Put your hands up if you are a mortgage broker. I need some help from you.
Any Mortgage Broker in The House?

I recommend Cape Finance. Used them earlier this year, great deals, and more importantly, great communication with customers.
Sigh - where are people's manners? What's wrong with something like this, rather than barking orders?
"Hi. Are there any mortgage brokers here? I'd appreciate it if you could please answer some questions for me".
Maybe OP is a DJ.
I put my hands in the air and waved them like I just don't care and I'm not even a mortgage broker!
I seeketh thy f'rgiveness
I saw the comedic side!
I know, right? This is where the ability to vote on the original post would be nice.
Haha was thinking the same. Can't stand people without basic manners. Username checks out.
PM please.
Talk to a broker…. but I highly doubt anyone will beat loans.com.au or reduceloans.com.au
How long does it take for them to move you off their introductory rate?
Over 18months here, no significant moves.
But that sounds like something a broker would say :P
I have my hands up for no reason.
Yo, everyone whose first name begins with an "L" who isn't Hispanic, walk in a circle the same number of times as the square root of your age times ten!
My mortgage broker is incredible, helped me out so much. PM me if you want details, if anyone can help she will
Interested to hear what they did for you…