I just got a parking fine last week for $263.00.
I can`t believe they are this expensive, it's my first ever.
What is the most expensive parking fine you have ever received?
I just got a parking fine last week for $263.00.
I can`t believe they are this expensive, it's my first ever.
What is the most expensive parking fine you have ever received?
Op is in sa.
I wasn't using the phone but just barely touching it then got fine $330.
Well this is only fine I got lol
"Parking Fine"
Another day, another ozbargain traffic infringement thread
But but…. the rules are too hard to follow…
Our brains can't comprehend driving under the speed limit and such.
I have been tempted recently to start a youtube channel… similar to dashcam owners…. but just showing people blatently running reds in Sydney CBD.
How do I get out of it? I admit that I overstayed the time limit, but do you think they'll reduce my time to under an hour so I won't get fined? I didn't know there was parking limits
Maybe the parking fine was in the Costco carpark?
No limited time parking in SA Costco, but I have not been back to the SA store although have visited interstate stores. Was treated very welcoming.
Did your bad experience come from you taking advantage of too many free samples or somehow upsetting staff? It takes two to tango so was wondering what your part was?
Why is everyone seemingly flaming the OP? He isn't really complaining or trying to get out of paying the fine, he's just curious as to what others experiences are.
this amount doesn't look like the standard parking fine. was it a no stopping/parking/loading zone?
Agree. Surely more to the story here?
I was 14 mins overtime in a bicycle lane. How stupid I miss read the sign. I will be more careful in the future, some days you just stuff up and have to cop in on the chin and bank balance.
I got lucky once. I once pulled up in a clearway when it was just starting (ie. other cars were still parked).
The ranger pulled up behind be, but rather than getting out of his car and fining me, he flashed and tooted me. Needless to say, I promptly moved on.
I got two for about $300 each in SA for parking on a clearway. It was same place I got to work early and didn't check the sign. You don't get the fine for a couple weeks. Live and learn.
WOW I agree after getting my fine I am very sure I will be more careful in the future.
OPs life is out of control
I still have the receipt for $165 when my car was wheel-locked. Thieves.
it was years ago i had to visit a client and overstay but it was still cheaper than actually paying for wilson parking.
Ended up passing cost onto client however yes, i beelieve fines have skyrocketed
minimium $100 parking fines in syd,
i guess OP got a car towing fee as well?
oh yeah… also have numerous private car park fines but you can ignore those.
$250.. And then 60 admin fee when my payment got rejected for some reason.
Parked in a school zone near my house over the weekend (allowed), then forget about the car until i came home from work Monday :( could not believe it was that much plus 2 demerit points.