Overseas License Verification Taking Too Long in Victoria

TLD;R - Overseas license verification moving at snail's pace. Complaining to Vicroads doesn't help. Will I get relief if I reach out to Ombdusman?

Long story. I moved into Victoria in Mid-Feb for a couple of days for my PR, then went back to my home country and came back again in April. Now as per VicRoads, I can drive on my overseas license for 6 months from time of entry, i.e. till Mid-August.

Last month I went for my online test and they couldn't verify my overseas license and sent it to head office saying it will take between 2 to 8 weeks. After about a week, I got impatient and called them to check the status. They mentioned that licenses from end of March are still being verified. I left it for a few weeks and after a month I called them again recently and they're saying now licenses from 1st week of April are being verfied.

At this rate, my license verification could take several months potentially and my deadline to stop driving is arriving. So, I went to VicRoads website and requested that either they move me up the Q for verification or extend my 6 month time allowed to drive. No response. When I called back after a week, they said that the complaint has not been assigned even to anybody. As per VicRoads website, they are supposed to address the complaint within 7 days and if i'm not happy, I can ask that it be escalated to a senior vicroad officer. When I mentioned this on the phone, the guy said he was a senior officer and nothing can be done in my case. Though he said he can take a complaint again.

Now forward to 1 week and I haven't heard anything yet. I went to the VicRoads office in person as well and they said nothing more can be done.

Now, I can raise my problem to the Ombdusman saying nothing is being done in my case. But from where I come from, such a move would be disastrous. I would never get my license in my home country if I try to complain against the government. Is it the same in Australia as well? Will I be targeted for complaining? Do I have no option but just to shut my mouth and wait for the several months it may take to get my license verified before I go for my drive test?


  • +4

    Whether or not it gets done on time, document ever every single interaction and every single piece of communication sent/received.

    It will come in handy if you somehow ended up fighting a charge of unlicensed driving in court.

    • Other issues also at play here. My insurance company won't cover any accidents I suppose if I continue driving beyond mid August

  • The VicRoads web site says:

    If your overseas drivers licence is from a Recognised Country or a country where driving experience is recognised you do not need to take a test

    Since you say you're taking a test, it would seem that your overseas driving experience is not being recognised.

    Therefore, why does your overseas licence need to be verified?

    Is VicRoads stopping you from doing the tests?

    • The way I read it, they are worried about driving… I'd get something in writing from VicRoads as to what is going on. At least then if you get pulled over , you can show something.

      I'd be booking in your test asap

    • See my comments below. I cannot book my test until this is sorted or I get a L and wait 3 months

      • Hey, I'm going through the same issue with Vic roads regarding the overseas license verification. Can you tell me how long it took for the verification back when you were facing the issue and any tips on how to get it processed faster? Thanks much in advance

  • You could always look to getting your P licence and then getting that converted to a full licence when the verification is complete.

    • Need an L licence and 3 month waiting period to do that

  • +4

    and sent it to head office saying it will take between 2 to 8 weeks.


    After about a week, I got impatient and called them to check the status

    See point above. Why do you think it'll be done after 1 week when they say upto 8 weeks!?

    I can raise my problem to the Ombdusman saying nothing is being done in my case

    You could, but has it been 8 weeks? If not, you're just being silly.

    Do I have no option but just to shut my mouth and wait for the several months it may take to get my license verified

    They did say 8 weeks, aka 2 months. So yes, you do need to just SYM and wait.

    • Please read timelines below. It's already been a month. The only reason I'm trying to speed up the process is because I cannot drive after mid August. I have no other issues with waiting and at the current rate it doesn't seem likely to happen

      In fact at the current rate it would take 4 months. Maybe you think it's fair but I don't

  • from where I come from, such a move would be disastrous

    Nah mate, that sort of bullshit isn't tolerated here; I would have no concerns whatsoever regarding that.

    Get onto the Victorian Ombudsman (disclaimer; that was the one I had to use for my last Vicroads complaint, may have changed) and light a fire under 'em.
    Wait, it's been a week? This is also the kind of bullshit we don't tolerate here. Wait ya turn.

    In the meantime, please enjoy this classic piece of audio: https://soundcloud.com/angrycaller01/angry-vicroads-caller

    • It's been a month

      Did you get any help going to the ombudsman?

      Vicroads are now started getting rude on the phone after my complaint which is why I'm thinking of just backing off. Seems government agencies all over the world have a similar approach of intimidating people to get their way

      • +1

        They're probably being rude as you keep hassling them four weeks into something you were told would take 8 weeks.

        Nobody's intimidating you; you're being impatient and are threatening ombudsman action despite being clearly told of timeframes and the process being well within these.

        Seems government agencies all over the world have a similar approach of intimidating people to get their way

        You are the one being intimidating towards them to get your way. How can you not see this?

        • Why is it an harassment when I call to check on the status?

          How can I be intimidating when it's a request to either speed up my process due to my circumstances or give me an extension to drive beyond the 6 month validity

        • +1

          @zooter: Mate you're delusional. You are threatening them with ombudsman action when you're only halfway to the end of the timeframe they quoted. You're demanding escalations for issues literally ONE WEEK into a clearly stated 8-week process.

          You sound really arrogant mate; maybe take a step back and think about how you're behaving.

    • Thank you for the link, made my friday even better.

  • +2

    How many weeks are we into the 8 week process?

    • 1 month

      • +3

        Ok, lets wait another 4 weeks

  • When I did the same procedure years ago with VicRoads, they had the option of either them doing the verification (which they told me would take time as it has to go through the consulate of my home country) or me doing it for them, which is what I opted for.
    Maybe this might be an option for you if VicRoads still allow this?

    • I checked. This is no longer an option

  • indian and asian countries typically take a lot longer.

    • Nothing to do with that. My licence is at the bottom of the Q. Hence the delay while it comes to the top of the Q to start the verification process

      • yeah it is. they need to make sure you can actually drive.

        • -1

          yes, but it really shouldn't take months for them to "start verifying" my license. I don't have an issue if my verification takes time, but the fact that to get to my verification will take months!

          If VicRoads is a publicly funded company, this is real waste of tax payers money if they delay so much and inconvenience to thousands

      • Do you think that it belong anywhere other than at the bottom of the queue?

        • yes you start at the bottom of the queue. But if your circumstances are different, surely you can request for speedy process?

        • @zooter: Why are your circumstances different? Do you know everyone else's circumstances?

          In addition to sounding arrogant (as per my other comment), you also sound entitled.

      • +3

        My licence is at the bottom of the Q

        They might be doing them in alphabetical order.

        Yours would be a long way down.

  • to clarify a few points

    1. I'm 1 month into the 8 week waiting period. Only licensed from 8th April are being verified now. Mine was submitted on mid June. Only 2 weeks of licenses verified over the past 1 month. My verification will happen at this rate after several more months

    2. I cannot do drive test unless licence is verified

    3. Even though my overseas licence isnt recognised the reason for verification is to give me full licence than p plates as I have held overseas licence for 5+ years and am above 25

    4. Vicroads are now saying turnaround time is 3 months and weren't you told about this? Pretty rude people work there btw

    5. I cannot book my drive test till this is resolved.

    6. Only other option for me is to take a learners licence in which case as well I have to wait for 3 months to book my test and also need a licensed driver sitting besides me

    For all those who say wait my turn, read my timeline of how long it seems to be taking

    • +1

      "Seems to be"

      You are literally complaining about something that hasn't happened yet.

      • well, at the rate at which versification are going, there doesn't seem to be much chance that I'll get mine verified before August.

        So, i should rather wait till I cannot drive anymore and then start complaining?

        • +2

          Yes. Driving is a privilege, not a right. If you have 6-months validity, why did you wait until four of those had elapsed to verify it?

        • @picklewizard:

          Instead of just simply replying take a moment to read the full history

          I moved to Victoria mid April and got a residence only end of April

          So it was only a month and half before I started the process

          Sorry to break your bubble but you're the one being rude here

          Nobody is threatening any action here. I'm taking the opinion of people whether I should do something else but obviously it is not the best course of action to take advice from the internet

          Why are you getting touchy? Are you working for a government organisation that works at snails pace as well?

        • @zooter: I can see that you'd take it personally, but I'm just telling you how your behaviour and attitude is coming off (and likely why you're being treated the way you are by VicRoads).

          Again though, you choose to dismiss what is being said, which is the crux of the issue.

        • @picklewizard:

          mate, I understand your point. But try to understand mine as well. I just called after a week to check the status. Then followed up with another call 2 weeks down. Only as the month drew to a close, I started getting panicky that it's not going to be done in 8 weeks and started complaining, requesting for expedited process etc.

          Believe me, i'm very patient and i'm just giving the gist which seems to put my behavior in a bad light

  • Mate, I am on the same boat, I submitted my license 4 weeks back and on enquiring status vicroads told they are still processing the licenses of 11 April.

    Did you received any response on verfification ?

    I also came to across many cases where after 4 months of verification, VICROADs declared overseas license invalid. Where as all these failed verification people are able to view the authenticity of their overseas license on respective country's website. I am worried because of their verification process. Not sure how they are verifying.

    In case of failed license verification, person has to purchase L and wait for 3 months to give the drive test ( also he can't drive on overseas license )

    • as everybody is saying, just suck up to Australian rules mate…otherwise you'll be called "Entitled", "rude", "offensive" etc. etc. As you and me are from overseas, this is the treatment that VicRoads gives to us

  • Just because someone from VicRoads is delaying your right to drive in this country doesn't mean he/she is in the right. This is Australia and you do have a right to drive in this country. It's not a privelege, it is your right to be able to use the roads your car registration pays for. Anyone who tells you less needs to educate themselves. The ombudsman is there to oversee these kinds of issues. If everything the government bodies do was legal and honest then we wouldn't have an ombudsman watching over it. Make sure every interaction with VicRoads is in writing. Emails always work better, as phone conversations are ignored by the ombudsman as there is no validity.
    VicRoads is known to reject a lot of overseas license and call them fake. Even though they are 100% real. They usually take 3 months to get back to you with a result that it's a fake license. I guess they make more money by making you start all over again than to issue international license.
    If you want to fight it always take it to the ombudsman. This goes for everything in life, not just VicRoads. There is always a body that oversees companies to make sure what they are doing is lawful. From phone companies to electricity to even Centrelink. There is an independent body that watches over it. The good thing about Australia is that the small guy is always protected. Don't listen to what most these people have to say on this forum, they're the ones that rent their whole life and never get ahead.
    We aren't the most legislated country for no reason, use it to your advantage.

    • +1

      Thanks for your info, i just got the news that my license could not be verified, so it sucks! And thanks to all who said don't be entitled. Guess only the corrupt idiots working at vicroads have a right to be entitled!

      • Got the same response for me as well. Not sure what to do now.

      • If I were in your position, I would already have lodged a formal complaint online with VicRoads, followed by a complaint to the Victorian Ombudsman.



        • Thanks. I have raised a complaint with Vicroads now. If they do not fix it then I will raise it with ombudsman

          • @groot: Hey, I'm going through the same issue with Vic roads regarding the overseas license verification. Can you tell me how long it took for the verification back when you were facing the issue and any tips on how to get it processed faster? Thanks much in advance

            • @Chats88: well, it was a long process…i had to get somebody in India to go to the RTO and ask them to send an email…maybe now the process has changed

  • That's super weird, I am from QLD and my overseas license verification happened on the spot during my appointment.

    • Well, probably they had license issued from jurisdictions known for rampant fraudulent paperwork. Was unheard of among my friend and my wife who all get verified on the spot with vicroads, all they need was a naati approved translation.

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