Xbox Live Gold automatically adds to cart.
Bluetooth Technology | Cable for PC | 3.5mm Headset Jack
Full T&Cs and other controller options here.
Shipping $9.25-$11.25 to most areas.
Xbox Live Gold automatically adds to cart.
Bluetooth Technology | Cable for PC | 3.5mm Headset Jack
Full T&Cs and other controller options here.
Shipping $9.25-$11.25 to most areas.
Sell the code off in classified :P
Sell it
Just email Shopping Express. They will remove it and take a further $29.95 off the price… …Not.
Sell it like a normal person would.
If you were near a PLE store you could grab it for $55 on Saturday, but I see you're in Sydney so that doesn't help you.
I'm considering the usb cable but I don't want the controller or gold
paddy's market got it for $2 :p
But I could sell the controller and the gold, right?
how much you want for it?
you mean the xbox live gold?
Nah the bullion kind
New deal up ;)
No white version?
There is - $75 and no gold:… Get it cheaper elsewhere.
Just got the black version elsewhere for $64 (20% discount) and would like a white one but they are a bit rare and more expensive.
I want a controller to use with my TV box to run some Super Nintendo games (with SNES simulator). Could someone help recommend some cheap but usable controllers?
Yeah, this one
I guess 360 controllers would also do the trick.
So they can connect via bluetooth to my Android TV-box?
No, but a dual shock will. I use a ps3 controllee with my retropi
Don't listen to these people, the XBox One and XBox 360 D-Pad are not that nice to use heavily, making them less than ideal retro controller.
There are SNES like controllers online that look great. The D-Pad on Wii U controllers are awesome and I prefer a Dualshock 4 D-Pad over XBox controllers. XBox Controllers link easily to Windows though, which make them appealing for that reason.
I own Logitech, MOGA, Wii U Pro, XBox 360, XBox One, Dualshock 4 and even OUYA (the worse) controllers.
Just to confirm, I can use this one with my Steam Link?…
Controller: Xbox One S Controller
Works?: Yes
How?: Native, USB
Comments: Wired still works, newer version (2016 onwards, sold as "Xbox Wireless Controller") can be paired native using Bluetooth.
Now the question is whether or not this is the later version.
Only the Xbox One S controller has native bluetooth capabilities.
I love these controllers but the lack of inbuilt rechargeable battery's is a no go for me.
Then again the PS4 controller battery life is pitiful.
I agree 100%, but… I got a cheap third party pile of shit battery pack and it works a treat. I'll go a good week without charging meanwhile the PS4 can barely handle one sitting. The battery sitch on Xbox is much better, plus if the battery dies you're not out a whole remote like you would be on PS4.
Perfect use for all those Sanyo Enloops you should have laying around :)
I used to think that way but not anymore. The lack of inbuilt batteries is actually much better. Eneloops are your friend, and they last forever. I go weeks without replacing them. If they actually die/fail for whatever reason, they can always be replaced easily with fresh new ones. Controllers with inbuilt batteries need to be connected to the console whenever they run out of juice, and replacing them is more difficult and expensive if they fail. In the future they will only be more expensive and difficult to find whereas AA will always be around, and will only improve in technology.
PS4 controller can be charged from pretty much any USB port, it doesn't have to be charged from the console.
I know. My point is, the controller has to be tethered with a USB cable if you want to play while the controller needs charging. The Xbox One controller, however, is effectly always 'wireless'. There will never be a moment where it has to be tethered. It's truly wireless in that sense. That's just one of the reasons why I prefer the AA eneloop option.
Does this work on the original xbox?
If you mean the original Xbox One, then yes.
It will work on the older model and the newer S model.
If you mean the original xbox one, then yes.
Edit: damn, should have reloaded the page before posting!
This is what me and my people would call a "good deal"
It's not a good deal.
This is the v2/Updated Xbox One controller, so it has the 3.5mm headset pass-through, but it isn't the v3/Xbox One S controller.
The XB1S has Bluetooth, and can pair natively to Windows Laptops/PC's… no need for a wired microUSB connection.
The microUSB cable inclusion is meh.
I can't read where it says it includes the XBL Gold card, maybe its in the T&C's but its not stated anywhere.
Also the 3 months XBL Gold subscription isn't something that applies to many people, but on the upswing it could be sold for ~$15-25.
Postage costs an extra $9 on top, too.
edit: whoops, I accidentally clicked on the wrong controller. Sorry, the posted one is for the XB1S and is a good deal.
And it does include the XBL Gold 3month card, I was just on the wrong link.
The BT makes playing PC Games/Steam on the TV a breeze, as long as you have eneloops and charger handy.
The controller isn't perfect for Atari, Sega, NES, SNES, GBA, DS titles. The PlayStation controllers are better due to the phenomenal D-pad.
However, its decent enough for post-PS1/N64 games. Source: me.
shipping not included, sad.
Is this XB1S controller or old one?
Bluetooth Technology | Cable for PC | 3.5mm Headset Jack
we need free shipping!
I don't have a One yet but am hoping to grab a One X not too long after release. At $74.25 with shipping and a limit of 1, this isn't so tempting. If I could get 3 controllers and 9 months of Live for $195, I'd be much more inclined.
The shipping cost is a deal breaker
Agreed. I didnt pull the trigger due to it. I'd rather get one from Ozgameshop during a special offer and buy gold at $1 for 1 month during the random MS promotions.
Has anyone used these with an Android tablet or phone? Does it work well?
When they were first released, they would pair but apparently had some button mapping issues, would be good to know if this was resolved.
Yes, I am using mine with SNES emulator and works very well.
Where can I find a cheap USB adapter?
Received mine. They forgot to include the xbox live gold card…
Isn't it supposed to be a digital code? Double check your emails - might have a code hiding in there.
Have the same issue as dondoncha. No code and the only emails I have from Shopping Express is the confirmation of the order and the dispatch email. Just fired off an email to Shopping Express asking how the code was suppose to be delivered so I'll see if I get a response tomorrow.
They have a rep on here that will probably be able to sort it out:
no xbox gold member code received here as well. I will call them tomorrow.
Yes got mine today, no xbox live and no receipt or packing slip
it seems they dont have enough stocks of gold?
Return email said code will be emailed to me today or tomorrow.
Pretty crappy service and notification from them only after I emailed them. It's likely I won't be buying from them again
Also didn't get a code, emailed their support, hopefully will hear from them soon.
Got the email with the code today. Thought it'd arrive before the controller.
UPDATE:UPDATE:just get a response from the REP:
"The xbox Subscription will be sent via email. You should receive it within the next few days, please let me know again if not."
Will see how it goes,
Hope this message helps.
Code still not received, send them another email to check.
i'm considering the controller but, i don't want the xbox live gold