This was posted 7 years 5 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] Knack 2 Free on PlayStation Store (includes digital edition soundtrack)


Seemingly full game for free on AU and NZ stores.

This exclusive PlayStation Store edition comes with the digital edition soundtrack and a set of avatars.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Will be revoked.

    • +3

      Sony hasn't revoked pricing errors in the past

      Depends on the impact I guess

      • +2

        Sony have revoked pricing errors in the past, for example the free Fallout 4 Season Pass incident a over a year ago.

        • -5

          Or they can be smart and not revoke it making several PS3 owners to buy PS4 to play it. That would make business sense when competitor is getting ready to sell hot cakes soon.

        • +4

          @ozdesi: Lol no ones gonna buy a ps4 to play knack 2

        • -4

          @GossipGoat: Many would buy to play silly games you will be surprised

  • +3

    million thanks OP. Grabbed one :)

  • +1

    "Purchased" - I wonder if PSN can remove the purchase due to incorrect pricing? Thanks OP!

  • +5

    First game was bland and boring, but I'm willing to give this one a go for free.

    My order went through fine. Now just have to wait and see if they reverse it.

  • +1

    Same as everyone else - worked, but will it be revoked? We'll see.

  • +1

    Thanks OP

  • +4

    Thanks OP - seems you have the KNACK TO find a great bargain!

    • +4

      Did you have a good Fathers Day @shiraj?

      • +1

        Yep - sure did ….

  • +2

    I noticed that there is a free demo and this incorrectly priced game. Anyway, will see what happens. Thanks for the heads up OP!

  • +4

    I'll download it now and try finish it before it gets revoked =P (If they decide to revoke it)

    • +5

      Let us know if you platinum it today - that would be impressive

    • +8

      Maybe go offline after you finish downloading it until you complete the game.

    • They can't lock it if you've already download it to your system.

      • Yeah they can, unless you go completely offline.

        • I was told they can't lock a download, which is why they cannot offer refunds if they've already been downloaded onto the system.
          Whoever I spoke to could be mistaken.

        • +1

          @Saban: They can lock the game even if its downloaded on your system. An example would be all my ps+ free games that i have on my system but I cannot access them when my subscription ended.

        • @tomochin1991: they are locked by a timer when you purchase based on your PS+ sub time

        • @tomochin1991: cool :) let's see if the honour it.

  • +12

    Knack 2 Baby!

    • +1

      but don't let this distract you from super mario bros of the year for 20 years babyyy

  • +2

    40 gig download.
    Also includes the soundtrack.

  • Thanks got it. Probably crap game but i'll take it

    • Many 8/10 scores so far. However there are some "crap game" reviews out there too.

      • -1

        More < 8 scores than 8's. It seems to be an average/decent game for kids, but for adults it's not good.

  • +1

    Thanksss OP :)

    Thank you for your purchase from PlayStation®Store.

    You will find a copy of your purchase details below and a link to the terms which apply to your purchase. Please print these off and keep in a safe place for future reference.

    Details Unit of Price
    Knack 2 (Full Game)

    Next payment date: $0.00
    Current Wallet Amount*: $0.00 Total: $0.00

    • +4

      What are you going to do with the receipt? Expense it?

      • Probably pricematch with officeworks

  • +1

    Great find thanks OP!

  • +5

    Time to call in sick. Its Knack 2 baby!

  • +1

    Definitely not meant to be a freebie…its $40 on the US store.

    One can hope they will be generous and let us keep it but i doubt it.

    • +5

      Well as long as they refund it if they do.

  • +4

    Guess I'll be playing this when the destiny2 servers crash

  • +3

    Can't log in to my account . Wtf?!

    • +2

      Best post

      • -1

        Someone logged in to my account this morning and changed my email and pw. Had to called Sony to reset it. Damn it, now the deal is over. Shit timing too

    • Didn't work on mobile Firefox for me, logged in with another mobile browser (Samsung) and it worked.

  • Brought 3. Bargain.

    • +22

      Where did you bring them to?

      • +11

        RIP my English.

        • +1

          All good for a laugh - I didn't neg you btw.

        • +1

          @pennypacker: I would neg myself if I could for a remark like that!

  • +2

    Omg told my kids will buy it for christmas……Thank you!

    Early present….they will be going bonkers for it this weekend.

    • +1

      Just give it a few days to make sure Sony don't revoke your access. Wouldn't want to get the kids hyped up then in 24 hours it's taken away.

      • Will wait till weekend it should be safe :)

  • +5

    This will be a game I download and never play.

  • +2

    nice - grabbed it.

  • Actually my kids played the demo last weekend. It looks fun with 2 players.

    • So if one is forever alone, it's less fun? :(

  • +10

    Free, WTF?! I love Ozbargain:

    • Pre- this post: pfft who cares about Knack 2, what a joke of a game
    • Post-(um) this post: Yoink! Knack Twoooooo
  • Access Denied on mobile site, and unavailable to download on PS4 itself. Ggwp Sony.

    • Didn't work on Firefox for me, logged in with another mobile browser (Samsung) and it worked.

    • Just worked for me - was on mobile using safari

  • +1

    Just got on. Thank you kind Sir.

  • +3

    Don't have a PS4, but added to my PSN account anyway. lol.

  • +1

    Cant download on PS4.
    EDIT: PS4 HDD was full, it's working now.

    • Mine says it is in a download queue - my ps4 at home is on standby (and downloading the bf1 update), but I'm at work, so I'm not sure if it'll download, but it says it's in the download queue and will download once other downloads finish.

      Fingers crossed it works, I've never bought something from the ps store on desktop/mobile and then had it download to my ps4.

  • +1

    Just got on to PS4. Download is working!

  • +1

    I purchased via the app but didn't start downloading because Second Son and Child of Light are already in the queue…

  • +1

    Can your account get in trouble for downloading something that isn't meant to be free?

    • +2

      Nah. They can't punish you for jumping on and making a purchase, even if its "free".

      Worst that will happen is you'll get an email explaining the pricing error and informing you that they're removing the game from your account.

    • +7

      Interpol will put a bounty over your head.

      • +3

        Lol, thoought so. Then does Sony send the bikies out to get you?

    • No, its free from your perspective as sony is offering it to you for free.

    • +2

      Really?! How can you tell that wasn't meant to be free? Lol…

      "I was just checking the games list and found this one for free… I thought that would give it a go, I don't even check ozbargain every 30secs"

  • +1

    Yup mine is downloading… slowly….

    • Yep… mine shows 50 hours left….
      is anyone else experiencing this??

      • +1

        Yep, Mine is downloading super slow… 24hrs left and i have really fast internet. 40gb usually only takes around 20min on steam

        • Because the cable is down in the south east Asian ocean - we are getting rerouted for the next 6weeks apparently while they repair

  • +1

    I was gonna pull in and pick up a copy on my way to TAFE in a few hours, but this throws a wrench in the works.

    Almost certainly going to be revoked, but if I can get me that 35gb download done before then, I'm ripping the internet out of this sucker and not putting it back in until I have me another Knack plat.

    Cheers OP!

  • +4

    Damn thru blocked it

    'you are not eligible to download this content'

  • Even if it gets revoked sony ends up giving stuff/some sort of compensation anyway. Well Q'ed on ps4 for download.

    Great find OP…

  • Knack 2 ozbargained! Doesn't work on the Ps4 either

    • You mean the game is downloaded and doesn't start up?

  • Doesn't work for me, says not eligible to download.

  • Too slow :(

  • +2

    appears to have been spotted by Sony and cannot be added to cart or wishlist now :(

  • -7

    The demo was garbage, but hey, for free, why not.

  • Not working anymore.

  • Now its removed from Ps4 store menu

  • its back up to 54.95

  • My one started downloading one hour ago, but only show 6.5g for the game.. is that demo? Digital sound track was downloading as well. Anyone knows?

    • Demo was just over 2 GB and the full game is around 40

      • It is weird, only show 6.5g in the playstation store.

        • +4

          Sound track = 776.3mb
          Knack 2 - 6.435gb (data to start game)
          knack 2 - 35.460gb (rest of the game)

  • +1

    Game showed 40gb when Download started but now has gone to 6.5 as its downloading

    • Yeah mines showing 6.4gb as well. Going to pause the download for now. Let us know if it's a demo or not?

    • +6

      On my screen, 6.5 gb is the amount you need to download to be able to start playing the game, 35gb is the full amount it will continue downloading in the background

    • +8

      As Cometfish said. The 6.5 gb is when you can start playing. Can confirm that mine is now up to 10gb.

      • ahhh :)

        • +1

          If you go to notifications, you'll be able to see your downloads and how the Knack 2 download is partitioned.

  • +1

    Missed out on game of the year for free. Curses

  • +21

    Love the comment on Sony's CEO twitter parody account.

    Mark Cerny hacked our PSN store and made Knack 2 free just to make sure that somebody somewhere actually plays it.

  • +3

    have downloaded and can confirm it is the full game :)

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