, have deleted it after making the purchase
Thanks OP, anyway how to find a freebies for audible?
This is only free because the first audible book is always free. It's not free for anyone who is already an existing user.
So the deal is: "Waste your free audible trial subscription on a guy saying 'Porn! Porn,Porn,Porn! Porn!' for hours."?
I am not a new user and I still get this for free, I did not lose any credit so I imagine as a new user you would not either.
I had 2 credits while I get this book and the credit did not change after I got the book.
It's also free on itunes…