This was posted 7 years 5 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS Plus Games for October: MGSV The Phantom Pain, Amnesia:Collection + More (Subscription Req'd)


Sony have blessed us with a great line up of games for October 2017. It's been a long time since they've given a AAA game before August with Just Cause 3. I've been meaning to pick up MGSV for a while now, played it once loved it.

The full list of games are as follows:

  • PS4 - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

  • PS4 - Amnesia: Collection

  • PS3 - Monster Jam Battlegrounds

  • PS3 - Hustle Kings

  • PS VITA (crossbuy with PS4) - Hue

  • PS VITA (crossbuy with PS4 & PS3) - Sky Force Anniversary

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closed Comments

  • +16

    I didn't think we'd EVER get mgs5 as a free game… Already got it on pc but still nice as a freebie if I'd ever decide to finish it on the big screen.

  • +16


    (Oh Metal Gear Solid!!!)

      • +7

        I got no issues with opinion but put some effort to it man! A simple "meh" is pointless and provides no substance to the discussion.

        I would love to hear chudson opinion on why its meh, he may have some legit reasons…….but who knows???

        • MGS 5 is a different kettle of fish to the first 4. I thought mgs4 was complete trash, but I consider 5 to be one of the finest games ever made, the only real downside being that its ending is essentially cut off - was probably destined to be dlc until the kojima drama.

        • -5

          doesn't explain why I've been downvoted, other than disgruntled fanbois. Get out of the basement and go outside, even with the overcast Melbourne weather you need some vitamin D.

        • @Chris12345: I personally thought MGS 4 & 2 are as good as the series can get. However 5 is still great!

        • -1

          @gizmomelb: I think your downvotes might be a reflection on your unwarranted attack on "fanbois"

          Im not a fanboy. I do love my PS but I also love my switch and PC.

          I downvoted the comment because it was……..meh LOL

  • +6

    We're never getting a Vita exclusive again, are we……

    • +5

      I gave my vita to my wifes nephew. They killed that console too early. The concept of the vita was the best design for a portable. Had so much potential. They just wasted it.

      • switch to Switch

        • I have. Its nice but i liked the portability size of the vita . Could still fit it in a jacket pocket

        • +2

          @maverickjohn: Get bigger pockets.

        • +1

          I tried the Switch at a mate's house and I can't say I'm a fan. Those controllers are tiny and getting a more conventional one is not cheap. I'm also not interested in its current lineup until at least Mario Odyssey comes out. Not worth the portability for gimped games, either. It's a shame to hear Doom is going to be 30fps on it.

          Anyway it's just stupid the lack of love for the Vita on PS+. You used to get shit like Gravity Rush (which got me into the series),Uncharted and Everybody's Golf on it, now it's just shitty $2 indie crossbuy garbage from other consoles. That PS3 lineup is pretty awful as well and seems to be getting steadily worse by the month. Would it kill them to chuck something like Ys: Memories of Celceta, one of the Atelier Plus games or any of the myriad of Japanese developed exclusives on it? Hell, even Severed would be worth it (I think that did get on it fairly recently). I mean for god sake it got a PSP game on there late last year that requires a peripheral that isn't even commercially available anymore (Invizimals), that's how little they care about it.

        • @Mr Lister: it's pretty easy to just list drawbacks of the switch when trying it at a mates presumably with split joy con. The real value of it lies in its portability, where I'm able to fit hours more game time in my week as I can use it in bed, on the train etc (remote play on the Vita doesn't even compare). Also "gimped" games depends on the context, most games look fantastic in 720p in portable mode, and while it can't match current gen performance in docked mode, which seems unforgivable, you only need to look at how small the thing is and be amazed at what it manages to do. With regards to the pro controller, it's 5-10 bucks more then the dualshock and it comes with gyro NFC and a USB c cable ( although no 3.5mm Jack is bullshit). Seems reasonable to me as the grip and dual joycons works well for most, not necessarily you or me.

        • @Mr Lister: just want to say that it's still got some life in it.

          Check our trails of cold steel rpg series, there's also more Ys games (lacrimosa of Dana). Also, aegis rim coming out soon.

      • If only they'd made the Vita TV a dock for the Vita console instead…

      • Everyone raved on when the nintendo wii u came out with the secondary screen on the controller…. vita had to do that and i know there were some games that could utilise the screen of the vita for other things.

        I know that battlefielf 4 you could use your tablet to have a blownup map with in game view of team.
        Little big planet or what ever its called with sack boy? Had this feature and another game but it didnt take off.

        Remote play was another feature not advertised hard too that was a biggy

    • +1

      Sigh prob not. I love my vita. I have two vitas with over 50 games plus 30+ sealed games.

      Somehow I think having all this will keep the vita alive. What a shame.

    • +4

      Should get PS Plus when it is $50, plus you are paying for online gaming, the games are a little freebie to incentivise it. I don't PS Plus, but for $50 a year (on special) or $4.16 a month it isn't bad rental system, at $70 or $5.83 on normal is a little bit too much for me.

      Lets say you buy a new game, then sell it again not only do you not keep it but you will lose $10 to $20 on resale, as such, this concept isn't bad as you will keep it as lomg as your PS Plus subscription is active.

        • Microsoft started the online standard for consoles with xbox live, and its been a paid service since the start.

          The more demand for online play means more cost, servers, maintenance, etc.
          It's irresponsible for a company not to pass those costs on with a subscription service.

        • "normalise the concept of paying for online"

          Online play on any non paid service is rubbish, you get what you pay for. (Calm down PCMR, your not included :-P)

          Sony held out for a long time. As linton stated M$ being doing it since wayback and although im in the Sony camp I cant deny the Xbox live service is solid, most likely a result of all the $$ keeping it running.

          Bottom line, if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

        • Just because you got something for free in the past doesn't entitle you to get it free forever. I think you should let go of some of your entitlement and understand that paying for services is the same as paying for products.

        • +1

          Online play on the PS3 was incredibly laggy at the best of times, especially when compared to the X360 at the time. Now, online play on the PS4 is mostly seamless for me. I'd rather pay a small yearly fee to get far superior service. You get what you pay for. 'Free' monthly games and decent PS Store discounts are the icing on the cake that only further justify it.

        • -1

          @linton: "It's irresponsible for a company not to pass those costs on with a subscription service."
          I…can't believe I'm reading shit like this. It's apparently irresponsible for a multinational corporation to not nickle and dime its customers and make them foot the bill for their incompetence? I know Sony is struggling but come on. I'm on a website dedicated to getting things as cheaply as possible and I'm being flamed for not sucking corporate dick. It's exactly this line of thinking that has got us into this situation in the first place. When a company keeps trying to take your money it's not your cue to just lie down and take it.

          Also from what experience I've had with both Xbox Live and PSN the quality of the online is largely dependent on individual games and their servers rather than the service itself. I've had some games run well on PS3 and shit on Xbox. I've yet to see a substantial difference between PS3 and PS4's online. You also don't see PC players having to deal with this so what's the justification there?

          "I think you should let go of some of your entitlement and understand that paying for services is the same as paying for products."
          You're already paying to use your internet as a service, charging an additional fee is downright greedy and unnecessary. Not my problem if corporations can't keep up quality servers without passing the bill on.
          Also just saying "entitlement" is grammatically incorrect; are you saying that there is an objective entitlement that I should lose? You mean my "(false) sense of entitlement" if you really want to deride my point if you believe it to be a subjective state of mind that you believe is wrong or self-centred. I love "entitlement". It's the latest corporate buzzword to stop people questioning shady business practices.

        • @Mr Lister:

          "You're already paying to use your internet as a service, charging an additional fee is downright greedy and unnecessary."

          What an incredibly stupid view, what does paying Telstra (or whoever) have to do with Sony? I also pay for my electricity is there a way of getting out of paying for other services?

          "Not my problem if corporations can't keep up quality servers without passing the bill on."

          Actually it is the customers problem, that is why PS Plus and XBox Gold exists.

          "Also just saying "entitlement" is grammatically incorrect", "corporate buzzword"

          If you are acting pedantic why not get your own posts correct? I didn't say "entitlement", I typed it. Many corporations using the word 'entitlement' in their promo material are they? Can't imagine it being a corporate buzzword. Perhaps you just hear or read it a lot for a reason that involves the way you act?

    • Game everyone already bought or is in $5 bargain bin.

  • Yes!!!!! MGS.

    Been on my hit list for a long time!

    • You will love it, until you hit the point that you have to fight the same bosses again - and the story (profanity) out.

      Such an awesome game though besides that, although I didn't finish it as that put me off it.

      • +2

        That part of the game sucks, but it can be ignored. There are still new story missions that unlock. The replaying of old missions with new parameters (total stealth, hardcore mode etc) is only needed if you want Trophies/100% completion.
        You should go back and give it another go, the true ending is pretty amazing.

      • +1

        This is exactly how I felt. Had an absolutely fantastic first 40 or so hours and then what you described happened and I stopped right then and there and eBay'd my copy off. Sounds a bit harsh but it felt like a slap in the face.

        So strange because gameplay-wise it's spectacular, technically it runs super smoothly at 60fps, and STILL it could've been so much more were it not for the behind-the-scenes drama at Konami and Kojima truly jumping the shark with his story ideas.

  • Not bad not bad. Having said, you can probably pick up MGSV pretty cheap these days anyways. $28.99 for Definitive edition at OzGameShop, for example.

    • +12

      Pretty cheap is not free.

      • -3

        Ps plus is not free either. I agree you can get some value from it but for those not interested in a subscription service, there are ways to get good games cheap. I'm not against ps plus but generally by the time those decent games come out, a lot of people have already played them.

        • +1

          Or in my case, bought them cheap on the psn store, but yet to even install them let alone play.

        • +2

          @linton: I feel! you should see my Steam library as result of cheap games. They're the devil I tell ya, the devil these cheap games.

        • +4

          So given that this game is roughly $30, JC3 was roughly $30, then two games from two months have already paid it off.

          It's one of those things, if you play games, then it's stupid not to get it. If you don't play games then there is no point spending so much on a console anyway. There have been many deals on PS+ too bringing it down even further.

          Over 12 months, it's not cheaper to go out and buy all the interesting games from OzGameShop, rather than get them for free on the PS+ service.

        • +2


          It is a little bit of a gamble though. Definitely no guarantee that you're going to see the AAA titles every month. Games like Nioh or Horizon would probably never show up on there as part of the monthly free games lineup.

          Absolutely no complaints whatsoever for PSN+. I love it and when the el-cheapo subscriptions were around I boosted for the full 3 years worth.

          The Mrs isn't quite as much a fan. She's been relegated to the bench since Just Cause 3 showed up.

        • +1

          @Trickey: jc3 has paid off 3 years with of PS+ for me. I would never have bought it myself, but now that I have it I play it so freaking much.

        • +1

          @OnlinePred: I was on the fence about buying JC3 myself but when I heard about some of the frame rate issues I decided against it. Glad I did since I got it through PS+ and yes the frame rate issues are noticeable on occasion but not really enough of a deal breaker (had I bought it).

          It's just plain fun so I can see past the few issues it has.

  • +32


    • Lol

      • +13


    • +4

      I read the comment, then heard the sound effect in my head. Well played.

      • +4

        My notafications tone is just that, the alert tone And the ring tone is the codec tone.

        • This is now my message tone and ring tone too. The message tone gives me a damn jump every time….. I love it.

    • I don't play the games but it is so iconic I know what it is and the sound that goes with it.

    • Yes. I agree.

  • +3

    Sky force anniversary is also an awesome 1942 style vertical scrolling shooter - heaps of fun.
    PSN has been full of great games this year, a big pick up from last year.

  • +3

    last couple of month ave been pretty decent ay

  • +8

    Just cause, infamous second son, mgsv. Three great months in a row. I stopped my live subscription in august. Sony is looking after me too well these few months

    • +3

      I agree, I don't know why people are saying this is the first decent month in a while. JC3 and Infamous are awesome games.

    • +3

      Agreed. Three high quality months. I hope the trend continues.

    • Agreed, all great games. Especially if fans of action adventure and open worlds.

  • -1

    Already got it!

  • Will I always be able to play the ps4 games offline, provided they have been downloaded? Or will I always require a subscription

    • +1

      You always require the subscription

    • +2

      Free games obtained via PS+ should be available for you to play until your PS+ subscription expires. Offline play should be fine as the games carry the same expiration date to your PS+ subscription.

  • Will require valid subscription to play the PS plus games.

  • Pretty solid lineup ;)

  • +3


  • +1

    No probs thanks for the info

  • WOW, so good!!

  • +2

    CRAB BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • +1

    Daaammmmmnnnnnnn Playstation, killing it this month!

  • wow that is insane… i bought the game day1 release and just bought the complete edition with ground zeros again digitally on sale the other month… no regerts…

  • So glad I didn't buy this game. Looking forward to this.

  • I already have MGS. I wish they would give away Ground Zeroes i never played that one. I feel like MGS V is too good to give away.

    • +3

      They already have PS+ June 2015

      • Oh yeah that's right. I didn't have PS plus then. I bought my PS4 in July 2015.

  • +1

    Incredibly unexpected. Already own and finished MGS:V (got it on launch day) - definitely recommend giving it a go if you haven't already. The story will likely make no sense to anyone unfamiliar with the MGS series, but it's worth playing purely as a stealth-action game. Some of the most satisfying movement and shooting mechanics I've ever come across, tons of fun to play.

  • +5

    Way better games than Xbox’s lineup!

    • -2

      for once

  • +1

    Sorry for being cheap… If I signed up for the PS Plus free trial, would I be able to get both Infamous Second Son and MSG V? Is 14 days enough to enjoy both games?

    Another question, I have 2 PSN accounts, one for US. I noticed my AU account can play games I purchased on the US account. Does the same work for PS Plus? i.e. If I have PS Plus on one account, can I play the game on another account?

    • +2

      You will struggle to knock them out in 14 days unless you have a lot of free time!

      If you have a US PSN account on your PS4 and make your PS4 the primary device you can play those games on your PS4 no matter what account you are logged into, make sense?

      So in relation to PS+, if you buy US PS+ and your console is marked as your primary device you can play the US PS+ games while logged in on your AU account

    • +1

      You need the primary account on the Playstation. Other accounts on the Playstation will be able to play the games from the Primary account irrespective of the account origin

      • You don't pick a "primary account", you just activate that console as your "primary console" for that particular account. You can make every single account on your PS4 "primary" and then any other account on that PS4 can play all of the games with only one PS+ subscription. For example if you sign up for PS+ on an Australian account and then download some crazy demo on a Japanese account you can play the Japanese demo online with your existing subscription from either the Australian or Japanese account.

  • +5

    Finally MGS5 for a price I would pay.

    The games worth playing on PS+ are as rare as hens teeth.

  • +1

    First time there's been nothing of interest to me, but it's awesome to hear other people be excited and not complain! I have such a back catalogue I don't mind having a few personally dull months!

  • +3

    I want to remind everyone that Hideo Kojima made MGSV. The game never tells you this ever, not even once!

    • +1

      A Hideo Kojima comment.

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