So the AFP are pushing for more women in the recruitment of their officers - you can apply for a position as a male, but women are preferred.
Should a government agency be pushing gender quotas for, let's be honest here, a job that requires the best candidate. Having anyone hired based on their gender rather than their merit can result in societies safety being in jeopardy!
I don't believe there are any examples as of yet as front line roles have only recently opened up in the defence forces.
Regarding the police, they would not publish these figures (even for men) - so I would only be able to speculate (which means nothing).
I agree that entry levels do not necessarily reflect on the job standards. However, if both participants are doing the same job (front line roles) why would the entry standard / physical requirements be different? In reality they should be exactly the same, if both parties are equally capable to perform the role (Merit). It would actually diminish females credibility (even though I would assume there would be a LARGE number that could easily perform to the same entry standard).
I agree that no published evidence is out there so at this point in time (nor do I think there will be) so all we can do is speculate. Although, having a lower entry level influences perception (correctly in this case) and diminishes female candidates credibility even upon entry.