• expired

FREE: Hacktoberfest T-Shirt by Opening 4 Pull Requests @ Github


I participated this last year and received a nice t-shirt.

To get a free shirt you need to make 4 pull requests on Github. This comment from a previous years post should still work - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/217465#comment-3159373

  • Pull requests can be made in any GitHub-hosted repositories. As long as the project is public and GitHub-hosted, your PRs will count towards your participation.
  • You can sign up anytime between October 1 and October 31. Just be sure to sign up on the official Hacktoberfest website for your PRs to count.
  • Check your progress. Once you sign up on October 1, start checking how many PRs you’ve made via the checker on the Hacktoberfest site (make sure you're signed in first).

Referral Links

Referral: random (26)

Referrer will receive $25 account credit for every referred that totals $25 in billings. Referee will receive $200/ 60 day credit.

Related Stores

Digital Ocean
Digital Ocean

closed Comments

  • To get a free shirt you need to make 4 pull requests on Github.

    Does Pornhub count, I'd have an entire wardrobe by now with all the pull requests I've made.

    • Reported for typical Scab comment.

  • nice :) thanks

  • +3

    Das fuch is a pull request?

    Actually, if I don't know what it is, I probably don't deserve the shirt.

    • +5

      It's what you do before you fork.

      • I'd say what I do before forking is put on a rubber, but my girlfriend spitting out a kiddo when I was 19 says otherwise.

    • +3

      In internet slang, you'd need to "git gud"


      • Let's change those spaces to tabs and get that T-shirt.

  • +7

    We should create an Ozbargain Repo for pulls!

  • Now imagine all the FOSS projects getting ozbargained by wacky pull requests…

  • i managed 6 pull requests (gets strangely addictive; couldn't stop at 4). got confirmation email today to order my sweet purple shirt.

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