—- DEAL UPDATE 13th August 2017 —-
The previous deal from July sold out early so get in quickly.
Expires 30th September for the Avios via Groupon and 31st August for the bonus avios via IberiaPluStore so you need to get in quickly before 31st August 2017.
Great opportunity for those that missed out last time or wished they’d bought more.
—- END OF UPDATE 13th August —-
OK This is a killer deal in terms of savings of 85% off the price of domestic Business Class Fares.
Example - book a $2148 return fare for $316.76 or one way in business class for $158.33
Melbourne to Perth - $332.71 in Business Class one way.
But (and a very big BUT) it requires some effort. It's not for the faint hearted or the lazy but it gets you sitting up front for way less including lounge access, priority boarding etc.
All the details are in the linked page, step by step with screenshots but there are a number of hoops to go through.
It basically involves doing the following:
* 1. Sign up with OneWorld and Qantas Partners Iberia.com and BA.com (you'll need to borrow a UK address for Iberia.com)
* 2. Go to Groupon.es (Spanish site) via the shopping portal at Iberia.com. They give you extra points (avios) for buying through them as the affiliate. 13 per 1 EUR spent
* 3. Buy their Avios Deal for 8000 Avios for EUR99 and accept them into your Iberia.com Avios Account.
* 4. Send your avios to British Airways (fully exchangeable currency)
* 5. Book Qantas flights using Avios.
If you don't have BA.com and Iberia.com frequent flyer accounts then both accounts need to be open for 90 days before transferring avios and booking your flights
Summary of the Process with all the steps is on the webpage linked
Some of the steps are in Spanish - google translate translate.google.com is your friend here.
Please read that first before asking any questions as they all should be answered there.
80% of people will probably find this too hard but the hard core ozbargainers who get through it will reap the rewards.
The Avios are also good for short intra Asia Flights where it's arguably more worthwhile travelling business class.
I make nothing from this deal, but please sign up to the mailing list on the site if you find this useful and want to hear about more hacks like this in the future.
If I've missed anything, please let me know. I redeemed myself the other day without any issues.
Also the packs sell out so don't delay if you want to buy them. If the 8000 avios pack has sold out then try others.
Until 30/09/2017 to redeem the coupon for your Avios. Once exchanged, no modifications or cancellations will be accepted.
Purchase limit HAS CHANGED this time : Limit 1 coupon per Iberia card for ALL options so if you need more then buy one of the bigger avios options:
4.000 Avios Iberia Plus 59 €
8.000 Avios Iberia Plus 99 €
15.000 Avios Iberia Plus 189 €
20.000 Avios Iberia Plus 249 €
34.000 Avios Iberia Plus 429 €
This table is a helpful comparison for international OW flights not on BA/IB
Sometimes IB can be better but mostly it seems BA is best.