Not the best price but fast free postage and in my experience hassle free returns.
Bundle with this deal and your all set.
Not the best price but fast free postage and in my experience hassle free returns.
Bundle with this deal and your all set.
The only other controller that could be configurable and has extra, re-mappable triggers on the back was the scuff controller which now goes for $120USD + shipping which is over $150AUD. Then Microsoft came along with their own version to bring competition to the table.
look when you pick it up
you can tell right away its built very well
heavier than original controller
nice texture
replacable sticks
triggers at the back that you can program
its aimed at pro players.
It is much more expensive so Microsoft have the best controller so they can sell it for whatever they want
I sold mine just because it was a waste for me as I am more of a casual gamer
I've got 2 now. They feel more solid, have all the right plugs in the bottom for headsets but the are tuneable. Triggers only have half pull and even that can be adjusted.
4 paddles on the back. I have mine set up for either gearshift on forza or cover and grenades and reload in the division.
You can change the height of your thumb sticks and change shape of d pad from cross to rounded.
The Trigger Stops and Paddle buttons give you much better control over games.
Think about a game like Halo 5 - youve got the face buttons as jump, melee, reload, change weapons. While you're pressing one of those you've had to take your finger off the right analogue stick, which is the aim stick, so you cant be aiming while reloading or changing weapons. With the rear paddles you can map them to A/B/X/Y and now press them without having to take your thumb off the aiming stick, so you can be jumping while aiming and meleeing, which you can't do otherwise. In games like Halo and Titanfall where you have a lot of moves and options at your disposal, it gives you a distinct advantage over normal controller users.
Guys, these are all awesome answers, and much appreciated.
You've all added something constructive here.
Last time i tried asking a genuine question on OzB i got downvoted and smashed for it.
I'm not a console gamer so it's genuinely not something i have experience with, but still can't hurt to be a bit curious and ask a question right?
It's sounds like the Thrustmaster Warthog of game pads, in which case it might indeed be worth the money.
0.96 more than and that deal lets you click and collect at jb…
that deal lets you click and collect at jb…
That's so much better than walking out to the letterbox!
If you need it today or very soon it is! Also I always get those collection cards and have to go in to the post office during business hours to pick up.
Just saying it might work better for some people.
I have a very mild aversion to going to the shops. Parking, half wit bogans. I like my online shopping, even get my groceries delivered. That and the nearest jb is an hours round trip without looking around the store
Seems pretty crazy when a controller is over half the price of a complete console with games, but I guess that those who want this kind of control don't care so much about the cost.
are you kidding me!!!
i just spent a week looking for a deal on this for my sons birthday and couldnt find anything.
ended up paying $179from PLE
Considering I've logged 600hours in Destiny and countless on other racing games, the amount of time you're using a controller you should have a very decent one configured the best for you…
Yep, think I just talked myself into buying one.. Did good.. Did real good.
$159 @ EB Games AUS wide..
Received an email from EB Games with the advertised price. Ask your local store.
Just incase anyone missed the new post, it's now $143.96 Delivered (10% cheaper) via Microsoft eBay store so purchase from there.
Serious question, what is it about the Elite controller that makes it more than double the price of other controllers?
Not a console person so maybe i don't understand, but recently spent a bit of time using a steam controller with lounge PC so i'm curious.