This was posted 7 years 6 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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$0 eBook: Complete English Grammar for Dummies - An Easy to Use Guide

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By Isabel Parry, 239 pages, published July 24, 2017

Amazon's Description:

Getting a handle on the complexities of English language doesn’t have to be tricky, and this complete guide separates everything in ways that bode well. Revealing guidelines, tips and traps to wipe out perplexity and pick up clearness. Complete Guide to English Grammar for Dummies gives you all that you need to speak with certainty.
Great sentence structure establishes the framework for talking and composing plainly. This easy to use book will enable you to be more expressive and effective communicator. Covering everything form building structure of a sentence to those annoying standards of punctuations, it offers the useful direction you need to impart in a way that would make any English teacher pleased.

From Book Cover
Structure sentence correctly
Communicate effectively
Parts of speech
Writing composition and use of punctuations
Do you wish your words were more expressive and less tasking to understand? This basic guide helps you comprehend grammar use so you can refine your English language skills. Covering building of everything from building of a sentence to those annoying tenets of punctuation. It offers the useful direction you need to convey in a way that would make any English teacher glad.

From inside…
Grasp Parts of speech
Analysis of sentence
Grammatical order of words
Sentence building
Learn to punctuate properly
Avoid common mistakes
Grasp pronoun case agreement
Writing clear compositions

eBook is free at time of posting. Please check price before buying.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    You left out a comma

    • -1

      You left out a hyphen.

    • You should (full) stop.

  • thnks for the share grababargin … much appreciated

  • +3

    Me English good.

  • +1

    gonna learn me a things.

  • Grasp Parts of speech

    Whoa, this is advanced stuff!

    • It certainly can be - the typical semantic definitions given in primary school (e.g. "a noun is a person, place or thing") are far too simplistic and in many cases don't work. In linguistics, open class parts of speech are defined distributionally, with respect to morphology and syntax (e.g. "verbs can be negated", "only nouns inflect for plural").

  • +5

    Should of brought one…

  • This good deal thanks

  • Mongo like grandma book

  • +7

    Government spent millions on improving literacy in schools in the last 3 years. But it's all gone backwards.

    Probablee cheeper to re ryt thee inglish langwidge.

    When phonics isn't spelt's probably a sign.

  • Fanks op:)

  • +4

    Getting a handle on the complexities of the English language doesn’t have to be tricky, and this complete guide separates everything in ways that bode well. Revealing guidelines, tips and traps to wipe out perplexity and pick up clearness. Complete Guide to English Grammar for Dummies gives you all that you need to speak with certainty.
    Great sentence structure establishes the framework for talking and composing plainly. This easy to use book will enable you to be a more expressive and effective communicator. Covering everything formfrom building the structure of a sentence to those annoying standards of punctuations, it offers the useful direction you need to impart in a way that would make any English teacher pleased.

    From Book Cover
    Structure sentences correctly
    Communicate effectively
    Parts of speech
    Writing composition and use of punctuations
    Do you wish your words were more expressive and less tasking to understand? This basic guide helps you comprehend grammar use so you can refine your English language skills. Covering the building of everything from the building of a sentence to those annoying tenets of punctuation. It offers the useful direction you need to convey in a way that would make any English teacher glad.

    From inside…
    Grasp Parts of speech
    Analysis of sentences
    Grammatical order of words
    Sentence building
    Learn to punctuate properly
    Avoid common mistakes
    Grasp pronoun case agreement
    Writing clear compositions

    It would behoove the Amazon writers to read this book.

    • -1

      You mean "the" book.

    • -3

      It would behoovebehave the Amazon writers to read this book.

      • -1


        to be worthwhile to, as for personal profit or advantage:
        It would behoove you to be nicer to those who could help you.

        • -1

          It wouldwood behoovebehave the Amazon writers totwo readreed this book.

        • totwo bebee worthwhileworthwile totoo, asaz forfour personal profit oroar advantage: It wouldwood behoovebehave youewe totwo bebee nicer totwo those whohoo could help youu.

    • +1


      About the Author
      Isabel Paryy has more than 20years of teaching experience. She has authored more than 10books

      Spelling your name right could also help.

      This also isn't an official For Dummies book. While it does seem that she is a legit English teacher (co-authored a couple of books), she is using the For Dummies name & Book cover without authorisation. There is no intro or copyright info in the ebook. Seems odd.

  • +1

    I ain't not never seen nuffink like this nowhere.

  • I no need no stiiinking Gran'ma

  • Me fail english? That's unpossible

  • so the "for dummies" phrase isnt trademark?

  • +1

    "By Isabel Parry, 239 pages, published July 24, 2017"

    Is it just me who feels for Isabel Parry? I mean she's probably invested a truckload of time, sweat and effort into compiling this book and told everyone who she knows about her book's release and also told them to spread the word to everyone they know. It then is released and a few weeks later becomes a freebie - not even in the bargain basement bin.

    • +2

      It's a common tactic. Set it as free (promote on social media, bargain sites) to increase your ranking for certain keyword and categories. Once you get to the top, remove from free and make it $2.99. Now when Amazon customers search for whatever or browse eBook categories, the book comes up at the top of listigs. Money rolls in.

      Found this article the other day which mentions OzBargain. That's a very good and detailed explanation.

  • What a joke, a grammar book with grammatical mistakes on the front page.

  • +1

    Thanks, brought one.
    I bought it to my friends place to help improve there English.

  • Would be awesome for The Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too.

  • +1

    Price is back to $3.99?

  • +1

    US link…so…not English?

  • I'm pretty confident that this IS NOT an approved For Dummies title. Look at that nasty, fake cover, then compare it against this actual, For Dummies Grammar book, which is actually listed on the For Dummies site.

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