Good price for HTC vive, $70 shipping to WA, not sure if same to other states.
(BACK-ORDER) HTC Vive VR Headset $843.05 AUD INCL Shipping @ B&HPhotoVideo

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did you even go to the site and read the description?
2160 x 1260 Total Resolution
Dual 90 Hz AMOLED Displays
Up to 11.5 x 11.5' Play Area
Two Vive Controllers Included
Two Base Stations Included
Link Box
Windows CompatibleKen M? Is that you?
So true colours shine through
vive does 11.5' play spaces. occulus does not
2160 x 1260 Total Resolution Dual 90 Hz AMOLED Displays Up to 11.5 x 11.5' Play Area Two Vive Controllers Included Two Base Stations Included Link Box SteamVR Windows Compatible
And yes shipping was the same to vic
Price drops by $200 USD.
But there is not much interested game ATM. I will wait for 3A title being developed for a few years as well as 2nd gen VR.Try Assetto Corsa or Project Cars 2
That's a great price. Got mine in the last 20% ebay sale. It's good fun and I'm just waiting for doom and fallout vr to come out.
Still too expensive and not really any good games. VR needs big AAA titles or it's pointless
Unbelievable for racing simulation. Won't be effective for most games.
Would be good for some space sims. PS VR had a Battlefront X-wing mission but it's just one mission.
I'd buy VR if there was a full X-Wing or Rogue Squadron game.
Elite Dangerous is pretty epic but I agree. The games are still very gimmicky. Hoping Fallout 4 VR will be a game changer.
doom 3 VR is pretty cool.
HLVR will be awesome as well.
There are some great indie games available but if you only play AAA games, then there is a limited amount of content for you at the moment.
Current AAA highlights are limited to mods of existing AAA games (apparently Doom 3 BFG VR is fantastic) to space/flight/racing sims (Elite Dangerous, Project Cars).For indie games, there are some real gems out there but there are also some less-than-stellar games. It's a big investment but it's getting more affordable every day.
Here are a few games worth checking out to see if they meet your levels of "quality gaming":
Sairento VR
Dead Effect 2 VR
Superhot VR
Star Trek Bridge Crew
Elite Dangerous
Project Cars
Arizona Sunshine
Raw DataThat said, it's certainly early adopter territory at the moment. If the above games don't look interesting to you, then you should absolutely wait!
The headsets and games that release over the next 5 years will be better and cheaper.Edit: I should add that some multiplayer-only games in VR suffer from low player counts and can require use of Discord to get a populated game
Robo Recall (revive?), Lone Echo, Echo Area, Superhot and Dead and Buried (this ones rift only) would like a word with you.
I didn't miss Superhot!
For the others, I left off games that didn't officially support the Vive. I have heard that they are good though.
Space pirate trainer and serious sam are pretty good.
I keep coming back to Sairento. Movement and combat is a tonne of fun
This is a great price. One of those things you need to try to believe. There is sooo many great games. Revive gives you all oculus games with better tracking. People who complain about no games don't have a vive
I think it's quite fair to say there are not a lot of AAA type VR games out there right now.
Unless you are a fan of sims, would only recommend it to enthusiasts until the library gets a bit bigger.
I know there are some releases on the horizon e.g. Fallout but the price is going nowhere but down (for gen 1)
It faces a chicken or egg problem like all emergent technologies.
It needs software to drive hardware sales. It needs hardware sales to drive software.
There aren't enough early adopters to get the ball rolling, hence the price cuts.
Hey guys, new to all this ozbargaining stuff, wondering if this comes with AU warranty or if its international warranty? Thanks!
My mate bought vive overseas and htc honoured the warranty
You can also drive a Corolla instead of an S class.
Not really a fair comparison … the Corolla works as a car, phone hmd's dont really work as vr ….
You're absolutely right. There's no difference at all between a piece of cardboard and this device.
You're right. Once you go cordless, it's hard to go back to the mess of cables, cameras and external boxes.
I don't play games, nor do I really have time to do so, but I have a desire to experience VR.
Is this the next "3D TV"?
Pick up a cheap pair of 'VR' headset googles and put your phone in it after grabbing some apps. Give that a whirl. It's not going to be the best experience that HTC will give you, but you see what it could be like.
It's probably the same hype as 3D TV, but it's logevity will last much longer.
Thats not really the same. The best part of the Vive is being able to move and interact in a VR space. The cheap headset just gives you a 3d view and head movement and is more sickening and jarring since the frame rate and tracking are not great.
Had so much trouble deciding if I should get the oculus when it was on sale because I couldn’t decide if I’ll use it enough or if the vive is a better investment, but with this price cut the vive is now within reach…
In that time, I bought a gear VR for my S8 to give it a whirl like suggested above, by many accounts, people say the gear VR is much better than the cardboard experience, and it’s true to some extent, but still not as immersive as I’d hope it’d be.
It makes it easier for you to feel engulfed in the experience if you tell yourself that you’re in this VR world with a permanent snorkel mask on. The gear VR has a 101* view and the HTC vive I believe has 110*, so based on paper specs, I can’t see it as that much more immersive.
If I have full peripheral vision then I could see myself spending good money on a VR, but until then, it’s a bit difficult to commit more than $500 imo.
I don't understand why you would consider the Vive over the Rift. For less money you can have the exact same experience negating the pass through camera.
I wouldn't say my research is extensive. But from quick read ups, the vive seems to be more popular with the dev community and the Chinese market seems to be more behind it meaning more third party software and hardware. Also the lighthouse technology seems more scalable.
But I actually prefer the oculus brand and recently released touch controllers. But that Facebook integration thing is a true bummer tho.
buy a used one. sell it after a couple weeks. minimal loss
I'd say it goes way beyond what 3D TVs did, it fundamentally changes the gaming experience depending on your favourite genres. If you play racing/flying sims having VR makes a world of difference, and roomscale games allowing you to walk around and interact with objects using the tracked hand controllers (Vive wand/Oculus Touch) is also amazingly fun.
Never compare phone VR with desktop VR IMO, a lot of people get put off by VR from the lackluster experience on phones and falsely believe that desktop VR will be something similar.
Depending on where you live, it might be possible to demo the Vive in a store. I know the Microsoft Store at Sydney CBD should have one.
Youll also get a headache. Its just not quite there yet in terms of fluidity unless youre running 1080's.
The headache is more from general motion sickness of the brain not being used to VR, especially in games like race sims where you're sitting still but your brain is expecting acceleration and braking forces. Personally I was lucky enough to never have experienced it, but it does go away after a few sessions according to people.
Anything 1060 and above should be capable enough to run VR (granted that's still not particularly cheap), at 1080 level you can already be looking into supersampling without sacrificing minimum framerates. Still, it's going to be an investment especially if you don't have a decent gaming PC already.
I don't know if they still do it, but there were a few JB Hifis and Harvey Normans giving demos… it's really hard to get the full experience in the short time, but at least you'll get a bit of a taste.
I don't know if it's really the next 3D TV, but I do think there are problems with adoption due to the limited social interactivity available. I'm really happy with my Vive, but I can see the limitations.
Definitely get a demonstration first.
Some people don't take kindly to the motion sickness it produces. Some are less affected by it, some are severely affected.
I wonder what the percentage is. I am reluctant to pay almost $1000 dollars for a toy that makes me through up. Showground/themepark rides make me sick (it didn't happen when i was a kinder) and some computer games like Far Crysis 3 and Dead Island. A camera linked to head movements is the worse (head bob etc).
I have no idea, but a VG journalist I listen to says he never gets motion sickness playing games (I get it quite a lot) but he couldn't handle 15 minutes of VR. For him it's unplayable and he wasted his money. I don't have high hopes for myself with VR.
Everyone's different obviously, and maybe you will tolerate it better. But you'll want to be certain first.
Tried Playstation VR and was very impressed by it.
Was actually the most immersive experience I've had regarding a game.
The really hard thing is pulling the trigger.
I was about to buy Oculus Rift yesterday for $500 AUD. But…I want to know for sure that Doom VR and Fallout 4 VR will work on it.
I think Oculus and Vive should stop with the exclusives and just try to get people on the VR experience.
Also, make sure you have a beast of a machine to run it.
Vive has no exclusives, only Oculus.
Also with Revive you can play all the Oculus exclusives on the Vive.
Prices is close for both of them. Vive is complete, rift/oculus needs a lot of extras. You need to source a vr arcade and try both to see which you like better
Oculus Rift yesterday for $500 AUD
Can you provide a link? That's a tad cheaper than the $590 price directly from Oculus.
Yes please $500 price tag and I'll be getting the oculus over the vive.
I have i7 3770 GTX 1080 8gb , 16gb ram and the oculus from summer of rift deal and its awesome, Dead and Buried, Robo Recall, Arizona Sunshine, ArchAngel, Gorn, Batman VR, Titan Slayer,EVE Valkyrie RockBand VR got the PS4 guitar from EB. its trully a great experience. I got the 3rd sensor but Check what are Oculus exclusives I can use Steam VR and Oculus, I find as a time poor gamer VR gives me the massive immersive experience and I am so glad I got it.. payed $600 for the unit and prob $90 for extra sensor to bring it to 3.
tI'm finding 2 sensors enough, so long as I don't turn around. Also Loving the rift from same deal, Would have preferred the vive, but happy nevertheless!
Turning around is an important part of most of the decent VR games.
2 sensors for Vive for perfect for 360 movement
This is a really good price for the vive. Not sure if i should keep waiting for the new and improved version next year.
My thoughts exactly. I think these will keep dropping in price too. Theyre still not 'worth' $840
Thanks, ordered.
How long did it take to come through & was it shipped from China or USA? Would you recommend this seller?
Price is currently AUD $746.23 + postage
I predict cheaper prices than this very soon given the price cut was announced today.
i thought this price already reflected the price cut, almost to the tee. i'm laughing at all the folks that won't sell me their second hand vives on gumtree for $800 now though, haha. I'll be watching those gumtree ads drop in price.
Nvidia 3d Vision 2 has wayy more content then VR, I would stick to 3D since you play tons of old games in 3D, like Bioshock 1 & 2
still too much for little current content
This is insanely cheap for the Vive, cheapest it has ever been.
Don't know if I should get this which is USA or China Stock?
Or just fork out the $150 extra and get it direct from HTC and not have any issues in the future regarding warranty.Insanely cheap? it's still a rip off. lol