• expired

Free Grill'd Burger with Purchase of a Specialty Range Burger


Sign up, buy a specialty range burger, get a free burger for your mate.
Receive a QR code instantly upon sign up, voucher expires 26/09/2017.


Valid at all Grill'd restaurants
Only valid with the purchase of a Specialty burger
Excluding Sliders, Mini Me and Dynamic Duos
Any additions or optimisations to your burger will need to be paid for separately
This offer is not available for online ordering, take-away purchases or via Uber Eats
Limited to one voucher per customer
Free burger can be any standard size burger of equal or lesser value
Not valid with any other offer
Single use only
Replica or forged versions of this voucher will not be accepted.
Offer expires at 23:59 (AWST) 26/09/2017

Try our new Specialty range and get a free burger

With more and more diets, comes more and more cheat days. It’s becoming the norm. We like food. We’re only human and because: life.

We’ve all been there. The cheat day. And it’s always a good idea at the time. Then comes the aftermath, the food remorse and guilt. We know for a fact that 1 in 2 Australians experience emotional hangovers post-cheat day and 4 in 5 wishing we could enjoy the cheat meal tastes without the guilt.

So with that information, from now on we’re saying, it’s not cheating if you’re just eating. And what you’re eating at Grill’d is local, fresh, and real. The foundation of an even better breed of burger is in our ingredients and our higher animal welfare through our partnership with the RSPCA.

With this good news, comes better news. Buy a burger from our Specialty range (Pork Belly, Wagyu, Organic Beef) and receive a FREE burger off the menu for your mate for two weeks only.

Simply sign up below and you will instantly receive your free burger voucher.

This is chEAT day. And it’s every day with Grill’d.

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closed Comments

  • Yew! Thanks!

  • +4

    Their new burgers are $15.40 so it'd be $7.7 for each burger using this code.

    • +2

      Wow, I haven't tried the new burgers but for $15.40 you can get a restaurant quality burger at a nice place or a burger and a lot of fries at another place.

      At least its a nice discount I guess.

      • Yeh I definitely wouldn't pay that for one of their burgers tbh, if u had side and a drunk you'd be looking at 25 bucks ateast which is a bit ridiculous

        • +22

          I wouldn't pay $25 for the drunk even if he/she did come with a side.

        • Yes their chips and drinks are extremely expensive.
          Tried their cider and it wasn't even good.
          Their chips are mediocre.

        • @nightelves: :( *drink haha

      • +2

        I'd never pay $15 but they do make damn good burgers so I can understand why they're always busy with people paying full price.

        • +2

          Unfortunately, Grilld is my go-to choice for burgers here in Canberra because prices over here are insane. That being said, you could get a more healthier burger for 13$ at Grilld with their chicken options which is still delicious rather than a greasy burger from a pub.

        • They burgers are healthy and feel homemade, but the burgers really aren't that good compared to other places.

        • Grill'd are one of the few burger chains that serve grass-fed/pasture-raised meat. That stuff is far healthier but expensive ($45+/kg for Cleavers last time I looked in Coles.) So I don't mind the few extra dollars for a gourmet burger. And the wheat-free bun options are great for those with autoimmune issues.

          But yeah, the sides always seem expensive. With most restaurants, it's the desserts that get the big mark up, but Grill'd don't do desserts.

    • $15 is too expensive for one burger IMHO.

      • +1

        That's why with this code, you get 2 burgers for ~$15.

    • +1

      $15.90 in Sydney

  • +3

    Grill'd do good burgers. Signed up, thanks for that.

    • +1

      Yeh went to the Chadstone one recently, really good burgers.

  • +4


    *You need to buy a burger.

    • +3

      Possibly change title to Buy one get one free

  • Bring back MEATWAVE!!!

  • +1

    do they also email the QR code to you or are you supposed to print it straight away?

    • +1

      they email a QR code.

    • +1

      they email it.

    • It's displayed on the website after the details are completed too. So you can just mash in random details if you want

  • +6

    Do they still underpay their staff?

    • +4

      Came here to ask exactly this. I haven't been to Grill'd for a long time since I found out about that.

      • +3

        Yes, they do. Everyone is a part time trainee, and you never finish. So, that is 25 less than the strandard wages. No penalty rates, not for a Sunday or a public holiday. As per the EBA You are meant to do a maximum of two weekends in a month and two public holidays. In real life you are required to do most weekends and holidays.
        Burgers are good but the OB in me cannot justify their price.

        • +2

          Thanks for the tip. Not buying burgers is cheaper, anyway.

    • Lol, when I worked there I was paid $12 being 18 years old.

  • +6

    Does the mate have to come?

  • +1

    Grill'd burgers are awesome.
    IMO better than Burger Project or Chur Burger.

    • +1

      Better then Burger project for sure but not sure about Chur burger. I personally prefer Chur burgers to grilled

  • -1

    no chicken specialty burger? i feel personally victimized by this deal.

    • you can be the 'mate' and order your unspecial chicken burger :)

    • If your mate buys the specialty burger, you can get any burger off the menu.

  • Combined with the polished man promotion, I'll be sick of Grill'd Burger for a while… haha

  • 'Simply sign up below and you will instantly receive your free burger voucher.'

    "INSTANTLY"? I've been waiting 5 minutes already and nothing…

    • just did it and got the email 'Instantly'…well it took 20 secs but that's instantish

    • +1

      I got the QR code and email instantly…

    • +1

      Check your junk mail, that's where my voucher was found.

      • yep that did it, thanks, don't know why I didn't check there first!

  • -1

    still nothing 20+ minutes later..

    found it - in junk mail !

    • Forgot to take a screen shot of the QR Code? or have you check your junk mail folder?

      • +1

        yep just found it thanks! I'll shutup now lol

        • +1

          I know the feeling, you cant miss out on the cheap or free food ;) LOL

  • Thanks op, heading to Melbourne with my son tomorrow so lunch is sorted.

    Serious question here, how do I use the QR code to order? Do I just show them my phone and they scan it?

    • +2

      Correct :)
      edit : Or print it on a A4 page :)

      • Thanks

  • +1

    This offer is not available for online ordering, take-away purchases

    So when exactly CAN you use it - eat in only?

    Or is it just me being dense?

    • +7

      I just walked all the way to Grill'd with my voucher being prepared to bring back 2 burgers back to work for me and a colleague. I get there only to be advised that it is 'DINE IN ONLY' the voucher does not work for take away. I left p!ssed off.

      • +2

        Yeh it's a bit ridiculous, they're basically trying to pressure people into a drink and sides by making them sit in.

        • And they're a burger bar, ludicrous.

          Thats gonna be a no for me.

      • This really sucks for people like myself who don't dine in alone…

      • +1

        Can you change your mind half way when they're prepping, saying you've been summoned back to the office?

    • I'm thinking to bring my own container. I'll eat in and takeaway the other 1…haha

      I don't mind dining alone but I just can't finish 2!

    14. All information you provide (Personal Information) will be used by Grill’d for the purpose of conducting this Promotion and may be entered into the Grill’d database and may be used by Grill’d, its related entities, agencies engaged by Grill’d, or any other third party nominated by Grill’d, for Grill’d’s current and future promotional and marketing purposes.

    Oh well, signed up.

    • +1

      You know they don't validate the email address or number right?
      Eg. I tried one with '0404040404' and someone had already ozbargain'd that number lol

      • 404 error code

  • Thanks OP, just got 10 QR codes.

  • -3

    Wow! Great deal! Individually assume responsibility for the crimes committed globally by men and get a cheap burger!
    Its grossly offensive and based on misleading statistics but cheap burgers!! And you can't eat principles right?

    • +3

      Individually assume responsibility for the crimes committed globally by men and get a cheap burger!
      Its grossly offensive

      wtf? A cheat day, as in "I'm on a diet but occasionally I eat 3 x 1-litre tubs of ice-cream, particularly on Monday nights when game of thrones is on"…

    • +1

      Whoa horsey. Maybe check you understand a thing before getting mad about said thing.

      It's referring to a 'cheat day' which many diets and workout regimes tout as a method to boost your metabolism.

      I'm not even sure I know what you think it meant if I'm honest.

    • +4

      Never go full retard

    • Put down the sauce bottle! No sauce for you!

  • do they mail the code?, saying my email and mobile number already entered

  • Getting an error: "There as (sic) been an issue with your entry, please refresh and try again."
    After refreshing and trying again I get "This email address has entered."
    No email (checked spam) and tried in both safari and chrome.

    • getting the same message

    • I'm also getting the same error. Maybe they took it down?

      • Working again it seems.

  • meh… ultimate double whopper for the win!

  • Replica or forged versions of this voucher will not be accepted.

    What if it's good enough and they think it's real?

    • Pretty sure that won't hold up when they actually try to scan it?

  • +2

    No specialty veggie burgers :(

  • Your QR code is actually at the bottom of the T&C page you're taken to after entering any old rubbish details. No need to wait 20 seconds for the email!

  • +1

    Couldn't sign up at the link. Said pls refresh and try again later. But putting in my details said I'd already signed up.
    Didn't get a QR code at bottom of page bc didn't confirm, and no email after 20 mins.
    Told staff at FOH and they honoured it after a bit of a chat.

    • Did you check your junk email folder? That's where mine ended up

      • Yep. Never showed up. I've received emails from grill'd before.

  • -1

    Expired? Doesn't seem to work when I sign up now

  • I quickly signed up and then closed the tab because I had something else to do. Not sure what I was supposed to do after but didn't get any QR code and trying to register again says that my phone number has already been used.

    • Should be in your inbox or junk email

  • Not sure if this all locations, but Grill'd in Macquarie Park couldn't scan QR codes from most phones :(

    Worse yet, after days of knowing about the problem, they had no fallback system. Staff were polite, but the response pretty much came down to "Sorry, can't help you. Suck it up".

    With the dodgy staff wages (see above), and this attitude to their own issue, I'll be heading to one of the many other fine restaurants nearby in future.

    TL;DR Take a printed copy of your QR code just in case

    • They couldn't scan my printed copy in South Melbourne (broken scanner), but thankfully they comp'd the burger for me which was nice.

  • Gosh the underbelly pork burger is so delicious!!!

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