• expired

KFC $5 Smoky BBQ Crunch Lunch Box (Smoky BBQ Crunch, Wicked Wing, Chips, Drink, Potato/Gravy)


For just $5 Enjoy a $5 Lunch with KFC's new Smoky BBQ Crunch
  • 1 Smoky BBQ Crunch Chicken Piece
  • 1 Wicked wing
  • 1 Reg Potato + Gravy
  • 1 Regular Chips [Upsize to large for ~$1.60]
  • 1 250ml Pepsi Max [See drink information below]

In QLD/WA You can change drink to any regular can or water for $1.00 Extra.

In NSW/VIC/TAS/SA/ACT stores you can also swap it out for drinks besides cans

  • Swap to Upsize drink for $0.50 +$0.90
  • Swap to Krusher for $0.50 + $2.00
  • Swap to Freeze for $0.50 + $0.80 It's cheaper buying the freeze by itself for $1
  • Swap to water for $0.50

From past $5 Box's, No part of the deal is swappable due to the price.

Deal only available until 4PM Daily. There is around a 15 minute grace period until 4:15 on the register software if you are waiting in a queue.

You can order this deal any time of day on the app.


The Smoky BBQ piece in the box will be replaced with a Boneless BBQ Crunch Nashville Hot piece in Woolongong.
One area of KFC Stores ~8 stores will have a normal size 375ml can @ the $5 Price point. This is the Woolongong Area
The Smoky BBQ piece in the box will be replaced with a Georiga Gold piece in Newcastle.

Combine with Guest Experience Survey for free chips and drink (use website on back of receipt to redeem) therefore getting a free Up-size instead of paying $2.50

Information on Other Smoky BBQ Cruch Deals

In Wolloogong replace Smoky BBQ Curnch with Nashville Hot
For another area replace Smoky BBQ Curnch with Georgia Gold

Smoky BBQ Crunch Boxed Meal
  • Fillet Burger
  • BBQ Piece
  • Chips
  • Pot/grav
  • 375ml Drink
Smoky BBQ Crunch 3pc Boxed Meal
  • 3x BBQ Pieces
  • Dinner Roll
  • Chips
  • Pot/grav
  • Drink
Smoky BBQ Crunch Feast
  • 6x BBQ Pieces
  • 6 Original Pieces(Though you can swap to BBQ Pieces)
  • 6 Original Tenders
  • 6 Nuggets
  • 2 Large Chips
  • 1 Large Potato/Gravy
  • 2 Dipping Sauces
    Add on to any family meal 4x Smoky BBQ Crunch Pieces for $6.95

Related Stores

KFC Australia
KFC Australia

closed Comments

  • +6

    Yummy yummy, get in my tummy.

    • +2

      Yummy, Yummy, Yummy,

      I've got KFC in my tummy,

      And I feel like doing a poo.

      Yummy, Yummy, Yummy,

      I've got KFC in my tummy,

      And it's all thanks to you.

      • -1

        Not sure why you were negged

        • +2

          Thanks, some people just have poor taste in music.

        • +1

          @Scab: Yeah true

        • +2

          @Savas: i upvoted

        • +1

          @Thenarrator: lol awesome

  • +2

    When you want to budget but KFC brings out what arguably sounds like their best box yet!!! It's only $5 and I guess I haven't got a $5 brekky box for a while so I can, what a shame I have to use my receipt lol!

    ^^ Horrible budgeting ^^

    • +3

      nothing will ever beat that tobasco chicken deal

      • +1

        this is same as tobasco just with bbq chicken!

        • +3

          Can I ask why doesn't KFC Salt their chips? stores I go to in W.A Never are salted or are very poorly salted :(

        • +2

          @TRENT86: You can ask for extra salt. But you are right, it makes or breaks the chips.

        • +4

          @TRENT86: Honeslty, because we have really inefficent salt shaker design, where the salt that comes out depends on how much salt is in the sahker forcing it out and if the nozzles are clogged.

        • +2

          @Daabido: Last time I asked for extra salt, there's a story!! She literally spent 3 minutes dumping salt on my chips and it was so bad, could only taste salt and there was a solid few tablespoons of salt just sitting at the bottom…

          Since then; I make sure to only order chips at certain times! Just depends on the person (Yes, I go there so often I basically know everyones work schedules xD)

        • +1

          Are you saying it is hot and spicy just with bbq sauce instead of Tabasco?

        • +1

          @tassieeagle: No, its the hot and spicy double breading extra crispy marinated in bbq sauce, with bbq sauce on top. In regards to my orginal commnet I meant that the $5 was the same contents if you replaced tobasco with BBQ

        • +1

          @oscinator1988: I got a smokey bbq drumstick, and an original recipe breast piece. shouldn't they be both smokey bbq?

        • @zenith2k3: You should have gotten a Smokey BBQ drum and a wicked wing. Im guessing the store ran out of wicked wings and didnt telll you

      • +5

        Tabasco chicken was the best KFC chicken I have tasted. It was awesome. Good thing it was only for a limited time. I would of needed a new wardrobe if it continued any longer.

        • +1

          Hey leave KFC out of this! You never point the finger at KFC! You brought it upon yourself!!

      • That tobasco chicken was amazing but I have a feeling this BBQ chicken will reign supreme :)

  • +8

    Thank you as always for the great depth of information.

    • +2

      Your welcome!

  • +7

    This will go well with my new fitness regime

    I plan to work out so i can eat shit food more often :)

    • Best of luck, the bodys muscles efficiency isn't in your favor though.

    • This can be confirmed as a workable plan

  • +4

    I need pictures of the food to stimulate my hunger recepticles.

  • Is this endorsed by Col. Harland Sanders?

  • +1

    What's smoky BBQ crunch? I've never heard of this before. Any photos/links to see what it looks like?

    • +1

      Promo links wont come out till monday. But iirc its BBQ marinated extra crispy chicken, doused with more bbq sauce

  • -4

    love these $5 deals. just walk in a kfc, pick up a receipt off the ground, scribble random 5 numbers on it and hand it in for extra chips and drink free

    • +2

      Don't try this at Victoria Gardens (Vic) Mgr went out the back to check, even though I did the survey on the website.

      Claimed the number was invalid, still gave me it though.

      • +2

        Sounds like he tried to trick you into confessing that you didn't do the survey?

        • theres no way to check lol cuz KFC don't have a system to check… or else they would have it in the system…

        • +1

          @dabell: there is a really really inefficient way of checking, but due to "Global Standars" in which every KFC has to have same reporting system, they cant use a better system.

    • +2

      Come on, it takes 60 seconds and it helps out the managers.

    • +3

      Fill it in, it takes 3 minutes and you get your opinion across about what you like / don't like, and you get a freebie. One day they will stop this awesome deal, let's not give them a reason to any sooner

  • +3

    For anyone else who doesn't like obnoxiously sweet drinks with their fried chicken - I've found most stores are happy to swap the pepsi max for an upsize to large chips.

    • +2

      That is awesome no idea you could do that!! I just normally swap it for a mountain dew as I can actually stomach that can lol

      • +1

        Haha I initially tried to swap for solo but they said "pepsi max only" as it's the only one they have in the miniature size. So I told them to just not worry about the drink and they offered me extra chips šŸ‘Œ I'm in Qld in case that matters too.

        • +1

          You can swap it to solo but it'll be an extra $1

        • +1

          Oh, its a miniature can? Would I be still able to swap for mountain dew? If not; I'll get a mountain dew from survey; and hopefully upsize the chips!

        • +2

          @pennypincher98: Yeah the $5 deals are usually a mini can, which means you can swap for chips upsize only unless you want to pay extra. i honestly prefer a beer or tap water with my KFC. Gotta savour that salty, fatty goodness.

        • +2

          @bohdud: +1 for beer with KFC but the two aren't normally found near each other, nor can you swap a mini can for a beer :D

        • +1

          @pennypincher98: that's when you know it's time to get an in-car fridge!

        • @bohdud: lol I should make a post in "find me a bargain" for this.
          Need an in car fridge to store my beer while having KFC, any good deals?
          Sure just use promo code, FRIDGEARSE xD

    • +1

      Do you know if they would upsize the drink to a bucket?

  • Don't forget to swap the potato and gravy for chips. My KFC just gives me a largeb single chips instead. More calories for free!

    • You cant in this deal.

      • +1

        Does your work name badge say Oscinator?

        Welcome to KFC Drive-Thru, I'm Oscinator, may I take your order?

        • hahahahahaha i'm not that nice to customers, I have PTSD from all the times customers have verbally abused me lmao.

        • @Lockster:

          I used to manage a fast food store, worst job ever, dealing with people sucks.

        • @Scab: Everyone treats you like crap. Customers don't understand things can go wrong and that last time they got small pieces. Like why tf are you telling me? that's the managers job. One day I hope to see a ozbargainer

        • @Lockster:

          Yeah, it's pretty shitty.

          I even used to get idiots that would grab half eaten food and receipts from the carpark and then come in to complain so they can get free food.

          For some reason fast food brings out the worst in people.

        • @Scab: hahahaah horror stories with Scab. it does tho aye like they got so shitty about little things like not enough salt. I had a guy complain because his krusher wasn't crushed enough, and another who said the spicy twister wasn't spicy enough.
          I could go on for a very long time.

        • @Lockster:

          They seem to think fast food workers are below them, complain about the most trivial things like their life depended on it.

          Ended up leaving the job because I couldn't handle the idiots, the worst was when the company had promos like $2 1/4 chicken and chips and people would come in and buy several dozen and want them all with the breast part (Red Rooster).

          And when I worked for KFC people would buy a bucket or thrift box and want all breast and thighs, and trying to explain to them there were set combos would trigger them.

          Used to get people abusing the hell out of me, my favourite was Drive-Thru where I would just close the window on them and walk away.

        • @Scab: all of mine are the same lol I love drive thru.

    • +2

      User name checks out lol

  • +1

    OP, do you have any other pricing information for the "other smoky BBQ crunch meals"? Thanks.

    • How does KFC pricing work? I swear I saw an ad a couple months back for some meal deal on TV for $19.95, then i went to the store and it was $24.95.

      • +3

        That's how it works, advertise a lower price then in-store hit you with fried chicken smells and charge you extra.

      • Perhaps 1995 via app, they differ and will try to charge you the full cost if you don't contest

    • +1

      Its same prices as 3pc Box/Ultimate Box, and Mega Feast.

      • Ah ok so $9.95? Cheers for the info! Not interested in the big box but thanks anyway!

        • Depends store to store, so cant list a price!

        • @oscinator1988: Oh right ok no worries! I'm quite positive it is $9.95 at Chatswood and Macquarie (and presumably around)

  • how is this compare to last time Hot Rod deal. better or same?

    • +2

      Hot Rod was very disappointing with popcorn size chicken pieces, with this one at least you get a piece of juicy chicken

  • +3

    this deal + 15 wicked wings for $15. hell yeahhhhhh.

    • +2

      Now you're speaking my language fat boy :)

  • This is cancer in a box !!

  • +1

    How do the BBQ pieces taste people? Worth it?

    • +2

      Tastes like chicken

      I'll let you know if it's worth it in a day or two, the misses will be out of town, so my shout for dinner :)

      • Cheers, if its anything like the cola chicken a while back I can do without.

    • Regular fried chick'n piece with s sticky smokey bbq sauce squirted over,

  • Just went downtown to get one of these, the chicken tasted exactly the same except for a splash of bbq sauce.

    I was impressed with the value of this meal!

    First time I have eaten KFC in about 8 months lol

  • idk about this bbq sauce, kinda gives a funny smell but ah well it's a chicken at least.


    The Smoky BBQ piece in the box will be replaced with a Boneless BBQ Crunch Nashville Hot piece in Woolongong.~~
    Woolongong of KFC Stores ~8 stores will have a normal size 375ml can @ the $5 Price point.
    The Smoky BBQ piece in the box will be replaced with a Georiga Gold piece in One area.

    • That's it, I'm moving to Wollongong.

    • The Nashville Hot was amazing. Spicy all the way through the meat. 100s of times better than the smoky BBQ. Worth driving to Wollongong to try!

      I had to drive 2 hours to get it though ;( It needs to be nationwide.

  • Had yesterday, added 2 extra wicked wings for $2. Good deal for $7 i thought…yum. Wish water switch was free..

  • I haven't seen any advertising for this and it not on the app for me here in tassie. My local store only has a banner for the $1 solo freeze.

  • This is a really good deal. Possibly one of the best $5 boxes from KFC if you don't like spiciness. Even without 2 of the non-chicken items (i.e. drink and potato and gracy), it would still be a pretty nice deal. Chicken was large, and nice and the bbq sauce made it decent. Wasn't soggy like typical KFX original recipe.

  • I'd prefer it without the sticky sause

    Not bad for $5 tho

  • Had this box the other day and it is actually such a great deal!!
    Massive piece of chicken with nice BBQ sauce and crunch as well as a sizeable second piece.
    Chips are a small, not a regular, which I am quite sure you can only get in a box but I was full after it so I didn't mind.
    Potato/Gravy is always interesting at KFC, kind of felt a bit out of place, but had it as a snack later.
    Pepsi can was a 250mL can. Very interesting can design, it is not like the thin cans, it is a standard sized can that is just quite short. Oh well it was enough anyway
    Overall great value! Note I also got regular chips and a Mountain Dew can with this :)

  • ask them for this without the BBQ sauce, which ruined it for me.

  • Bought two of these $5 lunch boxes last week. When we got home, we found that the BBQ piece of chicken in both boxes is a chicken wing!! Not very impressed at all.

    Appreciate it if a KFC employee can confirm that the BBQ chicken piece should be anything but a chicken wing piece. Needless to say, having 1.5 piece (I call the wicked wing a half piece!) of chicken isn't very filling at all!

    • Got 1 yesterday too.

      KFC Girl: Welcome to KFC! What would you like to order?
      Me: $5 Lunch Box.
      KFC Girl: Would you Like to Upgrade the drink for $X.XX
      Me: No But I would like to upgrade the drumstick to a thigh and I am happy to pay for it.
      KFC Girl:We don't charge extra for the pieces they are selected randomly. Let me check if we have a thigh that I can get for you.

      Goes Away

      KFC Girl: Yes I can give you a thigh.
      Me: Happy How much extra for the thigh?
      KFC Girl: No Charge. Please drive through to the window.

      Takes my money and asks me to go to the next Window. She runs to the next window to hand me my meal. I thank her and go back to work.

      At work I open my box and its a wing not a thigh and I am still salty about it. She could have refused but saying its a thigh and giving me a wing is just cruel.

      • Wow…. That is just plain rude and wrong!

        • It has to be a mistake. I doubt she would go through all the trouble to con me. If I had known I would have ordered a Zinger meal instead.

  • Swap to Upsize drink for $0.50 +$0.90
    Swap to Krusher for $0.50 + $2.00
    Swap to Freeze for $0.50 + $0.80 It's cheaper buying the freeze by itself for $1
    Swap to water for $0.50

    Luv this reminder

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