Think this is the tent we have, have been happy with it.
Pretty good price, $264.90 at tent world and snowy…
There are some reviews on YouTube if you're interested
Free shipping for me. The tent is also on ebay but with $50 shipping.
Coleman Instant-up 6 Person Tent with Full Fly $197 @ Harvey Norman

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I purchased 10 of these for my school last year for about $260 each delivered from Snowy's. They were to replace some ageing Black Wolf Turbo Lite 270. They are just as easy to pack put up and pack down. The material isn't as rugged, but they are a fraction of the price. My only gripe is the bag; it's a bit too small, so there's stress on the zip and stitching, which has caused some to break.
Apart from for hiking tents I don't understand why tent makers provide such snug bags. IMO life is too short to be sweating over folding a tent perfectly and shoehorning it into a tight bag. I just use an appropriate sized plastic container (the good quality black ones with yellow lids), stuff the tent in, sit on the lid and lock it up. A little larger than the original bag but all packed up in 1 minute.
(the good quality black ones with yellow lids)
That'd take up quite a bit of space in a small car. No problem if you have a larger car/wagon/SUV/4WD/ute I guess.
They do take up a bit more space but they also provide a useful box while camping. I chuck in all my crap after the tent is set and it keeps the inside much less cluttered. I also use the same boxes for sleeping bags, mats, etc. So easy to escape - just load a few boxes and hit the road. At camp I give each kid a box for their own stuff. It's neater than being at home.
$17 from Costco. The black and yellow boxes
Great for my life jackets and tow tubeThe montgomery ones from bunnings are $16.44 for the 100L and $10 for the 60L which is a pretty good price. Be interested in a comparison.
Costco are 100L and where on special 2 weeks ago for $12.99 only flat I have found is a little bit beandy around the top if you carry the wrong way
Good idea, but because these are instant up tents, the poles don't fold down and are attached to the fabric, so the tents won't fit in boxes.
which has caused some to break.
The bag or the tent?
The bag
Ah k. I wasnt bein a smartarse, instead look at aftermarket bags to protect the tents. I use this for my inflatable bed as the bed bag was like you say desperately tight. See if that fits the dimensions of the tent. Part of me thinks its some cost cutting measure byt the co. to save a few inches of material.
This tent's packed dimensions are 134L x 24W x 24H cm. The Ikea bag is 73L x 35W x 30H cm. No chance :(I think it'll be very hard finding a bag/box that's 134L.
I have the 8p. Great tent. Friends call it the Taj Mahal.
I have the half fly version. This is a great tent. It takes me 1 minute to setup the tent (without the rain fly).
It doesn't hold up as well against strong winds. However, it is really easy to pop it back up if it ever collapses.
However, it is really easy to pop it back up if it ever collapses.
That's what she said.
Great deal, bought one as my last tent has just given out after a hard decade of festival life
Anyone know if there's a big difference between this model and the 2017 model? Worth the $70 difference?
I've asked this in the past. The general idea is that there are small improvements between each version but its mostly unnoticeable.
I do remember reading that some upgrades were very important especially for the instant up versions as they fixed major issues, but as far as I know they were many versions ago.
Can recommend this tent. Easy to set up and take down.
Me too
anybody know whether these are water proof? I thought a tent should be water proof by default but let's just say I was proven wrong in the worst possible condition lol
You need a fly.
It comes with a fly 😊
I have what I assume is the previous version of this. Came with a fly, internal pockets and such, front awning with poles - I've only used it once but was very impressed with how quick and easy it is to erect! Quicker than my 2 man mosquito tent. Definitely recommend - I imagine long term use may see ropes break etc but for the price and convenience I think it's worth the risk for occasional campers.
$197 i can get a few nights in a hotel room with its own toilet and shower:)
In Mogadishu
Anyone knows how this one compares with the instant six person tent ( which I already have) that Aldi sold few months back.
Great thanks OP. Will set up 2 in my large backyard and airbnb it. Closest uni is 5 min walk so should get it snapped up :)
Out of stock.
Out of stock in store but was still in stock online with free delivery. Ordered 20 mins ago.
My mistake. I read the 'Out of Stock' banner at the top rights and assumed it applied to the online store.
Ordered one right now.
No, you were posting on OzB right then. ;)
These are really easy to put up. One person can do it in couple of minutes. Only downside is the fact it is much bigger than the standard tent. Not recommended for small cars.
I have the 8P version. Highly recommended.
In one camping trip i got 15 families in my circle buy this same tent and setup side by side. Looked like it was a promotion by Coleman, I wish they could see and pay us :-)
For sizing, I recommend getting a bigger size than you need for extra space which is very vital inside. For a 3 person family 6 is good, for a 4 persons with 2 kids 8P is recommended.
Re rains, one summer I spent inside 4 days non-stop heavy raining but there was not a single leak inside.I bought this last year and it fantastic, the only thing I dislike is that it not ideal for 6 people.
All tents are like that
Hmmmm. Have only used the other 3 person tent once, but having one with standing room would be nice.
Can anyone compare this one to the ALDI equivalents that come out every now and then?
So if it's for 6 People adult will be too squeeze?
How about for 4 adults and 2 10yr old?It really depends on the size of the adult. It can definitely fit 6 small-medium sized adults.
I have the 8p tent.
If you think in terms of single camp mattresses, it would (just) fit 3 wide and about 2.5 long.
A 6p tent would probably fit 2 adults, 2 children reasonably comfortably, but I wouldnt put more in.
I would get a 10 man tent for that.
Its always worth getting more.
Worth mentioning that this is the previous generation of Coleman Instant Up tent. Updated version looks like this: Colemant Instant Up 6
Don't know if much changed besides the colour scheme.
Not a bad tent, for something more durable/weather resistant the gold version is not much more at normal rrp but quite a jump from the special price on this model.
Can someone tell me how to pitch my tent
Don't worry, it'll come naturally to you. Coincidentally that's usually what will happen after pitching too.
Hey guys - for what it's worth - it's very easy to find a quality brand name $600 canvas tent and metal poles (e.g. OzTrail) on Gumtree / eBay for $150-200, many in new like condition.
A much better buy for the OzBargain hunter, and tents can be used for decades. I've found plastic tents like this end up in the bin after 3-4 goes.
I second that. I had Coleman 15 years ago and it didn't last more than 2 seasons. Since then I stay away from the brand. I's not worth it.
Admittedly the quality might have changed.
There is only one direction that quality goes :)
Don't be fooled by the "instant up" title. I bought one of these from Snowys - 6 man gold edition - and while the actual tent part is instant up, the fly takes about 25min to put on and peg in properly.
A good tent with all the functions but takes a lot longer to put up than advertised, unless you like sleeping without a fly.
U must be the fool if it takes u 25mins to put on a fly
Great input, thanks for demonstrating your intellect.
I got this tent for around $280 a year ago. It's awesome. Great for tall people, warm and sturdy. It probably took us around 30 minutes to set it up the first time but once you get the hang of it you can do it in 15.
HN refunded my purchase stating they are out of stock (when i bought on Sunday it was in stock online) !
I have the 8p version of this tent.
I love that i can stand up in it.
great price for the 6p