This was posted 7 years 7 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] 102.9c/L Unleaded 91 Petrol UNITED DANDENONG CENTRAL


I drove past the last couple of nights… This petrol station has just opened, so I assume it's an opening price special. Not sure how long it will last.
100 Cheltenham Road, DANDENONG, VIC

Unleaded E10 100.9c/L
Unleaded 91 102.9c/L
Premium 95 114.4c/L
Premium 98 121.4c/L
Diesel 104.9c/L
Gas 54.9c/L

Related Stores

United Petroleum
United Petroleum

closed Comments

  • +3

    Ticks me off how servos never put their 95 price.

    • +3

      and their 98.

      • +1

        98 is 18c more than the listed 91 price
        from memory 95 is 12c more

        but yeah would be handy having them on the board

        • 16c premium in Melbourne for 98 is the norm for my area with bp and 7-11. Shell and Caltex tend to screw you more.

          I've used united 98 quite a bit when other brands are more exxie in my turbocharged car. Imho it doesn't quite feel as peppy as when I use other brands.

          Again imho my preferred is 7/11 (Mobil).

          But this is still cheap for the current price cycle in Melbourne

        • @butwhy: I believe united uses Mobil fuel.

          I have met several people who claim BP is the best, and won't touch other brands.

          I don't have a turbo so I don't worry myself, I use 95 where available

    • How much was E85?

      • bout 140

    • its that because you are ticklish

  • Filled with E10 for 101.7c/Litre in Lake Macquarie NSW on Wednesday afternoon.
    Local average is about 107.9c
    Local high price is 137.9c

    • 95.9c at Metro Sandgate of a night.

    • E10 Was 90c at Tarro yesterday on Petrol Spy (united??)

  • Was a $1 around brisbane the other day. now its all back to $1.30 :(

    • +2

      gotta love the variance.

  • +23

    Not really a discount if you end up having to buy a new car once it's stolen.

    • +2

      Even better, get paid more than I would selling

    • Dandenong isnt too bad anymore. Haven't really seen anything too bad for the past 10 years. Maybe 1 robbery? and possibly a naked guy at Dandenong

      • you evidently have never heard of something called apex gang

        • Which has been a worry for pretty much all suburbs but Dandenong, ironically

        • @ZloyKrys: Don't shit where you eat

  • +3

    Should be dropping under $1 a litre soon anyway……

    (plenty of places selling for around $1.04 in Adelaide at the moment)

    • +3

      Something tells me either the supplier or the servos will just pocket the savings and not drop the prices.

      When oil prices drop, they try to counter the drop also by cutting production and increasing its scarcity.

    • +2

      The fall in petrol prices in Australia has been partly attributed to a global surge in oil supply following increased production in Libya, combined with the strengthening Australian dollar.

      Oh yes, another lovely country bombed by US forces under false pretenses. Surely not for its resources. A handful profit on war and our taxes pay for it all.

  • Will drop by with my jerry cans lol

    • Don't be that guy.

    • +4

      Are you going to sell the petrol on eBay, Broden?

      • -1

        Cheaper to buy a T90 container tank which will include the container bowser module, have it all wired up and buy fuel via wholesale. Then resell at +5c and make a killing.

      • Nah I have jerry cans for when i hit the race track already. Might as well stock up if I am filling up the car anyways.

  • I've been paying around 93 cents E10 for the past 4 weeks 😏😏

  • +2

    Great deal, considering the Melbourne average is currently 123.8 Looks like a new servo, which is probably why they have the big discount, so everyone knows it's there and that they are open.

  • aww no E85???

  • what's the price at costco VIC at the moment?

    Seriously why are VIC getting screwed when everyone else is circa 100c?

    • Loaded Trolley says 111.7, but not sure when it was last updated.
      RACV says between 113.8 and 118.8

    • Always like that, I went to sydney few month ago, every where selling around 100c, but VIC were selling for 13x, I through we will get same price soon, but never see the price drop in few weeks.

    • 109 for Unlead, 110 for Diesel as of a few hours ago.

  • Wouldn't trust this petrol. BP ultimate is the best

    • Really why is BP the best?

      • -4

        Cleans your engine while maximises performance. You get more mileage with BP ultimate than others, it's proven.

        • +5

          Proven by who? BP's marketing department?

          Caltex offers 'Fitness Fuels', which claim to offer all the benefits of BP's 98 (clean injectors, etc).

          Shell claims to offer even more benefits than BP, such as 'Friction Modification Technology (FMT)'

          Heck, even Costco claims to clean your fuel system as you drive by using special additives

          A double blind, accurately measured test over the same track under the same conditions is required to test for better mileage. There are plenty of people claiming X fuel is the best, but these tests are subjective at best.

        • U got no idea,it's all marketing b.s.

          U get what u pay for, if u buy cheap u get e10 if you pay much more then it's your 98 premium

        • As far as I know, these companies transfer fuel between each other, so you are using the fuel from the same place some time regardless the brand….

        • This comment sponsored by BP®

  • United in Fitzroy, VIC (390 Nicholson St) also has price around 102.9. Saw this morning.

    • I've noticed the Metro Petroleum station on the corner of Nicholson and Princes not far from the United tends to always have much cheaper prices than the others. I reckon that United is directly competing with them.

      • I pass by every day. Usually the Metro is cheaper than the United BUT I did notice this week that the United was even cheaper… which hasn't happened in the last year. Sometimes it's worth an extra cent difference to avoid the madness that is the Metro. Seen quite a lot of queuing rage there, as it is well known to be the cheapest petrol in the area.

  • dam thats cheap LPG
    over 82.9c per litre in W.A

    • -1

      if you want free gas come to my place after breakfast. I'm planning to have baked beans.

  • +5

    Petrol Spy can save you heaps for a few seconds of your time looking up your locals… There is also a phone app.
    Common to find a servo around here 30c lt cheaper than the others.

  • price match!

  • +2

    I'm still using the GPS spoofing hack with the 7-Eleven app, in combination with these price cycle charts and then either FuelCheck NSW if cheaper in NSW (usually is) or PetrolSpy if cheaper in VIC. Looks like 7-Eleven can stop fake GPS apps on Android but can't stop you simulating location using Xcode on iOS.

    • You mean jailbroken ios? I have an old iphone 4s. It stopped working on my Samsung s6 since ages ago.

      • Nah I haven't jailbroken, I just made a blank app project in Xcode, then played around with GPX files to simulate location, which then carries over when you switch to the 7-Eleven Fuel Lock app. Here's the article that I followed. Used that GPSVisualizer website to generate the first GPX file, now I just change the lat and long coordinates and save.

  • +1

    This is a new servo close to me, better go for a fill tomrorow

    • same need to go fill up

  • Another Caltex petrol station a bit more down the road near Parkmore is also usually cheap. Same price if i remember correctly

  • Why is the tag on the photo you uploaded "ballsack"

    • Some softie reported this bargain, maybe for ballsack.. fragile world we are in

  • Love it. The Shell station 500m down the road has had a bit of a monopoly for years. Finally, some competition. They were still 116.9c/L today -> Let's see how long that lasts.

  • Metro Carlton is cheaper and much closer to the city. 100.90 there (on Wed/Thurs night). No 98, though.

  • I got 98 at 1.32c today at coles express, then had a 4c off docket, targeted 10c off deal, then flybuys and amex points. Felt happy about buying petrol for once! Even with all the discounts, I still feel like paying over $1 for petrol these days with the oil price so low and our dollar relatively high.

  • I'm lucky, I live in Lake Macquarie where for weeks petrol prices have been 100.7 (E10), 102.7 (91), 113.7 (95) and 118.7 (98).

    I generally use 95, my 7-Eleven yesterday hiked prices for 95 up to 144.7 but thanks to the app I still filled up at 113.7

    Apart from that one 7-Eleven, all other servos including other 7-Elevens are still at the above cheap price.

    The Lake Macquarie suburbs are: Charlestown, Gateshead, Belmont suburbs.

    One of those servos briefly dipped to 88c (E10) last week too but only for an hour or so, by the time I heard about it the price was already back to normal. Maybe I should have posted a deal on it, those prices still stand today. I'm locking in another price with 7-Eleven today.

  • I drove past again last night (27.07.17) and the prices are still the same

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