• expired

Revenge of The $35 Rivers Suit ! (for 4 Days Only)


Rivers Suits.


14 to 17 October 2010

Four days only.

You're either interested or you're not.

Possible uses:
Day at the races (cheaper than hiring)
Wedding (cheaper than hiring)
Divorce (because you were so cheap at the wedding)
Day in court
Job interview

Mod: Link directly to the product.

Related Stores

Rivers Australia
Rivers Australia

closed Comments

  • Hmmm…Tempting ! online or in-store?

  • Can't see a link to the suits anywhere on their site?

  • starts tomorrow (14th)

  • +2

    They're back? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…

  • haha these are fine at night time parties or if you dont wear suits.

    you can get better suits for still cheap, like Witchers suits which are normally about $600-$700 can be had for only $200 on sale.

    but Rivers ones are good for price!

    • witchery? which stores and when?

      • I got mine $190 at Witchery chatswood about 4 weeks ago. Just got to find a matching jacket and pants. The jacket is 100% wool as well I believe.

        Jacket was $379.95 RRP and pants $179.95 RRP I believe.

        I got the lot for $190 with the card I signed up for there.

  • +1

    these are a bargain… but they are really crap quality, dont expect much…

  • +2

    great for highschool formals i rekon!

  • +3

    ha ha, I like this:

    Wedding (cheaper than hiring)
    Divorce (because you were so cheap at the wedding)

    • +3

      Job interview
      Job exit interview (if you get the job in the first place)

      • +9

        use it for job exit interview to protest that the pay is too low, can only afford rivers

        • +3

          Actually - If you were going for a job interview to work at Rivers, and you rocked up in one of these suits - would this be a good or a bad thing?

          • @shmahoo: You'll fit right in with their image so its all good

  • +7

    Now I know where all those plastic shopping bags we recycle go to.

  • Great for paintball.

    • +2

      they're surprisingly padded for the price
      does paint wash off in the washing machine?

      • For $35 I couldn't be stuffed washing it.

        • but the next time you go paintball in it people will think you've been tagged

        • At $35 I wouldn't recommend washing it !!

  • +1

    Rivers clothing used to be good quality, then they moved production to China and went for the lowest price factor. Clothing is now very hit and miss in sizing as well.

    • +1

      Damn straight! I remember having a pair of Rivers shoes when I was at school and they lasted forever.. Now, I stay away from everything Rivers thanks to a couple pairs of shoes that fell apart.

      Shame, shame, shame! :P

      • I too remember having a pair of rivers boots. Back then they were expensive (could have been because I was a student). It lasted about 6-7 years. I think it was called aviator or something. I actually miss them now. Oh the memories…..

  • Yes that is right and horrible looking and fit as well. But these suits fit alright, bout the only thing..

    The shirts are absolutely horrible, oversized with terrible designs on them. Yuck.

    Some of the shoes can be okay, they dont last more than about 6 months but they look quite good.

    • Yeah… shoes are shocking… c my comment below.

  • lol doghouse suits

  • Lol bought one, might be good for a night out on the piss :P

  • +2

    Michael Scott wears these type of suits

    • +2

      i thought he wore womens suits :D

  • plus one for the hilarious title+description

  • +2

    Good for 2 or 3 wears then throw away… not worth getting dry cleaned.

    Anyone else had rivers shoes and had the soles fall off… i mean literally fall off only after a few wears??
    I have pair of their joggers and their dress shoes… happened to both!!
    Must be all the dancing i do LOL… or the way i do it.. (sad!)

  • I don't really understand how it comes to $35…
    Isn't it 28 + 18 = $46…?
    But I've bought some stuff from Rivers, when they have sales… seems fairly good so far.

    • its $23 for jacket + $12 pants = $35 + shipping $8.8 = $43.80

  • Im praying this thing will get me off a vagrancy charge.

    • I'm guessing that if you turn up to court in one of these, the magistrate will probably presume you're still a vagrant!
      And maybe that you've stolen your suit off a dead bloke !

      • +1

        You wouldn't find that on a stiff because no one would be caught dead wearing that.

        Though in defense of Rivers, I bought a cheap pair of business shoes when it was on sale and it's lasting a lot better than my other two pair that each cost five times more.

  • is this online or can i go in shop to try it out?

  • +1

    yep, "doghouse suits", they know it so you know it-wear this and you'll be in the doghouse! lol

  • I wouldn't be caught dead in one of these suits, any way my birthday suit is a perfect fit so I don't need another one:)

    • +1

      I reckon you've got more chance of getting some action wearing your birthday suit than one of these suits !!

      • Damm Straight LOL

  • I don't know what anyone is complaining about, I bought one of the Pin Stripe jackets today and it looks fine. >_> I'll be wearing it to my cousin's wedding in November and it makes me happy that I got it for $23!

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