Rare Night Terrors and Nightmares

I dreams/nightmares I often don't remember them only about 3 or 4 over a space of 4 years and they only last a few seconds

all but the ones I do remember are violent and scary often involving death(brutal murders ) kidnapping of people I know sometimes they are so vivid and clean they re appear when I'm trying to sleep this then makes me nervous about sleeping when they have happened recently

Several times during the night I wake up frightened and/or in sweats. But have no idea
They come and go. I'll have many episodes a night for weeks on end and other times I won't have any for months.

I have a very healthy and fit lifestyle

Has anyone experienced this before and have anyway to help kinda prevent it if possible ?

Or any insight to why this happens ??

UPDATE - GP cleared me of any mental and sleeping issues


  • Write down your dreams. They might win you an oscar when you make it a movie. Every success starts from a dream.

  • pray before you sleep.

    • +1

      Not religious

      • You will be when your prayers stop the nightmares.

        • +3

          I highly doubt that

      • take care for your soul not being sucked in by religious freaks. Share your soul with another human, once you got the right one things will be so much better.

        • I have no interest in relationships or religion thanks

  • Buy a dream catcher?

    • I actually have one haha

  • In my opinion, Since you work 7 days a week. I think your body doesn't know how to relax properly for sleeping. You should probably de-stress then go to bed.

    • I might work a lot but my job isn't stressful and I do have quiet relaxing time before bed

  • Your condition is causing you enough distress that you should see your GP for advice. They can point you in the right direction for help. I would ignore pretty much all remedies suggested on this forum as it's not something you want to experiment with.

    • If ya u read up a bit further
      I have done that they were not much help though
      All they said there is no medical reason why these should be happening

  • For the people who haven't read above I have been to the GP and they don't think there is any mental issues causing it and I also have a very strict diet from a dietian so it's nothing that I eat.
    I do not lay on my phone in bed or watch tv
    I excercise regaularly
    And I have relax time for about 4 hours before bed

    I have a few things to try before bed and during the day to see if they help. Thankfully I had none last night but was extremely tired

  • stop watching horror movies, playing violent video games

    • It could be visually caused from a different party and not the OP as our brain is like a non stop video/audio recorder.

  • If you have a smart phone (which I assume you have), try to download the app called "Smilling mind" which is a kinda meditation app and use it before sleep, I used to have bad dreams every night, been using for awhile and it gets better. Hope it helps.

  • I used to sleepwalk when I was younger and had night terrors fairly regularly until a couple of years ago. I've noticed that both occur more often when I'm stressed at work or otherwise overwhelmed somehow. I still occasionally have night terrors, but nowhere near as often. Both seemed to drop off as I got older, but reading the comments I think when I started seeing a psychologist and got my mental health in-check is around when it got significantly better, which I actually hadn't associated previously. Probably not helpful to you, but I hope you figure it out because it's awful.

    • scary indeed, my mum told me I sleep walked too when I was young.

      I was trying to walk out of the house but they managed to stop me at the gates..

      The scary thing is that I have no recollection of it and they said my eyes were wide opened.

      Stopped doing it when I was older.

      • That sounds very scary :/ lucky you didn't end up walking through the street

  • +1

    The dreamworld is like a simulation of recollection of things you have see, heard, feel, watch, encounter, experienced or even from reading.

    1) It could be from the media/news/tv…. its pretty hard to avoid them especially if you like TV or could be from someone else e.g. your partner love Tom Clancy movies? or it could be from a reading material that has that violence element.

    2) Have you ever wonder or see the connection in your dreams why are the people close too you are getting slaughtered/murdered/kidnapped….(not trying to be Sherlock Holmes quite bit fan of B.C ) but the brain processes are quite fascinating. Its good to check the timeline…..to be sure you are not looking into the future as you could be psychic!

    3) Could be depression? its not something that can be detectable but worthwhile to check and cross it out.

    Here is my solution might be hard for you but if you can do it….I still cannot guarantee its effectiveness as everyone is unique and different lol.

    Step 1: Learn to stop your dream and tell yourself its a dream. Not sure if you have experienced the falling dream (I have heaps when I was young as I was afraid of heights) Find the EXIT in the dream ( Not sure if you watch the movie Edge of Tomorrow? If you can't find the exit, stop running and just let the dream kill you so you can ahem wake up), well mine is logic as I always ended in dreams related to my fears/phobia which there is no way I will be in the dream situation in the first place (usually very dramatic).

    Eventually you could learn to stop it at anytime when you realised that its not going to be a nice dream and you could awake from the nightmare (sometimes it could be a dream inside another dream e.g. Inception type….I had experienced that before and it feels really bad as you are struggling to wake up but when you did, you get end up in another dream…pretty annoying) It is hard at first to tell yourself that you are dreaming but you will know its a dream with practice.

    Step 2: Ahem, This is a good and hard one, learn to CONTROl your dreams (yes it will be your matrix/playground) You can manipulate your dream, reset, even dream whatever you want to dream or switch off so you have a nice sleep without feeling that you didn't sleep at all when you wake up in the morning. (It usually seems that dream time is actually way longer compared to the real world time)

    I didn't believe it at first when my old school friend told me he could control his dreams (well his intention are mostly wet dreams according to him) and I was trying to get rid of my phobia nightmares and my fever nightmares where my grandfather (passed away b4 I was born and my house has a photo of his face hanging in front of my room door) would always come to see me smiling in a very creepy way (good thing it isn't penny wise ^_^ll)

    With practice I managed to control my falling dreams as I wouldn't be screaming anymore but gliding and flying instead (still afraid of heights in real life lol) and I managed to talk to my Granpa ( Can't remembered what I say but it has to do with why is he haunting me in my dreams) and that was the last time I saw him smiling at me and ….never see him again in my dreams.

    Also there is a side effect to this….: It was fun manipulating my dreams for a while but as I grew older, I have lost the ability to dream, and now I can't dream anymore.

    Its usually a deep sleep and the next thing I know I am awake in the morning.

    Hope your nightmare ends and may you have happy dreams in your near future ……now I just need to find a solution to dream again.
    Maybe we can dream shared in the near future and I can teach you how to fly like Peter Pan ^o^

    • Thanks for all the helpful tips

      • I second what this guy said. I learned to control my dream and that's when dream stopped being scary anymore. It is sweeter if it is a good dream and it's more of an adventure when it is a scary type. I, too, fly in the dream when I keep telling myself to try that in the dream. The level of control does seem to decrease as I grow and I don't dream as often now. For a very short of period, I was able to fall back to sleep and keep the same dream going in a controlled way.

        Keep telling yourself that you can control the dream when you go to bed every day. For the part of the dream that you can remember, simulate it with a different path while you are awake which could eventually become part of your dream. try this http://www.wikihow.com/Control-Your-Dreams

        • The more I dwell over them the more I think it would effect me but I haven't thought about it fo the pst three nights and haven't had any

          As I've said numerous times in this post they are very rare and not a nightly occurance
          I don't remember them so they don't bother me the very few seconds I do is maybe once a year that it happens

        • how would you know that you are dreaming? what gives it away?

        • @nautic: you kind realize something not adding up, something strange. I attempted that many times before I eventually gained that feeling in my dream. Couldn't remember exactly how I trained myself but I definitely kept telling myself to control my dream when going to bed every day.

  • Wow, a lot of strange advise in this thread. I wouldn't try any medication just yet, and I wouldn't bother trying to read into meaning behind dreams. I also wouldn't bother learning "meditation". Meditation isn't instantly relaxing, it's actually frustrating and annoying for the first few months while you learn how to do it, and it probably won't help you.

    Just practice some good sleep hygiene https://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-topics/sleep-hygiene

    To add to this: I have the following unqualified suggestions for you:

    1. avoid playing intense videogames (or any video games) within the last hour you're awake.
    2. Install Flux on your computer (redshift if it's linux), Twilight on your Android phone.
    3. Try to limit what you do in the bedroom. The bedroom is for 2 things: sleep and sex. For any other activities, perform them in another room.
    4. Wake up at the same time every morning, even weekends. Don't try to 'catch up' on sleep you've missed, even if you stay up late or wake up during the night.
    5. Control the temperature of your room. Not too hot, not too cold. This is a personal choice, but pick a temperature range and control it.
    • avoid playing intense videogames (or any video games) within the last hour you're awake.
      I suck at video games so that ones safe haha
      Install Flux on your computer (redshift if it's linux), Twilight on your Android phone.
      What's that ?
      Try to limit what you do in the bedroom. The bedroom is for 2 things: sleep and sex. For any other activities, perform them in another room.
      Might be okay if I have a whole house to myself but I still live at home

      Wake up at the same time every morning, even weekends. Don't try to 'catch up' on sleep you've missed, even if you stay up late or wake up during the night.
      Do this 👌
      Control the temperature of your room. Not too hot, not too cold. This is a personal choice, but pick a temperature range and control it.
      Can't do this doesn't have controllable heating/cooling

      But thanks for the good tips

  • +1

    I get the same thing when I miss a bargain.

    • You must love getting bargains

  • -1

    I am not a professional in this area but here is my opinion. It's a long shot but it may be true.

    Have you heard of "REBIRTH" & " LIFE AFTER DEATH". To understand this theory you have to know when a person dies then they are reborn as someone else. It maybe possible that the dreams and the nightmares you are having are of someone else. They are someone else's experiences that they had in their lifetime and totally not related to you. I know this through my grandpa who has been to many countries and this is one of the theories that one culture has for nightmares.

    I don't mean to offend you or your dietitian, but eating dairy and drinking occasionally especially socially is good for you (not smoking). Also, just go on a holiday because working 7 days can take a toll on your body after a while.

    Then again the above may not be true. It's possible you may just be going through depression or some other mental health issue.

    • As I have mentioned above Doctor has given me the all clear on mental health issues.

      Those advices arnt from my dietian I don't have dairy as we think I have an intolerance to it makes me very gassy, bloated and nausea . Alcohol I don't drink cause of personal preference I really just don't like the taste I might have a few every year if that

      • Also as for a holiday I've been overseas three times this year and in hospital for a month off and on

  • Dont know if this has been said. But maybe try some 5htp and/or melatonin. obviously look into the effects of both before taking but both help with sleep and mood not a doctor but has helped me in the past.

  • +1

    May be u think 2 much bfr gng to bed. I usually put one glass full of water next to my bedside table. This works for me. Let me know if it works 4 u 2.

    • lol what's the glass of water meant to do ?

      • -1

        There are a lot of people talk BS, I want to know too what a glass of water meant to do ?? 🙄

        • -3

          Yes there is so much BS but ya just let them go and have their way keeps them happy

        • @x1x1x1: Water is the element of the Spirit, and works well to soak up the terrors of the Spirit as well. A simple remedy for nightmares is simply to place a full glass of water on your nightstand before bed. The water will absorb any negative spiritual energy during the night, and helps prevent nightmares for some people. In the morning, be sure to dump the water down the drain. You don’t want to take in negative energy by drinking the water!

        • @aman00024:

          Mustn't work to well then :/ as I always have a glass of water and water bottles next to my bed

          Or maybe cause I sometimes drink it I just go around in a circle 🤔

        • +4

          @x1x1x1: lol, now it's entirely ur wish mate…

          Most of the ppl keep water jug/bottle next to der bed side but if you're experiencing non-stop nightmares den it's upto you.
          I use that technique to get rid of nightmares and it works most of the time.

          You've tried Gp ✅

          You don't wanna take prescription drugs etc ✅

          You do exercise ✅

          You don't drink alcohol ✅

          You're considering water thing BS ✅

          It may not work for u but you never know… 🙏

          P.S. :- Do not use mobile phone before going to bed, at least one hour before sleep.

        • -2


          I never said it was BS it was just a bit of a joke as I do and it hasn't worked that's all :)

        • -1

          @aman00024: and what is the source of this crap ?

  • +1

    Here's my understanding of what is more usually described as 'night terrors', which you may or may not have.

    Before you go into a dream state, a switch is usually set/closed that paralyses your body while you dream. Otherwise the moment you dream of that lion you'll be physically running in bed. For some folk that switch is faulty - it kind of works in the early stages, then at some stage swings open, often just as that lion is jumping on top of you, so suddenly you're running around the room trying to get away from that f'ing lion. For most folk with 'night terrors' it usually happens within the first hour of actually getting to sleep, and then you're likely to be good for the night.

    So what does that description imply? It means it's some kind of fault in the brain - a faulty switch. But, provided this is your only problem, your dreams aren't any more or less freaky than anyone elses.

    How this relates to you i have no idea - that's a matter for the GP, a sleep specialist etc. You can go off and do a medicare funded sleep test as long as you've got the right referrals. You go into a sleep centre, get wired up with a mask etc, and they measure wtf goes on during your sleep.

    Thank you and goodnight.

  • I really appreciate everyone's advice and help with this!

  • +1

    Um… I think you are living too hard. Like eating (following strict diet), exercise (5 PT a week?!) etc

    Do you have time to break out of your routine… eat what you want, just slouch and do nothing… have glass of wine or three. Maybe it will help

    How’s your sexual life?

    • I do it all for my personal enjoyment and health . I am trying to loose a lot of weight to get healthy etc

      As mentioned previously I don't drink. But I do have relaxing evenings on the weekend where I don't train and will go out for dinner with friends etc

  • +1

    Try Kava. I love it. I sleep solid afterwards.

  • For a new twist on thing apparently once when I was sleeping with a friend I was crying in my sleep 🤔🤔

    • I can sense there is sadness in your dream ^_^l

      Erm just curious did you dream of this friend died? If yes….you really need to check for ESP.

      • I have no idea what I was dreaming of I don't even remember this happening

        My friend told me and he thought I was awake but I wasn't and this was like months ago now

        Wtf ESP?

  • I just learned a condition that I have experienced in the past.
    "sleep paralysis"

    Manipulating too much of your dream can increase the chance of it happening. During a sleep paralysis attack, you wake up but cannot move your muscles for a few minutes. You may also feel like someone is in the room. Stay calm and try to focus on your breathing or wiggling your toes or fingers. This is scary, but harmless.

    OK finally realised after so many years that I wasn't out of the astral physical world when it happened just some brain glitches.

    • That does sounds very scary

    • you've forgotten to ask yourself, why there always seems to be a presence in the room

  • +1

    I narrowly escaped from a castle guarded by samurais last night. It was very stressful. I woke up and clutched my girlfriend tightly and she told me everything was all right. Then we had sex and I became relaxed afterwards. I had a great day following that. Spring blossoms in bloom, everything's roses. Though I have also died in my sleep in the past and woken up cold and alone, with only my ever-present friend liquor to keep me company. The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems. But today was good. (profanity) those samurai.

  • +3

    Hey I used to have these a lot. But I used to be very good a lucid dreaming, basically realising that I was having a nightmare and would wake myself up or change the dream. Eventually they went away, after becoming much less frequent.

    Google lucid dreaming and use some of the tricks to be able to recognise you're dreaming. I naturally just recognised that what was happening was far too brutal and awful to actually be happening, so my brain would go 'oh I must be dreaming', and then I would just close my eyes and basically breath calmly and think of something else. And it would all just go away, because remember it's all in your head and all about being able to control your brain and your mind.

    • Mine only last a few seconds wel the bits I remember anyway not sure if that's enough time to try manipulate them

      • that's a few seconds in the dream! have you ever watched a movie called 'inception'?

        • No never heard of it

  • yo. logged in just to say this
    i used to get terrifying imagery in my sleep paralysis all the time but then after i started exercising (swimming laps) and being more active i no longer :)
    healthy body healthy mind.////???….,,,

    • I think OP exercises enough already. She seems to have a lifestyle healthier than most of us on here.

      • Haha yeah it's pretty healthy at the moment :)

  • I never believed in dream dictionaries, or that dreams have meaning, and are telling you something. To me they're very random.

    I'm no expert but I think this is a phase that will come and go. Just grin and bear it for now, and if they don't go away, see a doctor, and if they can't help, have them refer you to a psychologist.

    Also, try learning how to Lucid Dream.

    • That's what I usually do but usually it's only one dream every now and then this was the first time it was a weeks worth but haven't had any for two days now

      • Are they the same dream each time, or are you dying / being terrified in different ways?

        Come to think of it, if it's happening that frequently you really should get some professional help.

        • The few I've remembered are all different but nothing actually happens to me in the dreams
          I'm just a witness to a event

        • @x1x1x1: It doesn't sound healthy. You didn't start taking any medication or drugs did you?

        • @lostn:

          Nope I haven't

  • +1
    1. Find good GP.
    2. See GP.
    3. Let GP decide if it is a mental health issue.
    4. Get GP to write up a mental health plan.
    5. See mental health professional at huge discount rate with above mental health plan.
    6. Get better!
    • Find good GP.
      See GP.
      As mentioned above numerous times. Done
      Let GP decide if it is a mental health issue
      There isn't
      Get GP to write up a mental health plan
      Don't need one
      See mental health professional at huge discount rate with above mental health plan.
      Don't need to
      Get better!

  • It is worth seeing your GP, if it is due to underlying mental health issue it can be addressed by referring you to a psychologist, if you have a health care card, most of the psychologists bulk bill under ATAPS programme, if not your out of pocket charges can be anywhere from $35 depending on the psychologist, some of them do bulk bill even if you don't have the health care card but they seem to be very few who do that, hope it helps.
    Best wishes

    • As mentioned numerous times above already seen a gp and given the all clear on mental health issue s

  • I've had sleep paralysis only once in my life whilst it wasnt too frightening to me at the time as I have heard about it before, it certainly wasn't a pleasant experience.

    As for dreams.. there are silly mobile apps that might be able to help u sleep better by playing certain sounds.

    However, it's probably just a gimmicky as setting up a camera a night to record yourself, just like in parnormal activity, perhaps something is giving you all those nightmares.

  • Watch pleasant cartoons/comedy.
    Listen to soothing sleep sounds on youtube. (Those 9 hour ocean/rain/forest sounds)
    Listen to jazz/house
    Take a few days off work and really unwind. Tire yourself on hikes and exercise.
    Read some non-violent books (I'm really not sure what kind of books)

    I think the nervousness about sleep is probably resulting in some circular event that gives you shitty dreams and than it just screws with your mind for the next day.
    I would try filling your thoughts with as many pleasant things as possible. Friends, Ice cream, dogs/animals (volunteer at the animal shelter).

    I've experienced this once or twice. Worry/stress makes me sleep later, otherwise I usually fall asleep within 10 seconds.

    Good luck. Sleep is so important. Hope you find a remedy.

  • Some questions for you:

    1) Do you have a healthy social life, including close friends?
    2) Do you come for a (family) environment which violence took place?
    3) Do you believe in God or in another religion?

    Waiting for your answers!

    • Some questions for you:

      1) Do you have a healthy social life, including close friends? Yes

      2) Do you come for a (family) environment which violence took place? No

      3) Do you believe in God or in another religion?
      No and no
      I went to a religious schools but never believed in it

      Waiting for your answers!

      • -I have not studied psychology a lot, but if you want to improve your sleeping, you need to better your everyday life activities and acts. Having a great social life and spending time with good friends release chemicals that balance your function in a greater manner. You will see the more you get yourself out there and the more you open up, the less you will be getting these horrific nightmares. It is quite complex to describe the link between conscious and subconscious.

        -Very happy to hear that the you have not experienced domestic violence. Have you thought that a scene of violence might have triggered these nightmares? For example, witnessing or experiencing severe bullying. If so, you will def benefit from some counselling. Although I would highly recommend you to proceed with a session of counselling or with a psychologist. What you are describing is bad.

        -I am a very spiritual person and I have a strong belief in God and Angels, but since you never believed it, there is no point of me trying to suggest something on that basis. Let me know if you would like to know more.

        Also, I would like to recommend subliminal audios (there are heaps of them on YouTube and most of them are free) which (1) remove mental and psychological blockages and (2) help you get a good nights sleep. The subliminals grow differently on each individual, so keep on insisting to listen to them daily for 2-3 hours while doing housework, relaxing, reading a book or whatever you enjoy doing. I listen to subliminal audio while sleeping , too.

        Providing you actually put some effort ans try some suggestions and they do NOT work, you need medical help. Sometimes, it is our body who fails us and it is not our fault. A psychiatrist will help you overcome this sleeping difficulty, but if I were you, I would firstly try all these plus exercising 45 min.

        Best of luck, man!

        • +1

          I excercise 5 times a week
          It's very rare for this to happen like I've maybe remembered 3 over the time of four years this has been happening so I'd rather avoid therapy etc if possible .

          I have a good social life I balance it between my work and fitness which come first to me.

  • I have crazy dreams when I have any food with MSG. There is a definite correlation for me.

  • Too much game of thrones

    • Never watched it

      • Not enough game of thrones

        • Haha I'll pass it's never really taken any interest of mine

  • Dreams help you process stuff that happens when you're awake. You might have a current or past issue that you're mentally processing while you're asleep. If you could try to resolve what's bothering you then you might solve the dream problem. Resolving could be just talking to a friend about what's bothering you or just try not to be so annoyed about whatever is bothering you. Otherwise it could be poor diet maybe? MSG in foods can give you weird-ass dreams

    • As far as I can think off nothing is bothering me

      And my diet doesn't contain MSG

      • could be something you brain choose to bury for a reason. something that only lives in subconsciousness. just be positive so you are happy during the day and learn to control your dream so you can enjoy the night too.

        • The tiny bits I remember that "bother " me only last a few seconds ida rather not try to learn to control them

          If it was more regularly like very night I would but it's only 3 or 4 times over 4 years that I remember

  • +1

    You need CHRIST!

    • +1

      Not religious

  • +2

    R U OK?

    • Lol fine thanks

  • Im guaranteed to have a nightmare if im too hot in bed. Dont sleep with electric blanket on or too many clothes/covers.

  • I'm told that marijuana users don't dream due to the inhibition of REM sleep.

    I am not a doctor and this is NOT medical advice.

    • Yeh I'd rather not become a drug user thanks

      • Hope you don't drink coffee or alcohol otherwise I've got some news for you.

        • I don't drink coffee and have alcohol maybe once or twice a year if that

        • @x1x1x1: This could be why you're so tightly wound :p

        • @picklewizard:
          Hah I don't think Iam tightly wound

  • Clinical psychologist here with specialisation in PTSD (which has nightmares as a symptom). Google Imagery Rehearsal Therapy. Evidence based treatment for nightmares.

    • I don't have PTSD and the dreams only last seconds soon as anything bad happens I wake up and then go back to sleep normally
      I've only ever remembered like 3 in the whole four years I've been having them in and off it's a very rare thing

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