How Much Commission Should I Be Paying on Sale of $400K Unit

I'm looking at selling my Unit for around the $400k mark give or take $10k agents quoting me 2% but was willing to drop to 1.7% most people I talk to say I should be going for 1.5%?

I also have to add $1400-2k for advertising

What have others paid?

Des that should fair?


  • +2

    pretty hard to get 1.5% i've heard, ask to a sliding scale according to sale price. E.G. ~400k = 1.5%, ~410K = 1.6% etc

    don't be afraid to shop around too.

    • In practice this is not a good idea. The agent is only concerned with the sale. So rather than trying to get $410k to get a bit more commission, he'd rather sell for what he can to get a certain lower amount and then move on to the next property.

  • +3

    From my experience, 1.7% is pretty good for a sale of ~$400k. By all means see what you can get, but don't be surprised if you can't find much more. Check to see if that is inc/exc GST though!

  • +2

    Looked at one of those Purple Bricks or fixed price guys?

  • The absolute best rate you can find is 1%, thats usually if the agent has very little to do, you present the property ready for sale, and its fully renovated. The more work the agent needs to do to sell, the higher the rate he will ask for. So if your house is falling apart, and its not a knockdown, expect to pay closer to 2% than 1%.

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