I'm looking at getting a Prepaid Visa/Mastercard Card as a gift. I'll probably load it up with $50 - $100. The ones I've seen at Woolies cost at least $5 for one. Are there ones that cost less?
I'm looking at getting a Prepaid Visa/Mastercard Card as a gift. I'll probably load it up with $50 - $100. The ones I've seen at Woolies cost at least $5 for one. Are there ones that cost less?
Get a prepaid card by today in Coles and score 2000 Flybuy points ($10 equivalent) to break even the $5 and even earn another $5. Win- win!
Is it meant to be a deal ending today?
Yes, it ends today.
There's another deal for 2000 Flybuy points for buying a prepaid Eftpos card in Coles starting from tomorrow, but it's not a Mastercard or Visa card.
Thanks. Got one today! :)
You're welcome :)
How do you think they make money on these cards?