$69.99 for 8mpbs and $79.99 for 20mbps, both unlimited on the TW port, $59.95 setup fee on 6-month contract. best deal ever for people who can only get Telstra.
TPG Unlimited ADSL 8Mbps ($69.99) and Unlimited ADSL2+ 20Mbps ($79.99) Plans on Telstra Wholesale Network
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no its cheaper then telstra.. TELSTRA and the word Bargain or cheap should not be used EVER!!! but feel free to use many other words when talking about telstra i do ***k'en Telstra!
Telstra's plans aren't that bad:
Either you have personal issue(s) with Telstra or you just being ignorant.
Like other said, Telstra is not that bad. Optus may be just as bad if not worse. At least with Telsra, they have very good network coverage (differentiation), whereas Optus really don't have anything different from other big blood-sucking telcos.
$500 value for $50/month? Yeah right. At $1.00 per minute PLUS Flagfall, this is like making international phone call…..which is getting cheaper actually. So how come national call is getting more expensive then?
And speaking of broadband, in terms of affordability and availability, Australia is one of the worst (DEVELOPED) country. Being an Australian, I am quite ashamed discussing this subject with some of my Asian fellow (and they are from DEVELOPING country).
PS: as you can see, I am not a fan of Telstra myself, but just being objective.
Yes, however Australia is one of the most sparsely populated countries. If it's really that bad (and easy to fix), you can start your own company selling broadband and reap in the profits!
@MementoMori: Being a sparcely populated country has nothing to do with telecomunications. The lines have been laid and the rest of the infrastructure has existed for years. Sure there is upkeep, but that is what the line rental fee pays for, right?
@MementoMori: "If it’s really that bad (and easy to fix), you can start your own company selling broadband and reap in the profits!"
…and risk myself being hated by millions of people, especially fellow OzBargainers like vid_ghost above?
No thanks :)@MementoMori: "Australia is one of the most sparsely populated countries."
That has nothing to do with our outrageously overpriced broadband connections. For example, the population density of Sydney is 2,058/km², which is about 1/3 of Tokyo (5,847/km²) and Hong Kong (6,480/km²). But our broadband cost is definitely way more than 3 times theirs.
@cynix: Pretty dumb comparison.
Hong Kong has no rural areas. Australia does. You cannot compare just Sydney to Hong Kong because current government policy requires telcos to charge more-or-less the same to both urban and rural customers.
How about this: Australia has a denisty of 2.33/km2. Compared to Hong KOng 6480/km2. Density comparison doesn't look so sweet now does it?
@MementoMori: No it's not… over 70% of our population lives in our 10 largest cities, and makes up far less than 1% of the landmass.
This is just the scapegoat used by the ISP's - don't buy into it.
@Gavwa: The problem with Telstra is they are obligated to supply to rural areas of Australia, whereas other ISPs and telcos are not. So whilst smaller ISPs and telcos can concentrate on the urban areas to gain a competitive advantage, Telstra still has to service the much lower-margin rural areas.
The other thing is that Telstra is severely hamstrung by the ACCC in terms of abusing their monopoly conditions. Ask anyone who has negotiated a business contract with Telstra - everything becomes different when you move from Telstra retail to Telstra business, because the ACCC's jurisdiction over corporate contracts is more complicated, and often it is negotiated and commercial-in-confidence.
I'm not a Telstra supporter or anything, and we moved off Telstra a few years ago to move back on to it as a result of moving to a place which has poor coverage from anyone but Telstra (I'm about to move and I'm eyeing that $60 TPG unlimited deal). But what they have done recently are positive steps, and I think now that they have movedto increasing value, they are being unfairly bashed around by inner-city whinging types. Just remember that Telstra will ALWAYS be undercut - it's not because Telstra is some really expensive ISP, but it's because it is forced upon it by the ACCC —> when Telstra retail drops in price, Telstra wholesale has to have a corresponding drop as well, and Telstra cannot go around undercutting smaller ISPs because the ACCC views this as an abuse of their position. It's a very tough position for Telstra, and a weird regulatory situation.
I think he has personal issues, I don't think my comment warrented the negs it has recieved, or that comment. It was simply a question.
Telstra, whos internet is traded under the name BigPond recently updated their pricing on plans to be more competitive and they are exactly that, competitive.
And before anyone calls out "TELSTRA FANBOY" I'm with TPG for both internet and mobile.
I already like my Telstra naked plan. :)
Isn't a bit of hit and miss with connection performance with TPG?
This is using Telstra's network, not TPG's.
TPG is just selling Telstra services in effect.
Correct but the traffic still has to flow through TPG's network. TPG seems to be a mixed bag in terms of performance reviews. I don't want it for myself but just wondering if it's worth recommending.
Which Telstra plans are 'naked'?
@noyesmaybeok: They had an open signup earlier this year to get some trial customers however have closed for new applications now.
It is not true naked.
You do not have to pay any line rental but there is still a dial tone, you keep your existing number so you can receive calls and can make calls to Bigpond/Telstra support numbers along with 000.It is a great "naked" service
It would be easy to think that, being so cheap… I've been with TPG for 5 years and as far as I can tell the speeds/connections are all fine.
Super quick all the time, maybe had one 2 hour outage in that time.
Constant download speeds of 1.85 - 2.00 megabyte/sec.
I am waiting for cheaper plan (less than $50) for reasonable data (like 100GB).
I've had TPG ADSL1 using Telstra's line for over 1 year now. Never have I dropped out using this connection. When I had TPG ADSL2+, I had many problems but TPG ADSL1 8000kbit is GREAT! Doesn't matter how far you are either! You'll sync at 8000/384 all day everyday. No laggy periods either like you get in ADSL 2+. Couldn't be happier.
Now will TPG change my plan from my current $99.95 for 120gb (60 on 60 off peak) to the new $69.99 plan for free or do I need to pay you money.
I think I can simply re join using a different account name (that's what I did last time)
"Doesn’t matter how far you are either! You’ll sync at 8000/384 all day everyday. "
Thats a lie, it depends on how far your from the exchange, you will not get 8mbit/384 its 'up to' I'm on a RIM and if changed would achieve full speed as the exchange is only 200 metres from home……
get an adsl 2+ connection set you modem to G.dmt, (ADSL 1 protocol) that way you get the reliability of ADSL 1, the up speed and price of adsl2+… (for people who cant get over 8mbs anyway)
I was actually quite surprised myself too. I've had it at two different houses and both sync at 8000kbit.
Either way, I've been getting excellent speeds. Far better than what I got with ADSL2+ with TPG. Had far too many bad experiences dealing with drop outs, constant calling TPG (high attenuation), etc..
I sync at 8134kbit and its not "up to" for me. I am syncing at full capacity.
Exactly thats YOU which is great. Lucky. But no sense putting statement 'you'll sync at 8000/384 all day everyday'. It all comes down to the lines and distance =)
What about those that can only get telstra bigpond cable Internet ?
Are they able to dump telstra for TPG…..please say yes.
You cannot have an ADSL connection over Telstra Cable.
so telstra cable will soley and always be with Telstra ?
maybe I can get TPG ADSL, but prob I have is I am on a pair gains rim thus only the cable option
so is this cheaper than their existing deals? I'm already a TPG ADSL1 8mbps customer so wondering if this is a better deal than my current one.
Ahh love TPG signed up for a 6month contract on the adsl2+ and home phone bundle 59.99 (500gb), the price is now 29.99 on the website.
I just called them and they say upgrade is no problem (no downtime) and will take effect in 1-3 days , bloody awesome
edit: okay maybe not, its 29.99 + 30 phone line total 59.99, it is a bonus for me i get unlimited now for the same price as before.
Anyone having problem getting stucked at Step 4 of 5 - "Confirm Details" page. The "Next" button does NOT work. :(
same here, stuck at Step 4 of 5.
I've called TPG and they said ADSL2+ services still not available in my area!! Sux!
Mine worked yay, although i am approx 1klm from TPG office so it bloody better work :)
Did that to me at first too, tried it again 5mins later and went through.
Mine still doesn't work. I have punch in my phone number and it says available in my area… :(
I had to call them up to do it.
Also, they said eventhough it says available on my exchange, it is still not for sure… they will call me back btw 3-7 working days to confirm. lol
Is line rental on top??
Yes. but you pay line rental to Telstra.
Wow that sucks. I just got connected to iinet today!
Good deal though!
Sticking with internode.
This is a awful deal, just look at the whirlpool forums and you will see there are so many speed issues; particularly at night.
I've been with TPG a few months, no problems here, the speed thread is mostly a few guys posting over and over again.
I guess you could say it is a bit of a hit and miss if you decide to connect up to tpg.
But I've never had any speed issues. Though I'm pretty far from the exchange about 4-5km I only get about 4Mbps which is about right for the distance. But i've never had any fluctuations with my speed. Only disconnection issues that happen at most a few times a night for a day but that rarely ever happens anymore.
If you meant different speed issues like loading a youtube video then yeah that happens sometimes.
Overall TPG are very good value for money.
I've been with Internode for about 7 years and this deal has finally pushed me over the edge. Internode have ignored telstra ports for to long.
TPG here we come!I have been with TPG for 3 years now. One outage in that time. Never an issue with speed (ADSL only, not 2+)
I'm with Internode too, what's the worse that can happen? If TPG is really bad you can go back to Internode after 6 months. Setup fee is only $60 for 6 months! Very good deal.
BUT if TPG is not as bad as people say it is, then we have struck gold! Much cheaper than Internode and the quota is insane. ;)
Do TPG offer any discounts for bundling? ie having ADSL & Mobile with them?
EDIT: Nevermind, I noticed they do have some reduced mobile plans for ADSL holders.
nice plans, may just entice me away from Exetel, only have Telstra ADSL2 available where I am, looks like may finally be able to get ADSL2 here at a reasonable cost!
I'm with Exetel ADSL2+ (telstra) now, thinking of switching. I know my connection will be identical but I'm hoping TPG is a faster ride than Exetel who've been not the best lately. Even if it's equally poor then at least I get more peak quota (100GB peak vs 50GB now) so less need need to join the rat race in the 6 hours of offpeak.
That said I have to pay $100 cancellation fee to Exetel. Is it worth it? Not sure yet.
Getting out of exetel is worth every cent!
Is it available to existing customer or new one only? I currently have TPG ADSL 8MB plan already with 70GB quota (with VOIP) for same price (don't have that much choice in my area), so I guess this is the same thing, but with unlimited quota. Do you think I can just change my existing one to this? And will there be any downtime if I change plan?
Wouldn't it be faster if you rang TPG for your answer?
I hope everyone has budget for hard drives and a server or two.
Sorry but what is the difference between this and the normal TPG plans?
500gb (off peak 350gb, peak 150gb) Vs Unlimited 24 x 7 , thats what it means to me anyway !
The difference is that these plans are sold using the Telstra Wholesale network, which are more accessible than the normal TPG plans (Only available through TPG enabled exchanges). So these plans are really only if TPG hasn't DSLAM'd your exchange.
Can you get this if you're on a pair gains/rim if it says it's available?
Hi Guys.. can anyone help… I tried ringing tpg today about this deals availability at my place… The problem is that I currently dont have a house phone (dont really want a house phone).. & I was under the impression they could use my address to check if its available. I was told that apparently they cant check unless I get a house phone through telstra..
Surely I dont need to sign up with telstra home phone just to check I can get intertet….?
Assuming it is available in my area, I assume Telstra Budget home phone will suffice? ( which is only $21 from memory )
Any help would be sweet, I cant handle trying to understand there call-centre.. Cheers
Yeah thanks…. I ended up just biting the bullet and signing up for telstra homephone budget and it appears my area is available ( lucky )… Real happy about the $299 fee for having telstra come out to activate my internet.. WHAT A JOKE
Real happy about the $299 fee for having telstra come out to activate my internet.
And connect your phone line
Surely I dont need to sign up with telstra home phone just to check I can get intertet….?
Without a phone line connected you are not connected to any exchange.
Without being connected to an exchange TPG cannot provide you with any service and as you are not connected to an exchange they do not know what services they can provide you.
Aren't the Bigpond deals just as cheap? If not cheaper?