I'm a long time lurker and finally made an account. I'm an Aussie currently in Sweden but will be heading back over for a quick trip after 4 or years. It will be good to stock up on Timtams again. So yeah that's me.
Hi from Sweden

Wasn't sure if real product or you smashed your hands against the keyboard… had to google
You won't regret it!
They look more like kitkats than tim tams
I love it - "kvik lunsj" = "quick lunch" :-)
I've never seen these before. I just checked out the local hemköp (grocery store) and they didnt have any :(
Prover kjope på Nordby storsenter. Otherwise try the lollyshops.
Tack, jag ska kolla upp detta. Cheers!
Welcome back. Enjoy your holidays with friends and family.Thanks!
Can you bring me back a blonde Swedish babe?
Where's your manners? Not even a "please".
I can see what I can fit in my hand luggage
Hello friend
Thanks for the warm welcome
Welcome to Ozbargain. Well, you've already been lurking on Ozbargain for years, it's more like: "About time you joined us!"
If you need help, check out out redesigned Help page or feel free to give me or any of the mods a PM.
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Enjoy the bizarre impression that newsreaders and people at the airport are faking their obviously-exaggerated over-the-top Aussie accents for a day or so, until you become acclimatised again.
This really hits home from last time I came back :)
Can you bring me a bucket of that choc caramel ice-cream?
You should try the salty licorice ice cream
Hi Sven
Hi :)
What's living in Sweden like? Are you fluent in Swedish?
It's cold, the people are friendly but not as open as aussies. There are a few different customs like taking off your shoes when you go to someones house.
I'm not fluent but know enough to work in an environment where swedish is the spoken language. The thing is here you can easily survive without speaking swedish as almost everyone speaks english. They teach it at schools from 3rd grade.
Just get Kviklunsj. Same thing