Please have night mode i.e. black background for times when I browse the site from bed 😀
Night Mode Feature Request

Last edited 21/08/2017 - 10:46 by 1 other user
Here's scotty answer from last time.
If you visit Userstyles, you will also see two scripts that you could install to get dark themes.
I'd like an 'Office Mode' - the bright orange OzBargain colours draw a little too much attention from the coworkers
Merged from Dark Mode
I was wondering if there are any plans to integrate a dark mode toggle for this site?
I personally am ok if there are no plans for this. Happy with the current colour scheme. Don’t understand why people love dark modes so much.
You've never trawled Ozbargain at 2am on a school night in the relentless pursuit of bargains?
No, I value sleep! Bargains are important but health is more so.
Samsung Internet Browser has a built in night mode and it works quite well with OzBargain. If you don't have a Samsung mobile, you can download Samsung Internet Browser from the Google Play store
iPhone also has two options - night shift or invert. Invert would likely to do what OP is after. (Invert actually has two options within itself too)
I use SAD (Sweet Aussie Deal) app and it has black mode and looks much nicer compared to the original site.
I use Dark Reader with fireFox
Yes please
I rather like having my retinas burnt to a crisp.