This was posted 7 years 3 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE T-Shirt to Those Enrolled to Vote from Gorman


With less than 24 hours to go until the enrollment period for the postal vote on national marriage laws closes, Gorman is out to gather last-minute sign ups.

The label has just announced it’ll be giving away free ‘Love is Love’ T-shirts, in order to spread the word about marriage equality and help foster as many ‘yes’ votes as possible.

The T-shirt takes artwork from Gorman’s Spring collaboration with Monika Forsberg and is available in limited quantities at all of Gorman’s Australian stores.

If you’d like to score one, simply head into a Gorman store tomorrow (August 25) and present a screenshot of your verified enrollment details. There are 5000 tees in total up for grabs, so you’ll want to head down early.

To make sure you can have your say on whether our marriage laws should be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry, head to the AEC and update your details or enrol by midnight tonight.

Mod: Just a reminder. Discussion is fine but let's be respectful of others.

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closed Comments

        • @Xastros: I think I have answered the incest question many times above, feel free to read. I think it is crystal clear why this shouldn't be seen as a similar topic to gay people getting equality. If you don't see any difference then I'd be concerned.

          Polygamy is a more nuanced conversation. It is still legally recognised in some countries. If it was brought up for debate then I would be forced to confront my views on the topic. My reasons for why there should be public support before a review is because it is an indicator of the will of the people. If suddenly many Aussies felt strongly it should be legal then I would more deeply explore my views on the topic. Maybe I would be in favour maybe I wouldn't be, as of today I haven't read enough to have a fully informed opinion on the benefits vs issues of polygamy.

          HOWEVER what I do see (and what GregFiona thinks he is being clever about) is people continually linking these topics. The question is specifically being asked about same sex marriage and whether equality should be granted to homosexuals. That's it. Full stop. This vote does NOT open the doors to people getting married to their dog, or sister, or anything else.

          Making a YES vote is not prejudicing any vote on incest or polygamy- that is not the fight. I don't agree with incest, but hey maybe I am a minority, and if GregFiona is against gay weddings you can bet your arse he is against incest and polygamy, so he is just being antagonistic, and if you see the offense he has caused you can see his behavior isn't benign.

        • @mooney: What do you know about me? Nothing! So keep your bets for your family and the people you know. At least I do believe in weddings unlike people like you who do not care at all about them! It's people like you that make me wanna vote NO. If there were more people like Xastros I bet we would have more NO people changing to YES

        • -1

          @GregFiona: ha ha ha. What I know about you is how you've presented yourself on this topic and it's not been authentic and therefore not pretty. Unless I have misjudged you and you are a genuine advocate of incest. In that case I'm sorry and say hi to your sister for me.

          I do believe in weddings. They're definitely real. I've even done one! But you're right I find it hard to care too much about them. I am voting to try to get gays full equality as my conscience tells me it's the right thing to do.

          Anyway GregFiona. Hope you have a great weekend. I've enjoyed our chat. Peace. X

        • @mooney: No one is taking you seriously.Get over it!

        • @GregFiona: Mwah. Xxx.

        • @mooney: now you are acting like a real "mooney"(try googling μουνί in Greek). Hope you grow up one day, if it's not ready too late

        • -1

          @GregFiona: and I love you too. I'm so flattered you've given me a pet name.

          Let's pray some other divisive issue arises soon so we can take our friendship maybe the the next level.


        • @yannyrjl: when did I say that bisexual cant be happy or marry? When did I say I dont support polygamy? Please explain

        • +1

          @pinkfour: you stated "Educate yourself. Stop comparing me with incest and polygamy" I read this has a negative tone, but I would stand corrected if this is not your intent.

        • -1

          @yannyrjl: what I meant is educate yourself with human sexuality. As we are discussing same sex marriage, dont compare this with polygamy

      • Yannyrji - I hope one day you are able to marry your brother and experience the happiness marriage seems to have brought a lot of other people, too. Good luck.

        • while it doesn't float my boat, but seems you have no problems with it

    • +5

      Howdy pinkfour, I've been surprised and disappointed by some comments too, but try to focus on some positive things around you.

      If you can, maybe try avoid these sorts of threads; unfortunately a lot of silly nonsense gets thrown around, which just won't be helpful to you with your depression.

      Get your vote in and reach out for support if you need it.

      I really hope you're feeling better soon. Chin up mate :)

      • +4

        Thank you :) yes Im getting help now after few failed attempts. Why people hate for being born gay? Im not causing any problem for them. Let everyone live their life.

  • -7

    Disagree with homosexuality on the basis of God's word. Will be voting no. This is not a deal i agree with.

    • +7

      Lucky for you, the Marriage Act does not form part of your religion, so when same-sex marriage is legal in the eyes of the law, you don't have to agree to it.

  • Who's the cops going arrest when there is a domestic in a gay house hold? Also, the term wife beater needs to go as well, gotta be "gender neutral" these days.

    • +1

      when there is a domestic in a gay house hold?

      Don't worry, it happens… Know of someone recently it happened to… It got very nasty…

      • usually the cops just arrest the male by default without even asking questions, but in a Gay house hold what happens? Arrest the bigger Gay? (physically I mean, haha)

        • usually the cops just arrest the male

          They were both women…

          One was more 'masculine' though, but nobody got arrested…

        • @jv: What? Women can be an abuser too? Now my mind is truly blown

        • +1

          @yannyrjl: almost everything that I've read that you've written so far has been despicable. Try to have some empathy.

          I think we all realise that men and women can be instigators of violence. Unsure how you got onto this topic though. Gay people can already live together…

        • Please discuss without resorting to name calling or personal attacks.

        • @em: Despicable? Agree to disagree. I'm just being logical, I'm advocating for all love that's all, why are we selectively fighting for only one part of the community and not everyone?

          And yet, domestic violence shelters are heavily skewed towards women, and men have very little support or help from the community or the government or even family and friends.

  • +7

    Originally I was going to vote yes. Then I wasn't going to vote. Now that I've investigated the vote, I've found that the "yes" side has been increasingly aggressive, increasingly obnoxious (I can't see a single page on the vote without it being one-sided towards the 'yes' party) and it's just brainwashing 101.

    I'm now voting no. It's a shame that those who told, forced and threatened me to support it, are the ones who turned me away.

    "Do I want equality?" yes.
    "Do I want the laws to change?" no.

    We don't need to follow some PC/progressive view that is essentially consuming the world whole. We should vote on what we need, not on what the world thinks we need.

    • +5

      Equality = law change.

      • +7


      • Yeah, but StoneSin had to decide which of his/her three principles had priority.

      • +3

        Equality = law change.

        No it doesn't.

        Equality means the same laws apply to all people.

        • +3

          The law has been changed plenty of times to allow for equality, or are you saying instances like changing the law restricting Indigenous Australians to vote was wrong?

        • +1

          Ha ha ha ha. NO. That's not even close to equality. So when slavery LAWS existed in USA, which applied to ALL people equally, the slaves were equal?!

    • +4

      Very confusing perspective you have there.

      1. "no" side is just as aggressive/obnoxious as the "yes" side, what makes "yes" side worse than "no"?
      2. If anything, this OzBargain deal is the most No votes I have seen on the issue yet. It's been quite one-sided on the pro-No comments too!
      3. Probably a lot of support on "Yes" because that's the most sensible choice.
      4. How can you get Equality without changing the law on something which is unequal?
      • +4
        1. You would think so, but they're not. Coming from the completely other side, I know that for a fact.
        2. It's the internet, and it's the internet where people are wise with their money, those kinds of people are therefore wise with their voting. The same way Facebook is pretty much the assimilated views of young people and not so wise old people.
        3. You're now being obnoxious and threatening that not changing the laws is not sensible. You are wrong.
        4. I support equality, this isn't pursuing equality.
        • +2

          OK… but you didn't really address anything with actual facts, just saying they are facts, because you say so. I'm not trying to be mean, but just take a step back and think about how your post would look to someone on the fence who has no idea what facts you are talking about.

        • +2

          @The Land of Smeg: I just googled "how to vote gay marriage" and got a plethora of "in your face" spam for the 'yes' party. Imagine how that knocks at the fence.

        • +2

          @StoneSin: People with more progressive are more technology savvy than those who are conservative. Maybe it's the age range of those groups, I'm not really sure, that's just the way it is. I don't think that a Google search result really means much (or why you would care on that), it's just reflective that there are more groups pushing for a Ves vote than a No one, and there is a lot more support for Yes on the internet, whereas the No camp tend to congregate offline in closed friendship circles and in private facebook groups.

        • +2

          @The Land of Smeg: I have a letterbox, I visit the supermarket. Where's all the spam there? You don't need to understand tech to do any of the things I wrote about or witnessed.

          You're taking away the blame where there should be acceptance.

        • +1

          @StoneSin: come on mate, I've given you a fair opportunity to reasonably present your side. Are you going to do it or not? You just don't like this issue being fought for over the internet? Is that it?

        • +2

          @The Land of Smeg: It's been presented. Dissect what you want.

        • @StoneSin: It's too unclear/abstract to make any sense out of it. All I can think is that you are being a joker.

        • +2

          @The Land of Smeg: Then that's all you managed to grasp. That's a shame.

        • +1

          @StoneSin: You're brain is just working on a different wavelength to everyone else, we are not tuned in to that frequency to be able to pick it up. You make a lot of assumptions about "fact" which you think are obvious that everyone would know, but truthfully we haven't got a clue what you're talking about because it's not obvious to anyone else but you. If you want us to understand, you're going to have to explain in properly.

        • +2

          @The Land of Smeg: Your flattery isn't required. But thank you.

        • @StoneSin: ???

          well as long as you're happy, all the power to you!

        • Please discuss without resorting to name calling or personal attacks.

      • +1

        There are many level headed responses here and elsewhere. For both yes and no people.

        The online platform opens up disrespectful comments from both sides.

      • +3

        "Yes" because that's the most sensible choice.

        What rubbish…

        • +3

          OK jv, I'll bite. I'm a fairly central & balanced person willing to see all sides of the argument.

          On what grounds are you against it?

    • +8

      you're voting against same sex marriage because of how people state their opinion??!1?!

      that is moronic.

      • Yes. What they did is moronic, you're right.

        • You're a terrible Australian.

        • @XeKToReX: I think he's South Korean/English

        • +2

          @XeKToReX: Thank you for making my vote make more sense.

        • +1

          @StoneSin: no, I'm saying that your perspective is moronic.

          you are against something not because of the issue itself, but how people (who are for it) are voicing their opinions.

        • +2


          I don't really give a shit what you vote, but the fact that you're using your right to vote just to spite people shows that you're a terrible Australian.. That's if you are even a citizen and have the right to vote.

        • +1

          @altomic: Then you're just wrong, unfortunately.

        • +1

          @XeKToReX: Again, you continue to make my vote seem like the right decision. You can thank yourself for not only removing a yes vote, but changing it to a no. Enjoy your ignorance.

        • +2

          @StoneSin: how? you openly stated that you were voting "yes", but are now voting "no" because the people who are pro same sex marriage are too aggressive.

          so, you are not voting on the issue itself.

          you are voting "no" because people are "too vocal".

          is that right?

        • +2

          @altomic: So to give power towards those that misuse it… hmm, yes, that sounds fair. Or you know, I can reflect on their actions like a normal person.

          Have you ever witnessed an election? Why do they spend millions on PR?

        • +1


          Give up, she's just trolling now.

        • +4

          @StoneSin: what are you even talking about? if this was 100 years ago would you be against women obtaining the vote because they protest about not being able to vote?

          sure, you were for it at first..
          but the suffragettes are too loud and aggressive (because they want to vote?)??!!?
          so now you are going to vote against women having the vote to give power towards those that misuse it… hmm, yes, that sounds fair. Or you know, I can reflect on their actions like a normal person.

          Have you ever witnessed an election? Why do they spend millions on PR? but don't let half the population vote???

        • +3

          @altomic: You're comparing apples to oranges unfortunately. A common mistake. I already told you I support equality.

        • +3


          You 'support equality' except for the equal right to marry. Choose one.

        • +1

          @Strand0410: I support equality. I chose.

        • Please discuss without resorting to name calling or personal attacks.

        • +1

          @XeKToReX: why, because he disagrees with you? You don't know him / her, so I don't think you can pass judgement that quickly

        • @yannyrjl: You obviously you read the thread before commenting..

        • +1

          @XeKToReX: name calling isn't a debating tactic, just over power them with reason and logic

        • @yannyrjl: Who said I was debating..? I'm just name calling because I have the freedom to do so.

        • +1

          @XeKToReX: You indeed have the freedom to do that, that's what free speech is all about :)

          just to point out, it is against the forum rules which is a private platform and hence has the right to set and moderate its rules

      • +2

        actually isn't that what most sane people do, you look other people presenting their opinions, you assess your beliefs based on the new information and then you make up your mind about it.

      • +3

        It's obvious from his comments he was never going to vote Yes. He's just trying to make a point that the yes's are attacking too hard

        • +2

          Wrong. Until today I wasn't going to vote. Until this week I was voting yes. It's the stages of knowledge, you see.

        • @StoneSin: So you're agreeing with me that you weren't going to vote Yes like your post says?

          I respect either decision. You have an opinion and aren't offending anyone, which is all that matters.

        • +1

          @Herbse: Did you read my comment? If I wasn't going to vote yes, why would I just say I was going to vote yes.

        • @StoneSin: guess I misread the comment. Sorry about that.

        • Please discuss without resorting to name calling or personal attacks.

        • +3


          without resorting to name calling or personal attacks.

          That should include calling people homophobes, just because they chose to vote no to changing the law.

          It's a common tactic amongst the yes voters here, as well as other online forums when they disagree with your opinion.

        • +3

          @jv: I went through all the comments. Only one person here said the word homophobe, and to you only.

          Report the comment if you're offended. And Please retract your statement about "common tactic amongst yes voters"

        • +2


          That should include calling people homophobes

          Where has anyone called anyone a homophobe?

          Keep in mind, being homophobic could be a perfectly valid reason for being against same sex marriage.

        • +2


          Where has anyone called anyone a homophobe?

          in these comments… have a look.

        • +2


          being homophobic could be a perfectly valid reason for being against same sex marriage.

          as would believing marriage should only be between a man and a woman.

        • +2

          @ripsnorter: I buy that argument. If you literally have a Phobia of Homosexual people then voting no in the hope that it will stop Marriage Equality from happening would mean that some homosexual couples will continue to feel unaccepted by the public and want to hide their relationship status, and with less open homosexual relationships in public, less potential phobia triggers. I see a bit of logic in that. Selfish. But logical.

          Also applies if you are scared of becoming a homosexual, just in case you are still on the fence about doing that. Maybe it's the stigma that's keeping you straight and if homosexuality in general was more open then you might want to be open to that side of you too, or be scared that someone close to you might do that, and you'd then become scared of them.

        • +1


          You don't like providing evidence for anything, do you? This homophobe statement, the reasons for your belief, the source of your statement that the 'stop the fags' posters were fake…

        • +2


          You don't like providing evidence for anything

          for what?

        • +1


          as would believing marriage should only be between a man and a woman

          If you believe this then the converse statement is that you believe same sex couples should not be allowed to marry.

          One argument is not an argument for the other statement.

          Why do you believe same sex couples should not be allowed to marry?

        • +3


          Why do you believe same sex couples should not be allowed to marry?

          Why do I need to give you a reason?

        • +1


          for what?

          1. Why you believe same sex couples should not be permitted by law to marry.

          2. Where somebody has called somebody a 'homophobe'.

          3. Where it has been confirmed that the 'stop the fags' posters were fake and that that statement isn't just a Boltian conspiracy perpetuated by you.

        • +2


          Why do I need to give you a reason?

          You do not need to specifically give me a reason, but if you are making arguments on a public forum it would give them credibility if they were supported by logic and evidence.

        • +3

          @neil: I second JV calling people Bigot based on a topic which is open for debate is a bully tactic trying to shut down debate

        • +1

          @jv: You have such strong feelings to share your opinion about it here so repeatedly, but not strong enough feeling to share why? Why is that? Are you ashamed? Do you care what other people think of you? You don't have to share, but I dare you.

        • +1

          @The Land of Smeg:

          share your opinion about it here so repeatedly

          not really, but keep getting notifications asking the same questions over and over and over again…

        • @jv: you are not obligated to reply to every notification.

        • +1


          calling people Bigot based on a topic

          Common tactic. It's part of their strategy and well known…

        • +4

          @The Land of Smeg:

          you are not obligated to reply to every notification.

          since when?

          the little 'bell' symbol at the top keeps telling me to reply.

        • +2

          @jv: Well lets keep going then. You have made more posts on the topic here than anyone else, after 68+ replies it sounds like you have something more to say than you just believe in it.

          How come nearly everyone who has an opinion against it never wants to state their reasons for it? Why is their opinion against it such a private matter, but sharing that they have an opinion about it is not?

        • +1

          @The Land of Smeg:

          You have made more posts on the topic here than anyone else,

          Well then stop asking me questions so I can get back to sussing out dodgy OzBargain deals….

        • @ripsnorter: indeed, please do not discriminate against the homophobes, they are people too !!

        • +1


          keep getting notifications asking the same questions over and over and over again…

          Answer the questions and they won't be asked again. Simples.

        • +2

          @jv: perfect deflection.

          help me out here jv, I'm all for free opinions, just give me one good reason why so many people hold these opinions. Is it about law? Is it about religion? Is it about homosexuals? I'm just trying to see it from the other side but I'm coming up short because there's an invisible wall preventing dissemination of these opinions.

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