I know it's a game from 2 years ago, but it's nevertheless an amazing game and includes all DLCs for $11.
As far as I know this deal goes for the whole month in August.
If you don't have a hong kong credit card it could be a good idea to get a $80 HKD PSN Card online (around $15 AUD), but I don't have any reputable websites in mind so if any of you can suggest some links I'll update the post with it.
Cheapest on comparegames is $23.05 for the standard game:
yummycoot suggested this website to purchase psn cards: https://www.offgamers.com/game-card/consoles/playstation-net…
AUS PSN STORE has the same deal for $14.95: https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-au/games/dragon-age-inqu…
(credit to jo b)
This has to be the most overrated game ever made
Origins was fantastic DA2 was shit and this was worse
Bioware forgot how to make games that are aimed at being Political Correctness
The story gets dry, The female love interests are boring and unattractive and the combat gets repetitive
I loved origins hated inquisition
$11 is a good price if you liked it considering you get all the DLC - but im not sure if it was this or fable 3 that disappointed me more for games i anticipated