Road Rule Clarification (Car Crash)

I got into an accident. It was a three car collision. I was the middle car. The front car braked suddenly and then I braked in time, but ended up really close to car when stationary.

The back car didn't brake enough so they ended up rear ending me and with not much room, I rear ended the car in front. Front car has no damage due to tow bar but my car is damaged on both sides. What are your opinions on this. Would I be at fault as I was too close to other car because he braked suddenly? Thanks

Edit: Just got a call that it's a write off and will be getting paid out. Thanks for the advice!


  • +23

    If the rear car pushed you into the car in front, then they are liable for the damage to your car as well as the car in front.

    Of course, call your insurance agency for confirmation

    • Does the followed too closely rule apply?

      • +11

        How could it? You stopped in time.

        • That's what I was trying to figure out. Thanx!

        • +2


          It's not illegal to stop close behind another vehicle.

        • @Scrooge McDuck:
          I was confused with leave enough space rule and stopping behind. Thanks for the clear up

        • +1

          @ZubatRingo: Well, you did leave enough space and you did pull up in time.

          Consult your insurance company.


    • +1

      Just a matter of how you prove you stopped in time.

      If the last car doesn't fight it, you will be sweet.

      • +4

        Just a matter of how you prove you stopped in time.

        Every OzBargainer must have a dashcam by now???? Surely

  • +1

    Previous Car Crash Thread, also a 3 car nose to tail. Car Crash, Any Thoughts?.

    • I searched that but couldn't see what I was looking for

      • Bottom line is check with your insurance company.

  • +2

    As long as you stopped before you were hit from behind, the driver that crashed into you is liable for all damage.

  • Drive Safely people! So many accidents past few weeks…

    • +7

      Thought I was. Till it hit me..,

  • Will also rely on front cars police report. If they claim you didn't hit them initially, you should be fine

    • He didn't get any damage so he left. Do you need to file police report?

      • Did you get the front cars details for insurance?

        • No, but I know the person. Do you need their details even though they had no damage?

        • +2


          For your insurance, yes, as that's the whole reason you have damage to your front bumper. They may not have suffered damage but they were still 'involved' in the accident.

          Have you even spoken to your insurance company?

        • @Spackbace: not yet but will do now. Thanx for info

  • +6

    ##1 rule of traffic violations and crashes for an ozbargainer is to make a post demanding they be vindicated…

    • Haha not gonna lie I was hoping I was in the all clear.

    • +2

      Speeding in a school zone at 3pm, ignore stop signal, get ticket… must get straight on OzB and see what loophole I can possibly worm through by consulting everyone who isn't a traffic lawyer…

      • Didn't you know that school zones are too low?

        All these kids walking around…. They should be in cars!!!

      • see what loophole I can possibly worm through

        Admit it! If you knew there was a chance of getting off something like that, you would try it too! haha!

        Is it unethical to try? I personally wouldn't say it's unethical.

  • You need to hop onto YouTube and suss out the AAMI/RACV seagull ads from some years ago..

  • The car in front should know how many times been hit, only once means you stop in time, twice means you are not.

  • Exact same thing happened to me once - A few things fell in my favour:

    1. The car behind me was driven by a lady and it was her company car. She agreed with the story straight away and was more concerned about getting to work than actually investigating what happened. Insurance repaired everything no questions asked.

    2. The car I was pushed into was a big American truck/ute - The guy got out and looked at his rear bumper bar, said to me it's fine and he doesn't need to be here, gave me his mobile number, said call me if you need anything and took off. Literally in about 1 minute tops.

    I don't know what would've happened if those two people were pricks, they were very easy going.

    • Was yours repaired or write off. Towie said both sides means write off

      • Repaired, it was a small ding under 20kmh

  • 2 cars… 5 cars… 50 cars.

    Doesn't matter how many cars eventually get crunched.
    If there is NO contact, except from the last car, which pushes all the others into one another, THAT last car is the one that cops it in the neck and is responsible for ALL of the damage to every car.

    BUT… there will be some that will dispute it and be a real bitch (not saying driver is female) about it.

    Leave it to your insurance. They will fight it out in court, if necessary.
    That's why you pay them.

    • Yep just got a call that it's all sorted.

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