Gday. We're shopping for toilets now so hope and believe this knowledgeable community can share your thoughts.
Our upstairs toilet is the old 9-litre, whereas downstairs has a 2-year old 4-litre. The downstairs one seems to require more frequent cleaning although they both get the same use. Also the downstairs one sometimes needs 2 flushes esp for Number 2..,,
Have been reading Buying Guide from various retailers HN, Caroma… Just wonder anyone have one or two to recommend? Trying to spend as little as we can… Many thanks.
P/s Spellchecker didn't like "litre" Brrrr
Best toilet I ever used was at Fraser Suites in Kuala Lumpur as far as shape, depth, height of seat and flushing action goes - a true throne.
And the little isolating tap beside the toilet also had a small trigger spray hose connected, just incase you weren't satisfied with the flushing action completing the task fully - if you know what I mean.
Can't recall the brand - but you could send the GM an email enquiry.