This was posted 8 years 11 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE: Hacktoberfest T-Shirt by Opening 4 Pull Requests @ GitHub


I'll be honest here… I have no idea how this works, but all the comments at reddit suggest this is pretty straightforward. Once you've done what you gotta do, t-shirt will be shipped in November. This is a global offer. Enjoy :)

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Referral: random (29)

Referrer will receive $25 account credit for every referred that totals $25 in billings. Referee will receive $200/ 60 day credit.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    by Opening 4 Pull Requests

    Not in public I hope !!!!

    Once you've done what you gotta do. Enjoy :)

  • Any Cashrewards Cashback ^_^

  • +2

    i like how the girl shirt is sexy, small & fitted, and the guy shirt is just a huge tent. it says a lot.

    • I wonder which one jv will order lol?

      • 4 Pulls is too much effort…

      • which one are you hoping he orders?

    • +3

      I like how they're assuming females would even be viewing their website in the first place

      • +5

        I don't like how you assume females don't code.

        • +1

          Thank you PC Police!

  • Helping a developer with translating his project has earned me 2 PRs. 2 more to go!

    Update: T-shirts are free. However, you may be charged for shipping outside USA. That's the reason why I haven't claimed my DuckDuckGo T-shirt yet!

    • The FAQ says global offer and makes no mention of charging postage?

      • +5

        Ha ha. I doubt the GitHub people will deliver T-shirts for free. Shipping cost is usually more than the actual price of a T-shirt. (BTW, the DuckDuckGo people charge US$10 per delivery outside USA.)

        Can anyone who has claimed the T-shirt confirm delivery cost?

        • +1

          It's web-hosting company DigitalOcean's event, not GitHub's.

        • @Thrift: Sorry, my bad. However, we still need to wait till November 3rd (AUS time) to find out whether or not should we pay for delivery.

    • +6

      Hub for gits.

      • what is a git?

        • +4

          It's a "Version Control System" for code, Github is a place where heaps of "repos" are stored for open source work

          Think of two people working on a word doc at the same time, how do you stop them stepping on each others toes? You use a VCS (ie. Git) to handle what happens when you and I edit the heading at the same time.

        • @Cub3:

          So will there be 2 words docs or 1 words docs with multiple edit with each editor's name for each code-edit?

  • +6

    Oh man… If it's on reddit, I feel sorry for everyone who has to deal with the pull requests!! :(

  • +3

    Too tired to open my laptop and be pulling right now. But will be pulling first thing in the morning. Now which open source repo should I do first??

    • Lol! ;)

      • I doubt this type of pull can be done from a handheld but who knows! I'm not geeky enough LOL

  • +10

    Seems like you can get it done from the web interface by yourself (especially useful if, like me, you have no/limited experience with coding and don't want to mess with other people's projects). I'll post what I did below:

    1) Sign up for Github
    2) Create a repository (green button on the right that reads + New repository after you log in). You can call it whatever you want, check boxes not important.
    3) Once its created, add a new file using the + link. It's located to the right of the green recycle looking button, next to whatever you've named your repository.
    4) Put a name of your choosing in, and some text if you like. At the bottom of the page, make sure to select Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request. Click Commit new file.
    5) Click Create pull request
    6) Head back to the start page and redo the process 3 more times.
    7) Wait a few minutes and then check if its successfully registered here:

    • i'm stuck at step 3. i found the + link, is it the one right next to notification tab? but the only option are new repository, new organization, new issue, new collaborator

      • You might be looking at the wrong +; within the repository you created, find the green recycle looking button. It should be the only green looking thing on the page. Then on the same row, you'll see "your repository name / +". That should be the one!

      • If you are still stuck there, cos I was a few minutes ago. Click on the link where it says they recommend adding a readme file etc. once you create that file, you will go to the page where step 3 says you will see the + link. Hth.

        Also, does anyone know when they will ask for the shipping address and tshirt size etc ?

        • When do I provide my shipping info to receive my t-shirt?
          Answer: We will be emailing you Monday, November 2nd to get that information.

  • +5

    Will be interesting to see how many non-developers try and make this happen.

    • 0

      • +2

        You underestimate the lengths Ozbargainers will go to.

        The real question is why you'd run such a promo…perhaps they're trying to jack up the stats.

        Git has some advantages over SVN and makes a lot of sense for a project with physically distributed developers but man is it a pain to use. If SVN could just be extended to check in to multiple repos and did some check-summing I think it would be as compelling. Unfortunately SVN has stagnated for years and now almost everyone's moving to git. SVN is dying the way CVS did.

        • If you find git painful, you should try mercurial. It doesn't allow you to do a bunch of the stuff you can do in git, but if you like SVN then it is probably better for you (e.g. You don't have to 'stage' files before committing, some of the messier and more dangerous things like rebase etc. simply don't exist.
          For shared public repositories you can use bitbucket rather than github.

        • @2be8:

          I had a play with git a couple of weeks ago to get a feel. I doubt my employer is switching to it any time soon but who wants to fall behind…besides it's useful if I ever contribute to an open source project. If I'm going to learn one I'll learn the one that's most used.

          Torvalds had a real opportunity to make a beautiful SCM and blew it with his ego. Imagine github with saner syntax (An option to a command should never completely change what the command does!!!) and there was no need to do things like force staging.

        • @syousef: There is a lot about how git works that I really like, staging included, but I agree the syntax is sometimes pretty crazy. Torvalds is not someone who I imagine is very interested in ease of use.
          I don't miss non-distributed version control systems though. Not being able to have two people working on the same file would drive me crazy.

        • @2be8:

          You're not wrong about Linus. For all his prowess with code he has very poor people skills. Calling people and projects stupid and ugly repeatedly may be a giggle for him but it's a bad look for open source.

  • It seems like ozbargain doesn't many IT guy and coders.I see funny comments

    • +4

      They are all busy making money while we are here wasting our time. :)

      • +1

        I lol when I see a lot of ozbargainers are struggling to do "pull requests" in order to have freebie and no idea what have done. Strange and funny community

        • +6

          I've already had my pull request denied this morning.

          She's firm, but a fair lady.

  • Sweet, just got mine!

  • +2

    This "Freebie" requires a lot of work…

  • +3

    Few links if you would actually like to contribute..

    These have list of projects looking for contributions. But please don't make life difficult for the dev with unnecessary pull requests.

    • +2

      Someone should just make an Ozbargain repo and we could all send the PRs there!!

  • I'm cringing at the amount of utter junk the Github staff are going to have to trawl through for this…
    In any case, I've made 2 small (but proper) PRs already. I wonder if they count private repos, though.

    • +1

      why would github staff have to do anything. The devs would be the one handling the pull requests.

      • I'd assume someone has to verify that the PRs are legitimate, otherwise people would do what has been suggested above: create an empty repo, make a garbage change, PR it, approve it themselves, wash, rinse, repeat, hey free T-shirt.

        • +2

          This isn't organised by github, it's by digital ocean.
          You can check if your pull request are pulling through here

        • Digital Ocean are running this, not GitHub.

        • +3

          Oh hey, it even counts PRs I've made that were already accepted.

  • +1

    Ahh!!! The things we do for a freebie :)

  • +2

    Did anybody actually get their confirmation Email yet ??

    • Got it this morning…

      One of the questions is:
      "What is your Hacktoberfest story?
      Tell us about something awesome that happened when you were contributing during Hacktoberfest."

      Contributed to 'development' of AU bargain website ?

      • The online verification test passed for me, however i have not received an email yet… After telling my friend about it, he signed up but did not submit any pullrequests and got an email saying he will receive some stickers.

    • +1

      yup got it this morning aswell.

  • Did anyone get their shirts yet?

    • Quote from the email:

      Your shirt will ship after the 10th (of November) and
      delivery will take an average of three weeks.

    • any day now…

      • Good to know I'm not the only one waiting :P

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