Just bought a Dell optiplex 9020 (i5 4570) for $255 leaving me with $350 for upgrades needless to say I am in need of advice.
Many people have mentioned the issue of its psu not being enough to power an after market GPU and the need for adapters if both SSD and HDD are to be used.
I've heard of people using GTX 1050 OC Low Profiles with no trouble but $150 only to find out the PSU won't cut it would suck.
As far as SSDs go I have no idea which adaptors are necessary or what Ram is compatible.
Running a stock heatsink if anyone is curious BTW.
Any and all advice is appreciated!
Crack open that biatch and look at the PSU to determine what connectors are available? Then google the power supply requirements of your chosen 1050/1050ti model(some only draw from the PCIE slot btw).