This was posted 7 years 7 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Final Fantasy XIV Online Complete Edition Download (PS4/PC) + 3 Pizzas + Garlic Bread & 1.5L Drink $49.95 Delivered @ Domino's


Dominos Australia and Final Fantasy have teamed up for the Domino’s Final Fantasy XIV Pizza And Gaming Bundle. When you order one of the selected Domino Pizza bundles, you’ll get a Final Fantasy XIV Complete Edition Download which is valued at $79.95

The deal will set you back $49.95 and you’ll get the below:

3 Traditional Pizzas
1 Garlic Bread
1 1.25L Drink
PLUS FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Complete Edition Download (choose from PS4 or PC)
Includes: A Realm Reborn + Heavensward + NEW Stormblood

Dominos has also themed a bunch of Pizzas in Final Fantasy names:

Moogles Meatlovers
Heavensward Hawaiian
Curious Cactuar
Chocobow Cow
Stormblood Supreme

Check out all the latest Pizza Coupons & Deals

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closed Comments

  • +84

    What a strange combination…

    • +1

      I hope they stock up on Mountain Dew.

      • +1

        Or Dewritos

      • +3

        Gimme da Booty Sweat

    • +6

      If it was Cup Noodles I might have believed it.

    • +2

      It's no netflix and chill. Reminds me more of those guys who KFC and pornhub

    • +2

      I literally said '..the (profanity) is this?' outloud when I saw this deal haha. So bizarre..

  • +35

    Pizza and free PC games? Its been a long time!

    • +38

      Haha I remember getting Need for Speed Most Wanted with some pizza about 15 years ago.

      • +7

        Thats it! I was trying to remember which need for speed I received.

        I loved that game, best of the series!

        • +7

          I liked underground 1 and 2 more, especially their soundtracks.

        • +1

          Underground 2 is where its at. Graphics are pretty outdated though.
          I guess Carbon was alright.

          Didn't like Most Wanted, ProStreet, and Shift… but finished them off regardless.

          I don't suppose anyone's played a game called Midnight Club 3 from many years ago ?

        • +1


          Dude, I LOVED Midnight Club 3. Had good memories of unlocking the McLaren F1 and racing at almost 300km/h through the city lol.

          The soundtrack of all of these games were amazing.

      • +1

        Even after all this time, pizza delivery still needs more speed!

    • +25

      I got BF2 with a Pizza Hut deal. Had to upgrade my computer to run it properly… expensive pizza.

      • +4

        Bf2 noob explosion that year!

      • +1

        Same. Got bf2 with pizza. Spent so many hours on that game and subsequently played every battlefield title after that including the latest bf1. So i gotta say thank you Pizza hut for introducing me to battlefield!

    • +2

      You're paying $50 for 3 pizzas, a drink, with a free copy of FF14.

    • +1

      Yes! I got a Sim add on for my game years agowhen PH did it.

  • do you need PSN to play this?

    • -3


      • +1

        You're thinking of XV. This is XIV

      • +2

        Well, it is true you need PSN to play this since it is online, but this is also one of the rare cases where you do not need PS+ to play online. Only need to pay for its sub.

        • -2

          No you don't, you can play it without PSN Plus. I did it myself

        • +5

          @Vitorll: I don't think you read my comment properly. I said you do not need PS+ to play FFXIV but do require a PSN account since you still need to connect online.

    • +1

      I'm pretty sure you don't need a "PS Plus" subscription, as the game itself is monthly subscription based.
      But you would need an internet connection to connect to "PSN"

    • Nah, you could just get the PC version of the game; the servers are cross-platform IIRC, and if you don't like using keyboard and mouse, there's full controller support. Though there is the subscription fee (I see it for $28.29 from ozgameshop for 2 months; $40 from the square-enix store)

  • +15

    Give me Battlefield Vietnam or nothin

  • Throwback to getting Lord of the Rings: Return of the King free with my Pizza Hut purchase.

  • +8

    This brings back memories of getting Need for Speed Underground 2 from pizza!

  • JB are selling this for $79 for PS4.
    On the PSN it's $60.

    If only it were a physical copy so I could sell it…

    • +6

      Could you not resell the download code?

      • So easy to get scammed that way

  • +11

    Does not beat the Pizza Hut Battlefield 2 promo, one of my first major deals from OzB and I played BF2 for 6 years after that. Best value ever.

    • Such a great game.

    • The Pizza Hut bear me where I got my Sims 2 turned into a video store, and I think now it’s just a pile of rubble.

  • Pretty damn good deal. That's a decent price ($10 cheaper than EB) for the game and some mediocre pizza for free.

    It's worth mentioning that FF XIV is actually a great game too.

    • +1

      It is a decent price, but depends which version you get, PS4 or PC. On ozgameshop, you can get the complete edition for the PS4 for $53.99, and the PC version for $43.59

      But deal is still good with pizza.

      • Well I did say decent, not amazing :P

  • +2

    What's the subscription fee these days? I heard up to level 35 is free?

    • 14bucks roughly per month.

    • Yea its free up to level 35

    • so its not free? subscription required on top of purchase?

      • You get one month of subscription ''for free'' with the purchase, after that yes you pay on top

        • Can you get to a good PvP level in one month or three weeks I suppose.

        • @AlienC:
          There are servers where you get a 100% exp extra bonus to help and attract players to the the server.
          So yes - you can level it up but obviously depends on the amount of time you're playing it.

  • +4

    This game is good and for 50 bucks you are essentialy getting 150+ hours of MSQ content with all the expansions. The MSQ in the base game is a bit meh but the two expansions are great stand alone RPG games in themselves. End game is a bit boring with the usual raid and raid lockout BS.

    Great deal

    • How does it compare to FF7 and FFX?

      • Those are single player games. This is a MMO where you get 30 days free to play online, then a monthly sub is required. Story is meh compared to FF7 and FFX.

        • How is the PvP say compared to BC WoW PvP?

        • @AlienC: Combat in this game has 2.5 sec delay for everything.. feels really clunky in PVP. I haven't played wow for years but remember the PVP being more fun over FFXIV.

      • The story in the two expansions I think are actually pretty good for a single story FF RPG not their greatest but also not the worst story line when it comes to FF.

  • dominoes, final fantasy
    hahah, what

  • will this be domino's final fantasy?
    with all the negativity around shrunk pizza size, underpaying staffs, fallen profitability…list goes on..

    • They are still hugely profitable, profits just took a dip (and their share price took a dip with it).

    • +2

      will this be domino's final fantasy?

      "Final Fantasy" got its name due to the declining sales of the developers' previous games, where they presumed this one would be last one made - hence the "Final" in "Final Fantasy". But of course we know how it exploded in popularity.

      If we're going by that - yes, this is Domino's Final Fantasy. Where the pizza chain will soon explode in popularity.


  • +2

    Will the file size be 50% smaller than advertised?

    • +1

      Haha, I get it, but for everyone's information, its about 20gb dl

  • +5

    Not a fan of MMO games, will this still be good playing primarily single player?

    • +2

      Its quite a decent story experience but a big part of the fun are the bosses/summoners you fight with other players.

      • Yeah I think I would enjoy fighting bosses with other players etc. But just cannot commit to set times (e.g I saw friends setting specific times in their week where they had to join raids in WoW). In other words, is this a good "pick up and play" game?

        • Yes it is

        • You don't need to set times for any casual play stuff. There is a group finder function for group activities, you just pick the dungeon or whatever and it will usually find a group in under a minute. The storyline alone will keep you busy for months with all the expansions too.

      • It's a decent story experience if you think a normal final fantasy game is a decent story experience.

        As far as MMOs go with stories. I'd put star wars, guild wars 2 and maybe eso before this. Wow has decent story too but doesn't really focus on a main one when leveling like the other games do.

        My main issue with ff14 is the combat and movement feels a bit clunky and the story has some terrible script writing and narrating (like recent FF games). If your still to this day actively in love with jrpgs though, you will find it fine.

        It's still one of the top 5 MMOs. For me personally it's just the 5th on that list.

        • I liked FFIV because the japanese servers had decent ping and it was built around having higher then normal ping.

          ESO is amazing and so are some other MMO's but american servers make them suck so badly.

        • @samfisher5986: most MMOs are made to play with high ping. Wow on American servers (as opposed to aust) still functions better than ff14 does with its telegraphs and moving out of them. I'd argue guild wars 2 does as well (noting I have no idea where their servers are).

          It's not that ff14 is terrible. It's netcode just seems worse than the others. It only really matters endgame with telegraphs which make or break you. You won't notice it any other time during gameplay.

        • @RI4V4N:

          ESO is the worst I've ever seen.

        • @RI4V4N: what are telegraphs?

        • @samfisher5986: ESOS combat leaves a lot to be desired. It's all balanced on thr easy side so it doesn't really matter. Noting Ive never made it to endgame in eso.

        • @AlienC: it's a term for when a monster shoots or does a move or something at the ground. The telefraph appears there, usually as a ring you need to get out of quick or you will take large damage.

          Ie. It telegraphs where the monsters big attack is going to happen and gives you time to gtfo.

        • @RI4V4N:

          I just mean the design of the combat system means it only works well with a lower ping.

          Otherwise the combat feels so disconnected.

        • @samfisher5986: interesting. Ive played it a fair bit and haven't noticed the same issues as ff14.

          Noting like I said. It's far easier when leveling and it probably doesn't matter as much if you get hit by a telegraph.

          It's blocking/power attack system is terrible though and I imagine it's horrific with lag.

        • @RI4V4N:

          I didn't really notice anything in ff14 as the spells/combat are more turn based.. if you know what I mean. Its very simple and you can learn to compensate for the higher ping.

          Also FF14's ping is lower as they have Japanese servers.

  • +8

    If people haven't picked this up from other comments, its worth pointing out:

    Notice: Includes 30 days of free game time for all newly created service accounts.
    Monthly subscription required to play.

    Approx $14 per month as commented by @Duram
    Though @Holoryn suggests it is free under a certain level character…. perhaps someone that has this game can confirm.

    Edit: Website also notes "FINAL FANTASY XIV can be played without a subscription to PlayStation®Plus"

    • +2

      The free trial is level restricted rather than time restricted. You can play up to level 35 now.…

      • Thanks!
        Though I wonder if this is PS4 specific, as the PC (steam) version still states the 30 day free period.

        • I'm pretty sure it is PS4 specific.

          Regarding whether the free trial applies to this promo, I'm not entirely sure. From a logistical point of view, I would have thought the free trial could be monitored by Square Enix through your online account with them.

          Of course, they get more money out of you if you're forced to pay subscription fees from the start rather than after you've reached level 35, which may be the "catch" for this promo.

      • It looks like you need a separate game client and account for free trial which can later be converted to a paid account. So you probably can't use this promo and play for free up to level 35.

      • +2

        Played the free trial initially on Steam and that does indeed go for an unlimited amount of time. You can level any class up to 35 (which is already a lot of content, mind you) and since you can be any class on one character you do not need to make alts.

        Then I bought the complete edition from OzGameShop and realised that cannot be used on the Steam version (Steam and Windows are both separate 'licenses'), so I had to make another account on the client from their website. Just an FYI.

    • However, there are a few limitations. You can't make friends ingame. So no partying it up to level.

    • What's the expiry on this? I don't have a pc or ps4 atm but in future I might.

  • +5

    Lets see more PC games Domino's!

  • -2

    Why no Xbox included

    • Domino's a playstation fan boy :)

    • +1

      FF14 isn't on xbox unfortunately

    • Sony isn't allowing cross play. I remember squeenix complaining about not being able to put it on xbone without fracturing the server base.

  • -1

    Damn it.. i shouldn't have bought xbox1 😧

  • +2

    Lol this is amazing, if only there wasnt a monthly sub to play

  • This includes all the expansions? It's a very good deal. I wonder if it's available for people who has the base game but not the expansions.

  • +3

    Bought it after a lot of website errors.

    Got the game code via email straight away.

    FFXIV with all 3 expansions came to $31.25 - which is super great value

    • +4

      UPDATE: Redeemed the codes. The PS4 complete edition is activated, AND receieved 30 days game time. (I had a preexisting PC account which I had to link to my PSN account)

      And the pizza is here!

      • How did you choose between PS4 or PC version?

        It doesn't look like there was any way to specify it while ordering from the Dominos site

        Do you choose after they send you an email?

        • +1

          They send you a code to redeem on the FFXIV website. They ask twice just to make sure you chose the correct one.

  • Does FFXIV have an Oceanic server or Australian server? Very hesitant on MMO games.

    • They don't unfortunately. Best server you will be able to connect to are the Japanese data centres which will net you around ~150ms (personal experience from Melbourne). Although, the lead developer has stated that it is supposed to be playable under 200ms.

      For me personally, it hasn't really gotten in the way of my enjoyment. You will feel a slighy delay however it is still a consistent experience, as in, not once have I experienced any form of rubber banding or teleporting.

      The only popular MMO I'm aware of that has OC servers is WoW, unfortunately.

    • +2

      As the above poster said, Japanese Servers are the best bet from AU.

      Tonberry in particular as a high population of aussie / english speakers

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