Poll: Xbox One or PS4

So it has been reported that PS4 sales have doubled Xbox One sales.

Is it the same on OzBargain?

Poll Options

  • 154
    I have bought an Xbox One.
  • 250
    I have bought a PS4.
  • 74
    I have bought both.
  • 114
    I have bought neither.


    • +1

      Xbox gold is good for trying new games.
      PC is great because Dota 2 is an awesome game. Some nostalgic titles as well.
      Wii U is great because super smash Bros is also awesome.
      Only game I'm missing in my life is Diddy Kong racing.

  • +6

    Wii U

  • Love and have all consoles!
    But i guess you want 1. soooooooo
    Xbox, but only for personnel choice.
    Halo Gears and forza ans online.

  • PS4. I disliked the ps1 and ps2. I loved my Xbox 360 and decided to get a ps3. The 360 was used more often, but I got hooked on the ps3. I'd still say I'm an Xbox can boy.

    Come the ps4 and x1, I bought both and regret getting the x1. If it weren't for halo and gears of war, I wouldn't have bothered. I don't know what it is. It's so lacklustre and the dashboard is cumbersome. Where the ps4 dash is so simple but works perfectly.

    The ps4 controller was a massive improvement over the ps3. The PlayStation controllers were always a sore point for me. Not so ergonomic.

    The x1 gets turned on maybe once every 3 months. It's disappointing as I used to play the x360 online store l quite often, but not with the current gen.

    I just find there are better exclusives on the ps4 and the cross platform games are better on the ps4.

    The only thing the x1 has, is the fact you can change batteries in the controller. While this makes it heavier, I still prefer this method.

    Again I disliked PlayStation and would always argue for the Xbox. Not anymore. The only good thing is that I'm no longer a fan boy.

    Get the ps4!!

    • You disliked the ps1/2 ? WTF is wrong with you , It had the best games in every genre and the ps2 was backwards compatible, The generation after the "360" which i own, only has Halo 3 while everything else i can find in my steam collection or pirated "halo 1 FTW" , Ps1/2 even had awesome kids games since it had Ape Escape, and since most Nintendo games have been remade for the 3DS and are much better with 3D then the crappy originals "n64 trash"

  • i still have a ps3 which has been collecting dust for 2 years, wondering if i should upgrade it to ps4 or not.
    and I just built a gaming PC.

  • Sports games such as Fifa or NBA console otherwise PC

  • +1

    I'm just wondering what the PC Master Race guys do for a living.

    I spend the whole day in the office sitting in chair facing a computer. The only thing I don't want to see when I arrive home is another computer.

    That's when playing a console in the sofa comes handy.

    • +1

      Get steam link and pair PS4 controller then map keyboard and mouse and no pants sofa

  • +2

    Im not surprised the ozbargainer ratio is higher for xbones. The lower price point and more frequent bundle deals make it the bargainers choice.
    Also it doesnt take much convincing to justify it as a cheap 4k media player which happens to play games as well.

    • Currently 111 > 75.

  • -4

    Ya'll posting in a troll thread…

    That being said, this would have to be the most civil Xbox vs PS4 thread I've ever seen.

    My two cents is, I own both. I predominantly play on Xbox because that's where all my friends play. I have a PS4 for exclusives. I also don't get the pissing competition between the two warring factions. Both have pros and both have cons, but I have found that both consoles are equally capable of entertaining and neither one is outstandingly better than the other. I think people just like having something to fight about and PS/XB is just another Samsung/Apple, football team A/B, Intel/AMD. To me, I turn them on and they give me entertainment.

    And just a side note, all these people that carry on like PS4 exclusives are everything in their world. Rubbish. You play that exclusive game for a bit and then go back to the staples that are available on both consoles. And 9/10 times, the exclusive has a near identical game clone on the other console. My hate is the DLC exclusives. I'm looking at you Bungie!!

    • Not a troll thread. I read an article mentioning worldwide sales of Xbox One and PS4, being 33 million and 60 million respectively. I was just genuinely curious of the split of OzB.

      My take is it that you just use what your friends are using.

      • Thanks for the neg. glad you actually read all of what I wrote and not just the first line…

        But, yes, I concur, for most people, it's what ever your friends are playing. If all your mates have PS4, makes no sense to buy an Xbox…

  • I had an XBox One. Sold it and upgraded my PC (for $180) and it creams either Xbone or PS4. Im also not forced to download 40g of updates for each new game I install. Lastly… I still ave ps3 which gets more use than the xbone ever did. (CFW ftw).

  • PS4 all the way. Microsoft screwed the pooch at e3 in 2013 and are still feeling the effects of that presentation even today. The Xbox One X won't do much better either as they have F all exclusive games. Not sure what the hell they were thinking cancelling games and having stuff all lined up for their new expensive console, which in my opinion is pretty much a new generation console with backwards compatibility.

  • I have an Xbox One which I game the most on because the convenience is so great and thanks to Games with Gold my backlog is massive.

    I also have a Lenovo Y50 PC gaming laptop for random Steam games and for RTS games. I use my Macbook Pro for everything else :)

  • Yep, Xbox One for me. I agree that PS4 probably beats it in most areas, but the online gaming and backcatalogue access on the Xbox is still superior.

  • +1

    In conclusion; some people have xbox one, some have ps4, some have pc, some have something else, some have none.

  • Personally PS4 because it has a much higher population which is important for online PvP which is for me. But like I said earlier check your exclusives and adjust or buy accordingly.

  • +1

    Choose the Nintendo switch.

  • I think the pecking order is like this:

    PC > PS4 Slim > Xbox S > Xbox X > PS4 Pro

    The pro and X are last because there isnt a lot of improvement for most gamers and you need a good 4K HDR tv to see what that is and for all that investment, you can get a top of the line PC with VR.

    EDIT: PS4 for me, I have had both because of forza.

  • I only have xbox s because of the 4k player and dance central.

    Otherwise i would have PS4 but thats not going to happen because PS4 doesnt have 4k player so I got Xbox S.

    So I ended up with Xbox S and a Switch. Maybe PS4 when they release FF7 remake.

  • PS4. I'll take couch gaming over computer desk gaming any day

    • Believe it or not pcs hdmi.

  • Does this mean PS4 users are more likely to be frugal than Xbox One users?

  • Last gen I had an Xbox 360, then later on got a PS3 almost 2 years later. The 360 was better for me because of the party chat feauture and I was part of an online gaming community. The PS3 had many exclusives on it, free online play and I had quite a few friends on there, it was great while it lasted.

    Got a gaming PC about 4 years ago, topped both my consoles at the time, got stuck playing MMO's like TERA and buying A LOT of Steam games.

    Bought an Xbox One this year because because it was cheaper so I could justify buying it with a second hand t.v and enjoy playing some of the games I missed out on the last two years. Use it mostly for Netflix though. My Xbox 360 downstairs is used mostly for Netflix and Kinect for the kids.

    This gen I feel PS has the Upper hand but what pushed me to buy an XO was the online community I use to play with in N.Z. A friend sent me a free copy of R6S when he heard I got an XO earlier this year!

  • I have both, but I'd go the Scorpio (Xbox One X) over the PS4 Pro, no need to get the older iterations of the same-gen consoles.

  • I have both consoles. When the 360 was in it's prime that's all I'd play and I had a PS3. Now, I've done a complete switch PS4 is my main console while the X1 has only been used a small handful of times. Right now I've lent it to my sister cause I don't use it. It's probably my one regretful purchase when it comes to gaming consoles.

  • -3

    If you are Old enough to be on this forum then you should have a Gaming PC .. and if your not lazy you can also put another Gaming Pc in the living room and use it as a Emulation Station .. get a Pc with built in Blutooth/wifi so you can emulate the Wii . the raspberry pie 3 is too weak for ps2 and wii emulation

  • Xbox one:
    1. Has got a backward compatibility.
    2. Has no recharable controller.
    3. Low priced games.
    4. Get a Xbox Gold subscription in a good deal and use it.

    1. No backward conpatability.
    2. Recharable controller.
    3. Fancy and compact controller.
    4. Sony PS4 Exclusive games are outstanding.

  • Just bought a PS4 pro from sony ($459). Can't change the vote to I have both…

  • I have both but I mostly play the PS4. Xbone is only used for Rare Replay, Forza and 4k blu rays.

  • Used to be PC and Wii until I was swayed into getting an Xbox 360 once Alan Wake was released (it and Quantum Break are up there in my favourite games). Invested so much into the 360 that I naturally got an Xbox One late 2015. 50,000 plus gamer score means that home and online play will probably always be Xbox. Prefer the Xbox/TV ecosystem so much so that I no longer play PC.

    Regarding PS, the only PS console I have is the PSP which I got a lot of use out of. Have been thinking to pick up a PS4 mainly for Bloodborne and maybe some other single player games, but I'm holding off simply because I already have more games in my backlog than I can play on Xbox. Maybe one day.

  • I've got all the current consoles. My PS4 library has about 40 games (not counting indie and PS plus games), my Xbox One library has three games. Probably tellls you which one I'd recommend.

  • Whoops, voted for the wrong one. Oh well, closer to making the report you read right lol. I owned both, gave the PS4 to my friend, sold the XB1. Pre-ordering the Xbox One X. Right now I just have an Elite controller which I use to game on my PC. Always preferred the Xbox over the Playstation due to the ergonomics of the controller. It's so much better IMO.

  • PC > PS4 + Switch.

    No need for an xbone now that games will also be for PC, unlocked settings and hopefully better ports, so far so good.

  • They both have some good exclusives - bit of a personal decision on that one. The biggest titles are available on both platforms and they're mostly identical - the differences in graphics are minor at best. PS4 has a much broader library - more games, more variety - but Xbox One has backwards support for many Xbox 360 games, which increases their library substantially. Xbox One X is about to leapfrog PS4 in terms of graphics power, but it remains to be seen how much this matters.

    I get more use out of the PS4. I use the Xbox mostly for Forza.

  • PC and Ps4 is sweet spot


  • I have an Xbox one s

  • As of this posting, 395 Ozbargainers have stated that they have only one of the two consoles. Of the 395, 62% have a PS4 and 38% have an XB1.

    Not a surprising result when you consider all the wonderful PS4 exclusives like The Last of Us, Horizon Zero Dawn and Uncharted. These exclusives make me glad I got a PS4. I can't wait for The Last of Us 2.

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