Hey there Fathers of OzBargain
What did you get for this years Father's Day?
Me - some cycling kit, BBQ cooking set and some shirts.
Hey there Fathers of OzBargain
What did you get for this years Father's Day?
Me - some cycling kit, BBQ cooking set and some shirts.
you've got the kids onto ozbargain early
Andy by Hamish. A smart casual fragrance.
so jelly
Artwork and a card made at pre-school
A drawing of me with handwritten message, made in prep.
Any good?
Not too bad for a prep kid. Poor lad was worried I wasn't going to like it.
Wife got home from work and surprised me with a brewery kit. I feel a new world has opened up to me here.
Socks and jocks delivered by local Bikies
Were they leather?
chocolate, photo mug, chocolate, Remington orange trimmer, chocolate, bacon & eggs, chocolate.
very pleased
Why do you need to trim oranges???
they keep growing.
Are we talking about fruit here?
You'll need a sac lift when they skim the water in the toilet bowl when you take a crap.
A scratchie, photography magazine, and a 'World's Greatest Farter, I Mean Father' stubby holder
A trip to ponepei
an antique plate of the braidwood hotel
Personalised Snapfish mug and stubbie holder!
A great time out with family.
"#1" Dad beer mug, hot glue gun + 10 sticks, personalised horse shoe, 4 acrylic cups and match jug, a bowl and a small dish.
and "breaksfast" in bed
Nada. I may have large gonads but I still need to grow a phallus to qualify.
I may have large gonads
Have you had them imaged?
Do selfies count?
I deduced that the aforementioned gonads were ovaries due to the reported lack of a phallus.
Not sure how you'd take a selfie of those. o_0
@Scrooge McDuck: I was thinking botched circumcision…I can understand how you came to your conclusion though
I got an infringement notice for having my number plate partially covered as I had taken the kids mountain biking together for the first time and had the bikes on the back. I think it's 3 demerit points and a $425 fine, there goes my 15 year clean licence…
It's time for a drink and a listen to Runaway…
Bummer. In Vic it's also illegal to have a bike mount on the back with no bikes.
Hearing you brother. Man, it should be illegal to hassle Dad's doing the right thing on Father's day.
Next time I'll crank out the crystal meth and shotguns,n take the tin lids to axe throwing at the nearest Chapter.
Hit us up. OzB meet.
As from 1st July this has changed. You can now have an empty rack however it is recommended that it be removed.
You'll get off if you write in stating your clean 10 Yr driving record
No he won't
It's possible. Give it a try
he better break free
Restraining order.
Lol, I'll take your restraining order and raise you GBH of a Police Officer.
…. Ok, not true but I just about managed to get back in my car without assaulting the officer…
Yes but the dark bottomless void of loneliness can not be filled with shoes and sunnies.
I have no dark bottomless void.
I am mindfully happy and fulfilled with who I am.
Everything else, like my new sunnies is just gravy.
Conversely it is depressing to see parents, void of life and spirit; with no sense of self worth or pride; i am not saying all parents are like this, but many seem to be. And those who complain about their kids at work, or say they have to get pissed because thiet kids stress them out. I wonder who has the void. I honestly know of only one person who I truley believe "loves" thier child.
:) I wasn't serious…just mucking around.
I am mindfully happy and fulfilled with who I am.
… Are you though?
Gosh. That got dark rather quickly. My 'kid' is now nearly 21 and we love him to bits. Most of our acquaintances love their tin lids as well…
eggmaster, maybe it's the crowd you hand out with that don't love their children? Sure, we'd have a heap more money if childless, but some things transcend money. Plus, from the posts here it looks like a lot of Ozbargainers are more than happy being a parent.
Regardless, enjoy your loafers and sunglasses :)
@eggmaster: I don't need to read it.
I've lived it. Yes, kids are very, very 'expensive', but if you look at them as an asset/liability of course you won't be happy. Without a child we could have bought a zillion sunglasses and loafers, or flash cars, or holidays, or whatever… yet, we would not trade the joy of watching a little person grow to be an adult for any amount of money.
So, 'dude', we are merely different people. If you get your happiness from spending your money on whatever, then good luck to you.
Ahh… that sad, desperate sound of someone trying to convince themselves of something.
$1000! whistle Nice one mate. We're all so jealous and impressed. You've made good life choices. The collective ozbargain forums validate you ;)
You should change your name to ShitStirrerMaster or TrollMaster! Although, I'm probably guilty of it too half the time ;)
Lol 1K on sunnies and shoes? you got ript.
A sloppy kiss and 'I love you' from my 3yr old.
We have a winnah!
Is his name Slobodan?
It's Slobadad.
Kisses, cuddles and a warm lap.
Warm lap = the baby had a blowout?
Thankfully not, my daughter uses her litter tray very hygienically.
Mug, keyring, Bbq mitt, artwork with pic of my 7yo, book of vouchers including "quiet car trip" (used one on way to Redcliffe), "control of the remote", "favourite meal" etc etc, chocolate, and a cake.
book of vouchers including "quiet car trip" (used one on way to Redcliffe),
Was it honoured?
Amazingly yes.
Lol - you can call them short for now~~~
Then when they are older and taller~~~
Chocolate because apparently my wife feels less guilty if I'm eating chocolate at the same time
got a voucher for a car wash.
No need to work out when next I can go.
Having said that ,it is just for 1 wash
Tickets to Kevin "bloody" Wilson. It was a laugh!
Beautifully handmade (@School) goodies by my child —> Card, key-ring, hand impression and a precious hug + loads of kisses in the morning.
Roses chocolates, bottle of white wine and a Homer Simpson shaped card.
Clean record for ten years- Appeal and you should def. get off!!
you didnt reply to the comment above.
Perhaps he's not a fan of chocolate, white wine or Homer Simpson.
Lots of hugs and a new lighting setup for his man-cave.
1 x cancelled lunch date:(
That sucks, I'm sorry to hear.
Coffee + Bacon and egg breakfast in bed, a card, my 4 year old drawing pictures on my back for me to guess what they were, then a bit of chaos for 2 hours in the morning taking the kid to a friend's birthday, and then a late lunch extended afternoon boozy BBQ in the sun at the park with our family + grandparents & their golden retriever + cousin & her family. Was a great day!
My wife forgot. So it's BJ night tonight.
It should be BJ night every night.
I am a big fan on Bon Jovi too.
Aside from the obligatory artwork and cards, I got the day off.
So, I brewed a lager, made a fire, drank beer then peed in the bush.
Would of peed in the fire.
Would have put it out.
Ah you still require the fire.
@jlogic: Correct. End of fire gets endless amounts of pee. I should have been more specific. Brewed beer. Made fire. Drank beer. Peed in bush. Drank beer. Peed in bush. Drank beer. Peed in bush. Drank beer. Felt tired. Drank one more beer. Peed on fire and giggle like a child because of all the smoke and sizzle. I also did my best to put the whole thing out in one go… to no avail. I tried though and that is what counts.
@bhm133: yeps at least you tried. I find when peeing into a fire best to try to aim for the base. Hard I know especially if a bit wobbly. Then using a left to right or right to left sweeping pattern to put out the fire. Also helps if you have mates as well haha.
My first one! Got taken out for breakfast and a nice coffee. Took the little fella for a walk and he slept the whole trip, very proud dad
My first one as well, but I was ill and spent the whole day working. Hopefully the next one is better! Did get some choccies and a card, though.
My first one too! Got an R2D2 keep cup
I introduced him to Ozbargain.
First one, got him up and took him out of his sleeping bag to find him in a "Happy Fathers day from" tee. Cards. Later on, scotch!
A back, crack and sac wax voucher.
and a bottle of spirits to go with it?
How rude not to include a rub 'n' tug.
Seiko mechanical watch, ~$400 good watch with right time, its better than the crap Hamilton ~$800 last year.
Artwork by 3yr old son, done @ day care..