Me - around 10-15 times per day on weekdays and few times (>5) on weekends
How Many Times Do You Check Ozb a Day ? (1st time posting)

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That's it, I envy you !
it is the commitment and dedication i aspire
@Scrooge McDuck: I agree, but what is the cure?
I now find it hard to pay for anything unless it is a deal stacked upon a deal stacked upon a special price.@Peck:
The cure?Either no internet, or having near-unlimited funds where every purchase feels like a deal ; )
I'm a part of this group too. I'd like to think it's not a minority.
i feel like home here ;)
Petition to change topic title to:
How Many Times Do You Not Check OzBargain A Day?
I drink a big glass of water before bed so i have to wake up to pee all night. Then I get to check OzBargain each time I wake.
I put matchsticks in my eyelids and sleep in my Ozbargain Officeworks chair so I can stay online.
You just beat me by quick browsing during once in your sleep.
order 66 on ozbargain m'lord
Probably around 15-20 times. I realised I just absent-mindedly go to ozbargain as soon as I open up my web browser, whether it be on the computer or mobile.
Apart from the deals, I come for the social aspect too and just to make dumb jokes and stuff
Yes, same here, plus having an OzBargain bookmark doesn't help(in case you have one like me @ work)
The worst is when you close OzBargain and then you absent-mindedly reopen OzBargain.
^ This, although 3 seconds can be the difference between a deal and missing out on a deal. :)
Closing the laptop ozbargain and 10 seconds later opening it on the phone.
I've sleepwalked and turned my computer on and PM'd all the mods.
my pleasure.
*One of us! One of us!*
@Scrooge McDuck: Thankyou all, never in m wildest dreams would i have thought you appreciate me this much :)
Congratulations, you are now a man.
Thank you Scrooge. Humbly yours, Minty.
Just negged you! You was on +1 ;)
Just negged you. Is it working?
Oh Yes!
I often accidentally click my ozbargain bookmark as its just above my RedTube bookmark
edit: YouTube**
hope this is not at home
edit: work*
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ozbargin is my homepage - For BOTH my work and home desktop
Homepage @ home, maybe its time to learn from you and go all out!
Dunno what site you're on about mate, but we're talking about Ozbargain here…
OzBargain is my Wallpaper, dude. Get on my level.
OzBargain is my OS, dude. Get on MY level.
Also, I got on to this site with the objective to save money!
But looking back , have I really?
Did I really need those things just cos it was a bargain?Surely I am not the only one asking these questions to myself…?
Mayby I am not a true Ozbargainer like some people here ;)
even if you haven't saved money… you probably have more or nicer stuff or nicer experiences (eg holidays, dinners) to show for it - a better value lifestyle.
Y E S !
I only open the site once, and just keep my finger pressing F5 all day.
on a positive, at least your fingers are getting a workout
along with scotty's bandwidth.
It's crept up to number 1 on my google tab at work.
what's number 2?
Never tried but will get on to it. Cheers!
My timesheet.
2-3 times
a minute.sounds like you could do better ;)
My muscle memory dictates I should always press CTRL+T and press the ozbargain bookmark whenever I don't have anything specific to do in that moment.
I just closed ozbargain only to open it 10 seconds later.
My first suggestion after typing "o" in the website bar is
86,400 times a day
every second of the day, you are God like
If you were CommBank that would only count as once.
I never go on ozbargain
I didn't see what you just did there
I'm a Maths teacher.
I check OzBargain WHILE teaching.
Professional.hope youre good at teaching consumer arithmetic =)
No no, can't raise the next generation to be financially savvy, let's leave that for us OzBargainers!
Pretty much same as you. Gotta get those bargains and the money to pay for it.
true…need it working both ways hay
Too many.
2 could be too many to someone, how many are we talking here ;)
Enough that the value of the time spent checking exceeds the cost savings of the deals.. which should be everyones definition of 'too much'
I open it once a day. But I refresh about 20-30 times!
I check it very often .
Often —-> Always
Every time I go back to my Chrome browser for a work related matter, I have "Ctrl+T,ozb,ENTER" as a muscle memory reaction.
Same, except I use Firefox and only have to type in "oz".
You poor buggers, I only have to type in "o". Nothing overules ozbargain in my browser.
As my finger approaches the "o", ozbargain begins loading.
It varies. Usually when I don't check OzB I miss out on something I need and when I do check OzBV there aren't offers that really entice me.
you need to change your OZ playist from 'shuffle' to 'repeat'
I'm posting a comment on Ozbargain as we speak.
You are reading my comment on Ozbargain right now.
And I read both comments and posted this.
I constantly check the site (and various other webpages) while at work - believe it or not, having a frequent (but short) break from what I'm doing actually clears my mind a little and helps me work more productively than if I just keep hammering away at whatever task I'm trying to complete
you just read my mind
having a frequent (but short) break from what I'm doing
Haha, good one!
Only a about two or three thousand times a day. I think.
3-4 times
Unless there's a really good deal, then I forget to check and miss it.
Me 2015: Wow OzBargain looks like a place I could save some dollars and
learn stuff. :)Me 2017: OzBargain is my prison. :(
Sameeee, I feel you
I impulsively type oz -> enter when I open my browser or a new tab and I have nothing to do.
Too many times….
OzBargain has replaced Reddit for me. I check this site around 10 times a day.
Apart from spending a few thousand dollars here over the years, I've actually learnt a fair bit about tech (e.g. learnt about Xiaomi 2 years ago because OzBargain) and life skills in general (e.g. I nearly have enough saved up to invest into a high yielding vehicle)
What vehicle is this please?
let us know which 80k car you decide is a high yield investment… and of course which bank will invest in you.
5-10 times a day
I have an RSS feed on my phone, I get updates on all new posts. If I am after anything particular, I set up a filter an email notification for the RSS messages.
I use feedly, sadly no filter so I go through each one before and after work…
More times than checking Facebook or Google fortunately…
Went from few times a day to over 30 times a day I reckon.
When I try to cut down I use browse through Reddit to deal with the withdrawals but soon find myself back here refreshing the page. GG.
about 80 to 100 times or even more. Depends if its a weekday or weekend :)
come for the deals, stay for the lolz and the high yielding 80,000 vehicles
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the only time im not on ozbargain is when I sleep
And when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, i'd still sneak in a quick browse