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Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Free to Old Java Version Purchasers (Save $26.99)


I was about to buy minecraft for windows 10, to use with my oculus rift (yep it's VR enabled!) and found out it's free if you ever bought the java version!

I swear, I bought years ago, but after putting in my live ID, I got a code off mojang, and the game for free on windows 10!

How do I get the Windows 10 Edition for free?
Players who have purchased the PC/Java edition of Minecraft can get the Windows 10 Edition for free by visiting their Mojang account. Log into account.mojang.com, and under the “Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition” heading you will find a button to claim your gift code. Pressing the button will generate a token and send you to a Microsoft redemption page.

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closed Comments

    • +7

      Hello "to old java version purchasers"
      i.e. you bought it like 5 years ago, it's free for the new version.
      Sorry if you want it for less than nothing for a new version…

    • +1

      It’s free after you’ve paid for it

      • The windows 10 edition is free if you had the java version. They're different versions.

        Nintendo does this all the time and people have to pay for it!

  • +7

    Yeah this is a pretty old promo, they did it as soon as it launched on w10

    • +6

      I searched OZB and didn't find anything, so thought what the hell.. I saved myself $27 if no=one else cares lol.

      • +1

        kaneissik is right though this has existed since the introduction of W10 pretty much 2 years ago now.

        Although Its free its not really a big deal its just MS upholding Notch's original TOS that I agreed to way back in 2010 which states;

        "You get all future versions of the game, including all expansions and addons".

        I suppose it is nice that they extended to all purchasers of the java version though and not just the original purchases of alpha/beta before the changes where made to the TOS.

        • How can I get the gear VR version free?

      • wasn't having a go at you, just informing you and others that weren't aware.

    • +2

      Good luck, I think anyone that bought the game probably wont be willing to give it away but hey, I could be procen wrong.

    • +2

      Basically you are asking someone to give you their license since it is linked to their email account etc for free?

      • -1

        Oh wow am I really?? Oops I thought it was just a gift card that you got that could be used to get the Windows 10 edition for free :P

        Wouldn't ask for someone elses license lol

    • I have a code! I'll put it underneath

      • I think I have to ask the obvious question, why are you replied to something from the 13th August?? Its almost 3 weeks later now..

        Wow you must be really bored.

        • Lol I didn't realize how long ago it was. I was just browsing ozb

        • @HeartFeltAxe: Hahaha how far down did you have to browse? This must be like on page 100 by now lol

  • Thanks, will come in handy when I decide to go back to Minecraft… Any day now

  • +1

    Thanks, probably not a bargain but I was unaware that they ported this. I stopped playing because the old Java one was crappy, hopefully the new version runs a bit nicer.

  • +2

    Im sure it was free last time i checked in the oculus store?

    Just checked it is free in oculus store

  • +3

    "Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition features cross-platform compatibility with Minecraft: Pocket Edition for local server multiplay. The Windows 10 edition is not compatible with other versions of Minecraft."

    This is NOT the same version as the proper PC Java Version. It is basically a port of the Minecraft PE on Android / iOS for Windows (Mobile) 10 etc. Mods for the Java version will not run on this and cannot connect to the Java Servers etc.

    • Oh is this the case??? Well in that case my brother wouldn't exactly be able to play with many of his friends, most of them have ipads. Its better than nothing and he still can play with some but I might just invest in the pocket version for him, although $15 for minecraft is like what?! 😭😱😨😣😤

      • Android pocket edition is $1.49 at the moment if you have any androids lying around?

        • Well I do but my brother wants it and he has an ipad…
          No other way really to get it for cheaper I don't think?

      • +1

        Last time I tried this worked cross platform.

  • I have 3 minecraft accounts (Mojang accounts) for my my kids. But they're between 5 and 10 years old, and don't ahve Microsoft accounts. Can I add all 3 to my single Microsoft account? Is it worth 'moving' from the old java one, to Win10 version?

    • +2

      Not really "Moving" away from the Java version (which is not "OLD") ironically and Java is still the most supported, latest and up to date version. Basically it is a free license for you to run it in Windows 10 Native mode. You do not lose your license for Java one when you do this.

      As I have written above - this version is not compatible with any of the mods or servers from Java one. It is only compatible with the Portable Editions (PE) like Android and iOS. It is basically a cut down version of the Java one with less details, less stuff and way less mods.

      Comparisons between the two versions

    • You can only redeem it once per Microsoft account and it can only run on one computer at a time from that account

  • Didn't know this, thanks OP.
    I'm sure I'll play this, sometime in the next millennia.

  • -1

    Microsoft bought minecraft from the indie dev

  • +2

    Windows 10 Edition can cross play with iOS, Android, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch versions of the game, so it's worth having if you know people who play any of those (such as younger relatives or the like)

  • Check out the VR mod on the Java version, it's a proper room scale with motion controls version that beats the official implementation.

  • They are working on a universal version that will enable play across all platforms.

    • As far as I'm aware they already added cross play to the Windows 10 version that can play with the mobile and Xbox One and Switch versions (not with PS4 version, blame Sony for that)

  • How's the windows 10 version ? Isn't it cut down ?

  • Thanks OP

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