Seems like an alright price for a 4TB portable hard drive, enjoy :)
WD 4TB Black My Passport Portable External Hard Drive US $103.34 (~AU $130) Delivered @ Amazon

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Looks like it doesn't have a SATA header so it cant be used as an internal drive.
can you confirm? pretty sure this is a 2.5" drive on a flat sata/power adaptor inside it
Now they're not doing that as often, sadly.
Confirmed —> although it's not in english, you get the idea.
Damn paid $150 just 2 weeks ago
How much bigger are the 5tb drives compared to this?
Exactly 1TB ;)
25% bigger
Is this one of those Singaporean 5th Grade questions?
I hate you guys
1000 Mb bigger. Do you like me now ?
Wouldn't it actually be 1024?
1024 GB!!
I thought hard drive manufacturers defined their capacity as 1000GB = 1TB, so when you buy you actually get less because computers don't 'think' in base 10?
So this WD 4TB is actually larger in volume (but has a smaller footprint) at 110 x 81.5 x 21.5 mm compared to the recent Seagate 5TB deal which was 114.5 x 76 x 20.35 mm
Thanks OZb. You guys rock!
if anyone needs high class sd cards these have been popular on ozb and are only a couple of dollars shipping wise when ordered with the hard drive
Samsung 64GB 100MB/s (U3) MicroSDXC EVO Select Memory Card with Adapter
+ the 128Gb onesThis is not an alright price, it's a great price.
Thanks for sharing
Thank you so much. good deal!
Thanks OP have been waiting for this to go on sale.
Great price, just a shame it's the portable version.
If you're after a desktop option and could be bothered getting it shipped with a forwarder then this might be an option ?…
Labour day sale and the 4TB is cheaper than the 3TB
So no 4TB WD Red inside? :p
err is this only 5400rpm?
yes. only.
Well, that seems a mistake.
Anything more is deemed diminishing returns, and wrong product for application.
@mit: Can't be flogged googling for ya. But in portable devices, they found that high speeds equaled little to no throughput improvement vs the heat & power implications. I've got 7200rpm diy portables that won't work on certain laptops. I'd be curious if anyone makes two strapped together OEM.
Great find Lyl!
I'm surprised this isn't getting more votes. You'll be hard pressed finding a 3.5" drive for this price let alone 2.5"
Admittedly there does seem to be some question marks on the ability to use these internally?
I'm actually tempted to grab 2 to add to my NAS box, these would be 5400/5900rpm I'm assuming?
Where do you find this price? The deal shows the cheapest for US$108, or maybe I'm just not familiar with Amazon
it's sold out
Orange, red and yellow still available for US$109 which is still a good price…
Awesome… But lately all the sites for downloading linux distos have been blocked. Not sure what to put on it now.
Change your DNS to a non-ISP one, problem solved (yes, it literally is that easily haha).
I hear that's happened to many recently. My ISP hasn't joined the party, I can access everything still.
Seagate Backup Plus 4TB Portable External Hard Drive USB 3.0, Black (STDR4000100)…
Looks like an Xbox One
Don't know how OP was getting $130 Australian dollars!!??
Even with the lowest shipping it still came to over $145… The exchange rate hasn't changed. I think OP was either putting in some different items or doesn't know how to convert US dollars. I shop on Amazon regularly and it needs to come down to well under $100 to get it to AU$130 with postage. Amazon always has a higher percentage than the actual exchange plus their own fee. So you were looking at a minimum of US$115 converted to Australian. Like I said I have no idea how OP has got these numbers!This deal has been expired since Friday night as price increased by US$14, but if you were referring to the original price of $95.99+$7.35=$103.34usd shipped:
Don't know how OP was getting $130 Australian dollars!!??
used to convert usd $103.34 to aud. even if you google 'usd $103.34 to aud' it'll tell you its $129.66 aud. I usually round to the nearest whole number
Amazon always has a higher percentage than the actual exchange
Yes that's true, which is why it is standard ozbargain practice to use a fee free card like 28 degrees, bankwest zero etc for Amazon purchases, and pay in USD directly, so you'll get charged the actual exchange and not Amazon's higher percentage when paying in AUD
plus their own fee
Amazon doesn't have their own fees, just the price + shipping.
I looked at it on the day but didn't post anything until now. I never saw it at that price! Amazon do change there prices daily… So maybe the deal only went for a full 5 minutes when you posted it.. Standard ozbargain practice to purchase with a credit card that maybe one percent of people actually have!? That's a great practice! Well done on giving people a price that only a few people can actually get with an option you never told people about in the deal.
Amazon's higher percentage is their fee!!
I never saw it at that price! Amazon do change there prices daily… So maybe the deal only went for a full 5 minutes when you posted it..
Please look at the timestamps of the post… deal posted on 01/09/2017 - 21:02, expired on 1 Sep 10:24pm, so the deal lasted 1 hour 20 minutes before Amazon called it quits. that's usually with the case with many of Amazon's deals…you never know when they'll end. From memory, this deal got 60+ votes and 1000+ clicks before it expired (currently at 84 votes and 1710 clicks), so I'm guessing at least 100+ people managed to purchase it before it expired.
Also, if it's marked 'EXPIRED' in the title (which it was as soon as the deal was over), just don't click on the deal then since it is no longer available? Just because you didn't see the price didn't mean 1000s of other people didn't see it.
Standard ozbargain practice to purchase with a credit card that maybe one percent of people actually have!?
There's quite a few fee free cards, and most ozbargainers have one considering that they regularly purchase from Amazon and some Chinese sites that have a poor exchange rate if you purchase directly in AUD.
Considering that this deal got 60+ upvotes and 1000+ clicks before it sold out and you're the first to question me on the pricing, I guess most people are already aware of it and use a fee free card? Or if they don't have a fee free card, they'll just checkout anyways knowing they'll pay a few extra $, not a big deal There's probably around 5-10 deals posted everyday from sites where USD price is quoted and converted to AUD, so it's definitely standard ozbargain practice. I've seen people quote the AUD price from Amazon's conversion in a title before, and then seeing a moderator editing the title to reflect the USD price and it's conversion to AUD.
you never told people about in the deal.
Sorry I was busy when I posted the deal and didn't mention it this time (I usually mention it like in this post and this post), but now you've asked and I've explained it to you? I apologise for forgetting this time around (sigh deal posting is hard), I'll definitely try to remember in my next Amazon deal post :)
Wow you are deluded if you think over a hundred people bought this from looking at your post! Upvoting a deal and clicking on the page does not equal a purchase! Didn't see anybody comment on here that they purchased it… Anyway you keep replying with your practices of credit cards that so many ozbargainers use to get a deal but something no one else talks about, conversion rates that your using instead of Amazon, $7 Postage, 5 minute deals and imaginary purchases to give yourself a big head… Great job
You said don't click on the deal when it's expired… My whole point is that when I did look at it… It wasn't expired! The main basis of my comment. Deal obviously ran for a tiny amount of time which you decided to defend, by adding in all kinds of other stipulations like no fee credit cards that MOST people on ozbargain use (using your words). Somehow doubt that!
Upvoting a deal and clicking on the page does not equal a purchase!
Very true, shame Amazon doesn't show sales histories unlike eBay. I've seen eBay deals get 50 votes but 200+ purchases (and 0 purchases before the ozbargain deal got posted so all traffic came from ozbargain). Just what happens when 80% of viewers are guests with no ozbargain account. Sure I don't know exactly how many people purchased this deal, but I'm guessing quite a few.
Didn't see anybody comment on here that they purchased it…
meh yeah just alright thanks OP!
Thanks for sharing
Thank you so much. good deal!
Thanks OP have been waiting for this to go on sale.I would assume that if they say 'Thanks' they bought it, but yeah quite a bold assumption on my part!
no one else talks about, conversion rates that your using instead of Amazon
If people were seeing something like $10 extra than my quoted price (if they don't have a fee free card), wouldn't they comment about it asking why just like you? Interesting that in the 40 comments before yours noone mentioned it, so noone apart from you had an issues with my pricing. Strange!
Trust me, most people do not use Amazon's conversion (even if it's not a fee free card, banks conversion rates are usually better than Amazon), I've seen newbies post the deal using Amazon's rate, and the someone in first few comments always mentions that you can get a lower rate with a fee free card.
Please report my post to the moderators if you have an issue with it. Also there's currently over 30 active Amazon deals posted by other members quoting AUD prices that don't match your ideals, why not blast them as well?
$7 Postage, 5 minute deals
Did you even read my last comment? Deal lasted for nearly 1.5 hours, and by that time already got 60+ votes and 1000+ clicks so Amazon must've got hammered with orders. I'm sorry I don't have enough skill to hack into Amazon's inventory/Pricing system to make sure the deal is able to last a few days before posting!
And what do you mean '$7 postage.' I factored the postage into my final price of $95.99+$7.35 = $103.34usd delivered.
My whole point is that when I did look at it… It wasn't expired!
Then report the deal as 'expired' and a moderator will mark it as 'expired' usually within 5 minutes. Oh wait I'm sorry you somehow struggled to figure out the actual price, maybe you should've commented then and people would've quickly told you it's expired.
give yourself a big head…
Not about giving myself a big head, about giving back to the community that has also given me lots of great deals and savings. Anyways can't be bothered replying further to this thread as your initial question has already been answered (I always take huge walls of text as you have seen), seeing that you have 0 posts why don't you also contribute to the community by posting a deal sometime?
Anyways have a great day, and if this deal returns I'll make sure to let you know.
Yep like you say just text walls of excuses… Postage is actually over US$9. No I don't live in a rural suburb. You keep putting false information out. Whenever someone calls you out on it. You defend yourself as if you can't be wrong. Take some criticism like a man! Check your figures and facts before giving people misleading info.
Gee you're so good at baiting me to reply lol
Postage is actually over US$9
Postage is showing up as $7.35USD for me - see screenshot
No I don't live in a rural suburb.
Amazon postage to Australia is also the same regardless of address (as long as you have Amazon as the seller and not some thirdparty seller), which is why in all Amazon deals, the 'Shipped' price is quoted. I live in a rural surburb, so I'm quite happy that I'm getting the same prices as the rest of Australia for shipping.
You defend yourself as if you can't be wrong.
I have posted over 700 deals (200+ from Amazon) and I check my figures and facts. I've got it wrong a tonne of times at first (and still do) and everytime I've apologised and fixed it up.
Take some criticism like a man! Check your figures and facts before giving people misleading info.
Seems like you should take your own advice? Stuff like claiming like "maybe the deal only went for a full 5 minutes when you posted it', when ozbargain has clear timestamps for when the deal was posted and when the deal expired in the post. Then claiming "Amazon always has a higher percentage than the actual exchange plus their own fee" and afterwards replying "Amazon's higher percentage is their fee!!" when called out (Mate you already said in the first comment that they have a higher exchange "plus" their own fee , and now you are saying that Amazon's fee "is" their higher exchange, good one). Those are two facts that can easily be checked and avoided in your comments.
There's no exact answer to some opinions we've differed on (e.g. how many ozbargain use fee free cards?), but at least I've tried by best to provide figures to support my arguments (e.g. only fee free cards are able to obtain price in title, and the deal got 60+ votes, 1000+ clicks, and nearly 40 comments before it expired, so surely someone would've commented before you if they didn't understand why Amazon were charging them more than what the title is suggesting? As they don't have a fee free card which only "one percent of people have" - quoting you). You just simply quote me and reply 'doubt that', nice.
Aaand looks like I've just hit the wordcount needed for the 'text wall' classification, achievement unlocked!. Good night
meh yeah just alright thanks OP!