The wife and I have considered having kids in the next few years and I've been trying to forecast what that truly would cost.
What costs popped up that you didn't expect but actually cost a small fortune.
What did it cost you a fortnight to basically take care of this extra person in your middle-income family? I understand this can go really high or low, but on average.
Your experience would be a great help!
This is becoming rarer by the day. Compulsory insurance for those running the clubs is one issue. I'm also tired of sponsorship. MacDonalds sponsoring Little Athletics and giving kids a "first hit is free" reward at the field undoes the 20 minutes of excercise the kid actually gets when you spend 4 hours on the field waiting for stuff to happen.
The law in most states say under 12 they have to be supervised. Out in public or at home.………
With genuine respect, I think you haven't kept up with the times.
Actually on a 2 story house you'd probably need someone with the proper ladders etc. Remember Molly Meldrum's fall? If not compuslory now I'm sure it will be soon.
On this we almost completely agree. Government policies certainly contributed but there are other factors too.
Asthma and croup are considered minor, but sometimes require an ambulance. Try keeping a kid at a healthy weight or toilet training them when they're on steroids. Hyper-flexible joints are no fun either when they go along with broken bones.
Then there's the wife. I started typing her list of ailments but decided against sharing that. It's not short.
I think grandparents spending time with the kids IF they're physically up to it is great. The same people who say it's not fair to let them look after kids are often trying to shove them into a nursing home prematurely. (I can see from your post that is NOT you). I think as long as you treat them with genuine love and respect grandparents can be a great ally and benefit too.