iPhone Stolen Call from Police

Moderator Notes: Mobileciti is keen to have this issue resolved. I have reached out to Joeyishere (OP off this post) on 13 Sept to try to get him to send the order number and IMEI to lyl (store rep of Mobileciti) so they can establish what's going on. However Joeyishere has not yet responded to prove their case is genuine. —scotty

Original Post


I just got a call from a number with no caller ID claiming to be from the police stating that my mobile has been listed as stolen and the information was provided by Apple.

I purchased my Iphone 7 in April 2017 from a store in Parramatta which is quite popular in the ozbargain community however said caller had all my details including my iCloud address and name and will be sending me an email from an official address requiring a copy of my invoice and a statement re the purchase. They also knew the store I purchased from.

Once I get the email, I can call up and check directly with the police obviously however has anyone had a similar experience and what were the next steps?

Am not happy that I have splurged on an expensive phone and had this happen. Guess you get what you pay for.


For all the experts here, I've got the email and confirmed with the police that it's genuine. So you know what you can do with your snide remarks. If anyone has faced a similar situation before, you can advise and not be like the keyboard warriors here.

closed Comments

  • +1

    name and shame

    • Deleted until sorted

      • Deleted until sorted

        I would've guessed something was up with a silly name like that! 😌

  • -4


  • +1


    • Yea. I buy from B&M stores to avoid this nonsense precisely. Might as well buy grey import stock

      • Trust me it is worse with gray stock. At least you can go to a shop an deal with a real person.

        • +1

          Trust me it is worse with gray stock.

          Not in the case of a blocked imei.

  • I find that a little strange, if your mobile is listed as stolen it would have been IMEI locked immediate and then you would be contacting Apple for a solution instead. I have never heard of the police contacting customers. Sounds fishy…

    Edit: Just saw OPs reply to the top comment, the store reps are dodgy buggers

    • I don't think the rep was dodgy, after being alerted about the phone not being brand new they investigated the issue, refunded the buyer including postage and also fixed their ebay listing to state that the phone was ex-demo. I think it was probably an honest mistake and after being alerted to the issue I think they handled it quite well.

      • I see. Thanks for the clarification.

      • Have deleted to give them benefit of doubt but still angry that I have to deal with this

  • Keep your invoice and keep a track of calls.

    I recall a story back a few years ago regarding the authorities asking apple for access to people accounts and they refused to.

    I think it was in the USA but not sure.

    • Whoever called had way too much detail so either some details were leaked somewhere or this is genuine. Knew date of purchase, apple user id, store purchased from.

      • +1

        Of course, as they're obliged to do, the calling police officer left his/her name, rank, and contact number?

        • +1

          He said a lot in the beginning and I just ignored as I first thought it might be scam or sales call. Then he started giving me all those details which then woke me up. Only asked me to confirm my email address and the fact I bought it from the store (had everything apparently) and then said an official email follow asking for a statement and tax invoice. Unless I'm being stalked, I don't know how someone would know where I bought it, when I bought it, my iCloud ID, my full name and so on.
          I can always confirm that email with the police directly but the whole reason for buying from a B&M store was to avoid such hassles. If there was a problem with the supplier, the store should sort it out. Just so mad right now.

        • @Joeyishere: Wondering why you didn't wait to confirm the email/phone call validity before going public with this? Best to contact the store directly in the first instance if you believe there's an issue. Are you sure your email or iCloud accounts weren't hacked, and that's how the caller got your details?

        • @tightarse: Didn't get much info from store and been asked to wait for the email

        • -2


          Wondering why you didn't wait to confirm the email/phone call validity before going public with this?

          Because he wanted to share a juicy story with all his cool friends on OzBargain. 😇

        • +1


          Only asked me to confirm my email address and the fact I bought it from the store (had everything apparently) and then said an official email follow asking for a statement and tax invoice. Unless I'm being stalked, I don't know how someone would know where I bought it, when I bought it, my iCloud ID, my full name and so on.

          Would someone who has access to the store's records know these particulars?

          You should independently confirm the identity of any purported police officer with their purported police station by visiting or calling them directly before you "confirm" any more of your details.

        • @Scrooge McDuck: Already done.

    • +3

      Thanks. First thing will call the police station to confirm employee works there and that this is a genuine investigation.

      • You should ask to speak with person too, just to make sure that person that called you is the said person. I mean, I could call u and randomly claim to be a officer if I had the officers details.

      • +2

        I wouldn't call, I would visit in person

  • This is very strange. I would naturally be skeptical that the person on the phone was dodgy, but there is a chance this is legitimate. Have you received the email yet? Is it legit?

    Did you call the store you purchased from? What did they say?

  • That call was not from the police.
    If it was, the member would have left their name and would have asked you to attend your nearest station.

    • +1
    • -1

      So you're an expert on how they operate?

      • -1


        • and I just spoke to them now and they told me to wait for the email

        • -1


          Member's name and station?

        • @oscargamer: Ha Ha. Mate I came to ask for advice. I don't need you to investigate me. Are you associated with the shop?

        • +1


          Wow, just wow……..

        • @oscargamer: Wow with your level of expertise and you didn't know they use email. Stop pretending to know everything. You might learn a thing or two.

        • @Joeyishere:

          and I just spoke to them now and they told me to wait for the email

          Who is "them"?

        • @Joeyishere:

          ok, good to talk …. <rolleyes>

          good luck getting you money back………HA !

        • +3

          @Joeyishere: You're being unnecessarily hostile to worthwhile advice

  • -3

    For all the haters, the fact that they know which store i picked it up and and when suggests the store is already involved unless I was being stalked.

    • +1

      Or the store records have been accessed.

      Police do not try and convince you of anything on the phone. It's always done face to face.

    • -1

      Troll thread? 🤔

      • -1

        Useless comment from people who have no idea?

        • +1

          Your responses aren't particularly illuminating.

        • @Scrooge McDuck: or you could read the update in the original post and stop attacking others.

        • @Joeyishere:

          FYI - people that have already read your first post once, don't re-read it checking for updates

        • -1

          @oscargamer: If you don't want to help, why don't you ignore this thread since you have absolutely no idea how things are done.

        • -1


          couldn't have happened to a nicer person - enjoy your stolen phone

        • @oscargamer: you can go and enjoy trolling someone else. You and Scrooge are really pathetic people with no genuine desire to help

        • @Joeyishere:

          the opposite is actually the truth

          as has been pointed out, if you had provided all the info at the start, then helped those of us that asked for further clarification, it could have been such a nice thread……..for a change

          but you clearly have your knickers in a twist and are lashing out when others simply ask questions and offer alternative thought processes

  • +1

    The best thing you can do is go about as normal. the police will visit if an offence has been committed.

    • I think I should be more scared of being visited by some of the commenters here who seem to have commenced an investigation on their own.

  • I've got the email and confirmed with the police that it's genuine.

    Does this mean you have an event number and verified with the lac where it was issued?

    • Yep. Works at the same police station I called. Got the all the details.

  • I would be calling MobileCiti (or whoever) first and asking for their explanation and planned resolution before going to the police.
    Then get them to email you in writing with what they will do.

    Once you go the police and the phone is taken from you then it will be even harder.

    I am impressed though that the police have followed through and will hopefully retrieve an Iphone for somebody.

    Have you gone onto Apple support etc to check warranty etc to see when first registered?

    There is no way that a company doesn't know whether a phone is new or not.

  • So can you reiterate please.
    You bought a stolen phone from a shop ?
    Then you put your sim in with your own phone number and signed it up with apple/icloud.
    This caused the devices IMI number, along with all your inputted details to be notified to the police as a stolen device.

    How does a shop get to sell you a stolen phone ? or have I got the wrong end of the stick ?

    • Bought Phone from shop and loaded SIM (First time Apple User)
      Police call saying certain number of phones listed as stolen and Apple provided details.
      I get email which I have confirmed is genuine.
      How does a company do that? I have no idea.
      If I'm unhappy, I get attacked by the ozbargain community. (Not directed at you)

      • It doesn't seem like you got attacked, you just didn't provide enough information about the situation so people needed to ask questions to try and help you out.

  • -1

    WTF - How does this even happen? How does the shop not know. Very dogey. Email them the copy of the police email and a copy of your purchase record and ask them to address it immediately. If they don't, threaten to go public with it and name and shame them.

    Edit: whatever happens do not hand over your phone or mail it to someone. The only people you may need to give the phone to is to the police (if so do it in person at a police station).

  • I don't think people in this particular thread were "keyboard warriors".. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Keyboard%20Wa…

  • Call the police and ask them if they are wanting to confiscate the mobile from you, if you can prove that you purchased it. Forward the police correspondence to the mobile store and demand a refund, if they refuse, do a chargeback with your bank / get the businesses attention online.

  • +2

    So basically mobileciti bought a batch of stolen iPhones. Interesting supply chain…
    Unsure I would purchase from them now

    • +3

      Out of interest, how did you reach this conclusion?

      • +1

        Which part?
        If stolen but still sealed from a shop then they will have bought more than 1? If they are reselling from Gumtree purchases it would be no less worrying.
        And I thought somebody already said it was mobileciti?

        • But perhaps I shouldn't skim read at work..

      • Actually mate, if you look at cachiedview.com for this thread then you will see what I am talking about. I wasn't going mad..

        But evidently the OP deleted the comments later..

  • Here's another case from another OzBargainer two years ago with Futu Online. Police showed up at his/her place however.

    • Thanks. Happy they have gone High Tech now rather than any surprise visits

    • +1

      That's me! Saw this post and sounded so familiar! It's really a sucky issue to be in.

      Make sure you back up your iPhone as I didn't and it was confiscated when the police turned up.

  • That sucks, unfortunately with price gouging, getting products through less official methods will result in these issues.

    I probably wouldn't get aggressive with the company straight away, as they might actually want to rectify the issue. Particularly since they are a Brick and Mortar store(?)

    Assuming that it's the store i'm thinking of, i think i've bought 3 phones from them with no issues. It takes 1 shipment to destroy a store, lets not get sharpen our pitchforks just yet.

    If it were me, i'd back up and encrypt my phone straight away. As im guessing when you get a visit from the police, it will be confiscated.

  • OP has advised us they've got the answers they wanted, thread is closed.

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