10.2" IPED ePad Android 2.1 Zenithink™180 1GHz CPU+4GTF

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+1 million
it's not exactly fake cuz it's running andriod but…the quality is usually third rate
While the Zenithink may be better then the Ekens that are EVERYWHERE, there are still major flaws with these.
If you are fairly computer literate, you can get and install custom firmware that improves usability, but these are certainly not well made, and there is zero support apart from forums.If it had 512MB of RAM it would be good.
I might consider buying this fake if its $150 or less.
I would rather burn my $150 than supporting ppl to sell these devices. Anyone who buys it, he/she will spend half of his/her time try to find support and other half will sing "My money is gone, gone with wind :("
Use genuine, stay safe :)
All your epads are belong to us.
This device and Aldi suit. What else can we ask?
agree, should be $150 only, very slow devide.
anyway, the ebay seller, busyzbee, i recall this person has been banned coz trying stockpupetting in ozbargain weeks ago lolHad one - terrible! (Not actual 1GHz processor either)
lol iped! what a name
not really a valid neg vote
It's the same junk as every other no-name Android tablet, but it's $200 dearer? You are kidding, right?
(FWIW, I've got a cheap, underpowered tablet and it's fine for what I want it for, the occasional bit of browsing over WiFi and doing a bit of eBook reading. But the feature set of any of these tablets is not worth $300.)
i can vouch for that-so many of those cheap listings state something like "1.2ghz cpu" when in actual fact the cpu core runs at 600mhz and has a DSP which runs at the same clock speed, not the same!
2GB internal…
Wow! That's…. bugger all…It does includes a 4GB memory card, many phones have less than 1GB of memory, but they are expandable, which imo is better. Like with the other comments, I'd stay far away from these imitations, unless you want a migraine trying to get it to work.
1GMHz lol
"Power adapter 220V Input,9V DC Output,2A"
The fail here gets fail-ier.
That sounds like Chinese volatge so it's a countdown to the adapter failing as we are 240v.
Which will fail first, the device, the adapter or your patience?
Utter Shizen. Wait for areal brand people. There are many decent models about to be released.This device is crap, no doubt about it, but all 220v devices are rated for 240v as well. No need to spread lies, if you have no knowledge on a subject, best just keep quiet.
Agreed. With the adoption of AS60038-2000, Australia changed to a 230V standard in 2000. The power supply is almost certainly a switch-mode type, so there is a reasonable voltage tolerance, but the specified input voltage is almost certainly the least of this product's concerns.
I work with electronics every day, and when I say work with, I don't mean I plug modules together, I mean I design and build from scratch myself. I have dissected these Chinese adapters before. Have you?
220v, indicates that this adapter was most probably made for the local Chinese market. No way would I use it. Not Aussie 240v with safety certification.
Often the caps are bulging, sometimes they have actually exploded.
Why? Because of shocking soldering and assembly, poor component quality and quite often they are running over the prescribed voltage rating per cap or a random selection of whatever parts with whatever ratings they had at the time.
The chances of these being up to Aussie safety standards are sweet F.A."All 220V devices are also rated for 240volts" Nonsense, Why don't you read up a little, especially regarding voltage and current ratings and differing international AC frequency before commenting.
My comments are to the point that these cheap adapters would fail due to random underrated caps. No way they are up to Aussie safety standards.
They can and do explode.
when does Android expire on this one? (like some others on Ebay)
Can it access Android Market?
What is life of battery? 1hr?
I feel sorry for the seller, having to advertise their ebay item on ozBARGAINS! Sales must be down.
agree! but at least provide a chance to be attacked
seller should stick with golf gloves/ business seems good there~~
i cant see any sockpuppet comments, please report individual comments if spotted
Zenithink is the better of the iPad clones. However this price is definitely not a bargain.
G. The cost for me is over $250. The idea initially was trying to bring something with a low price but not compromised on quality (although it will be limited by the cost)to OZ. Not every one could afford an apple ipad. Now, it seems like the idea was totally ….
never mind. worth of trying.Thanks everyone for expressing ideas.
it is good to know. thanks
Fairly expensive for an iPad clone. Also there is barely any info on what the actual CPU is.. is it a Rockchip or some other ARM CPU?
CPU: Zenithink ZT-180
Not quite. I did some research and Zenithink ZT-180 is the device's name, not the CPU model.
That shows how little you know about the products you sell.http://www.slatedroid.com/zt-180/3787-zenithink-zenithink-18…
The CPU is actually an ARM 11 (ARM v6) which does not support Adobe Flash playback.
I would advise against buying this item, not only is it overpriced for a craptablet with absolutely no warranty or tech support, it also has no support for Flash.
Might as well buy an Acer eMachine netbook for around the same price!
good one! there are sooo many type/model of this chinese tablet, very very unhelpful to customers who want to buy it.. misleading infos are just too much for this devices at the moment.
better save more money and buy ipad.
Not a bargain: Augen tablet $150 (new models soon), Netbooks $199-$286, Low-end android Smartphones: $299-349 (higher end than his device, except for screen size).
Also a 'knockoff' device.
I wouldn't touch these fake devices!