Recommendation for Good Online Photo Printing Service

Hey guys

I want to print about 100 photos a month of 6x4 prints. I just prefer having physical copies to look at rather than screen stuff.

Happy to pay up to 30c a print including the delivery cost. Must be online as I dont feel like going to a store. Must be better quality than your average bigw/officeworks/harvey norman

I know snapfish offer 50 for like $3 every month, but I dont mind paying extra for quality prints.

Anyone have any recommendations?


  • +1
    US based, and price in US dollars, but really good stuff…..

  • +1

    I've heard good things about Nushots, who are based in Braeside, VIC. They're offering 50 free prints for signing up to their newsletter so I'm going to give them a try. Delivery starts from $6+ but pickup is also available for free.

    • +1

      Yep, another vote here for Nushots. Use them all the time and the quality of the print and colours is far superior to snapfish/harvey norman etc.

    • Thanks. I'll give them a go too

    • +1

      Just reporting back from the 50 free prints I got. They are excellent! fast service too

      I also happened to get my snapfish prints at the same time and they are horrid. I dont know who would want to pay for their prints

      • What did you think of the quality? I just got mine and some of my photos are a hit and miss… Most of the landscape photos look like they've been "un"-sharpened, the outlines look unclear and 'blurry'. But I must say the quality of the paper is very good and they don't over-saturate the colours.

        • Actually now that you mentioned it. I did notice that.

          Its almost like they used a program to down sample to a smaller resolution? Im not sure maybe ill email them to see whats up.

        • @phocus: I really want to like their prints since they're so close to me, but the quality is making it hard. Let me know their reply :)

  • Seriously its not that hard to go in store, unless its those wink wink type of photos……

    You can print from home, just head to store when they're ready.

    • That's fine if I was after chain store quality and they had stores all over. However I'm after a bit more quality and thus would assume they only have few locations and I do not have the time to treck across town for some photos.

      Unless the place is close to where I live or work I'm not really interested

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